
Chapter 174 - Chen Lihua Makes Dinner.

Chen Lihua saw that they were uncomfortable, and so asked them to pretend she was not there, but how in the world is that possible?

So, Chen Lihua sighed and left the kitchen after a while as she saw them make more mistakes because of their nervousness.


The evening of the next day, Chen Lihua went to the supermarket. She came back with shopping bags filled with different types of vegetables.

She went into the kitchen directly to keep those bags.

"Madam you would have asked me or any of the servants to buy things for you. You only need to make a list, and the job is done". The housekeeper said worriedly.

"No problem. I like shopping personally whenever I want to cook". Chen Lihua answered mildly.

"Don\'t touch anything there, I will do the work myself". Chen Lihua said and left the kitchen to go and freshen up (to bath and wear a comfortable outfit).

The housekeeper had a look of shock on her face as she couldn\'t believe her ears. She must have thought that Chen Lihua didn\'t know how to cook.

But the housekeeper couldn\'t just leave the kitchen, so she stood there and waited till Chen Lihua came back looking refreshed.

Chen Lihua entered the kitchen wearing, a three-quatre short, and comfortable polo.

She put on a pretty apron she bought for herself and got ready to work.

"Aunty you can leave the kitchen, I will be in charge of dinner for tonight". Chen Lihua said helplessly.

She was indeed surprised to see the housekeeper still standing in the kitchen 20 minutes later.

Since her Mistress told her that the dinner was on her, there\'s nothing she would say that would make her have a change of mind.

But she was not foolish enough to leave the kitchen while her Mistress was still there, it\'s not like she wanted to lose her job, so she would as well stay there to assist her.

Seeing that the housekeeper refused to move an inch and had a pleading look on her face, Chen Lihua finally relented. She told her she could stay to help out.

So the housekeeper happily took all the vegetables and foodstuffs from the bags.

When the other servants responsible for helping out in the kitchen found out that their Mistress was in the kitchen, and that too - preparing dinner, they hurriedly found their way to the kitchen.

It\'s not actually their fault because Chen Lihua decided to make dinner herself without saying anything to them, and she was preparing the dinner early.

Chen Lihua looked on as she saw four servant girls enter the kitchen. She had a look of helplessness on her face.

Since she couldn\'t chase them out, she just let them stay and assigned tasks to them.

Two servants washed the vegetables while the other two cut them. The housekeeper was tasked to boil rice, and so that way, all were busy.

The two servants in charge of cutting the vegetables (carrots, red/green/yellow bell peppers, broccoli, white onion, green beans, etc.), cut them in cubes according to Chen Lihua\'s instructions.

Chen Lihua had to monitor them from time to time to make sure they did their work according to her instructions.

"Madam, what size should I cut the chicken into?" A servant asked after washing the 2 big whole frozen chicken.

"Cut them into medium pieces. Not big, not small". Chen Lihua instructed, and the servant got to work.

After Chen Lihua put the chicken pieces in a pot that was already on fire, she put the herbs (bay leaf and rosemary) and spices (ginger, garlic, turmeric, pepper, and salt, etc.).

The herbs were fresh because she bought them from the supermarket. As for the spices, she got them from one of the shelves in the kitchen.

The servants thought she would ask them where the spices were kept, but Chen Lihua directly went to that shelf, opened it and took the spices.

The manner at which she did that suggested that she knew her way around in the kitchen, that is she is very familiar with the things in the kitchen.

But since they were quick-witted, they grasped the situation by recalling that their Mistress came into the kitchen yesterday afternoon to watch them.

The housekeeper observed from the side. She couldn\'t help but say with a genuine smile. "Madam you shouldn\'t have watched us yesterday just to know were the condiments and utensils are kept. You just have to ask us, and we will show you or get what you want for you".

"That\'s not a big deal. I don\'t like being frustrated in the kitchen. And I like moving quickly in the kitchen with nothing delaying me". Chen Lihua answered.

The food was ready in an hour\'s time. Chen Lihua sent a servant to call Liu Longwei to come down for his dinner.

Liu Longwei has been in the study since 4 Pm, so he doesn\'t know about Chen Lihua going to the supermarket or preparing dinner.

Just when she sent the servant away, she remembered that she left her phone in the bedroom, so she went upstairs to get it. And by the time she came downstairs, Liu Longwei was already sitting at the dining, and she heard him asking about her.

"Am right here". Chen Lihua answered as she walked towards him.

Since the dining was filled with the aroma from the food, Liu Longwei couldn\'t tell that she cooked the food if not, he would have been able to tell from the smell on her body as she walked past him.

"The servant told me you asked me to come down for dinner. So I came down and didn\'t see you". Liu Longwei said and took a sip from the glass of water while staring at the dishes on the table.

"Sorry about that. I left my phone in the room, so I had to go pick it up". Chen Lihua apologized.

By mere seeing the way Liu Longwei was staring at the food, you would definitely misunderstand by thinking he didn\'t like it, not knowing that he hasn\'t eaten that type of food before in his house apart from when he traveled out and something similar to that.

So he was wondering if the servants got a new recipe or something else. 

But Chen Lihua misunderstood that look of confusion on his face. So thinking he didn\'t like it, she asked worriedly, "You don\'t like the food?"

She asked because she thought it would be a waste if he didn\'t like it since she cooked because of him, as she had promised to cook for him on their first date.

"I like it". Liu Longwei answered and nodded.

"Then that\'s good because I thought my efforts have been wasted, but luckily you like what you are seeing". Chen Lihua said with a smile as she served him the white rice in a flat ceramic plate before pouring the gravy on top of the rice. She placed a piece of chicken lap and a boiled egg on one side of the plate.

Liu Longwei looked at Chen Lihua with surprise and asked, "You made it?"

"Yes, are you surprised?" Chen Lihua asked as she served herself some food before sitting down.

"Of course I am". Liu Longwei answered with a big smile on his face as he picked his cutlery.

Sending a spoon of the food into his mouth, he chewed on it and savored the taste at the same time.

Seeing that big smile on his face as he ate the food, Chen Lihua smiled as well and asked happily, "Do you like the food?"

Liu Longwei nodded satisfactorily, "The food is delicious".

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