
Chapter 1798 - Fel Reaver

Chapter 1798: Fel Reaver

The deer jumped around the forest’s guardian and yelped in happiness. Lu Li suspected that it was telling on him while laughing at him.

“Congratulations, you have already completed my quest,” Remulos smiled as he finished listening to the deer’s recount, then announced that Lu Li had completed the quest.

“Sadly, I only saved a very small portion.”

“That’s okay. This quest isn’t about how many you saved. Even if it was one, then you could also complete it. Even if you could save all the fish, you still could have failed the quest too.”

Lu Li felt his sweat turn cold. He rejoiced that he didn’t bully the deer.

So, it turned out that the standard that judged if he had completed the quest was set by this seemingly infant little animal.

“If you crush this badge, you can go to the Outlands, but you need to understand that this is a one way route. You can’t come back to this land until the Dark Portal has been completely fixed,” Remulos said.

“Yes, I understand.”

Only one person could go over. And if they went over, they couldn’t come back, so Lu Li didn’t want to play with luck.

There were barely any people seen in the Outlands and there were few times it was open to the public.

The Outlands and Draenor used to be the hometown of Orcs. The Outlands used to be full of vitality like Azeroth, but the demon, Kil’jaeden, invaded this place. Kil’jaeden couldn’t control Draenor from this place, so he deceived the Orcs leader, Ner’zhul.

Ner’zhul brought power and peace to the Orcs. He believed the demon naively and let the Orcs drink the cursed water, which turned their skin green. Only the Mag’Har Orcs still maintained the original traditions of the Orcs. The Orcs turned bloodthirsty and declared war with their old allies, the Draenei. It was then that Ner’zhul discovered the demon’s deception. He regretted all that he had done and betrayed Kil’jaedon. Kil’jaedon assisted the succeeding leader in order to control the Orcs, who was Gul’dan – the disciple of Ner’zhul.

Gul’dan and the strongest human mage, Medivh, opened the Dark Portal, allowing the Orcs to travel through it and start a war.

Due to the betrayal of Gul’dan, the tribe still failed in the end. Medivh’s student, Khadgar, closed the Dark Portal, but Ner’zhul came back and opened it again. He attempted to find the magical item of the Azeroth mainland in hope of finding fertile land for the Orcs.

Khadgar, Turalyon and the others joined forced and entered Daenor, and crushed Ner’zhul’s plans. Ner’zhul’s soul was found and tortured by Kil’jaedon, and in the end, he became the Lich King. Draenor had been crushed to pieces due to the pressure of such strong power. So, it was no longer Draenor, but instead the Outlands.

So, this was how the Outlands came to be.

First, Lu Li had to repair some equipment, then grab enough potions and scrolls from the guild warehouse. Then Lu Li brought the talisman to the Blasted Lands. The Blasted Lands in his eyes had also started to change shape.

The original place of ruins now had a massive return gate appear. After Lu Li crushed the talisman, he was sucked into the return gate.

The other side of the Dark Portal was the Hellfire Peninsula. As the name suggested, this was an of hellish dirtland. Here, Gul’dan had induced each of the Orc clans to drink the demon’s blood. This piece of land, like the Orcs’ skin colour, was left with a mark of decay. The once abundant land turned arid, barren and plants had started to wither. Those organisms who were fortunate enough to survive also mutated due to exposure to the evil powers.

Hellfire Peninsula was a part of Draenor. Before Draenor was destroyed, it was called Tanaan Jungle.

In the whole history of Dawn, this was the most ruthless and bloody area of land. You could see signs everywhere of the war and massacre that had occurred here before. Numerous people of Draenor had experienced a racial slaughter by the berserk and bloodthirsty Orcs.

The Hellfire Peninsula was now dry with no signs of life. Only the Dark Portal was still standing there. Yet, the Burning Legion still believed that this was a place of strategic importance and planned for this as the starting point to begin its expedition.

Now, in front of Lu Li’s eyes, besides the scenes of devastation, were many units of the Burning Legion.

They were patrolling in the area surrounding the Dark Portal, in order to guard against the Alliance and Horde Vanguard.

Lu Li had already made plans to infiltrate. If he stood here like an idiot, he would inexplicably be killed. Many players who just entered into the Outlands would all be killed here.

The engineers of Burning Legion had established a large quantity of Demonic Gateways. These gateways connected with legion camps of other Outland areas and could send demons to the frontlines at any time.

Bang bang bang!

Thunderous sounds boomed next to his ear. Lu Li’s face changed colour as he retreated from afar in alarm.

He ran to the high ground and turned around to see a massive monster walking over to where he had just stood.

Fel Reaver!

Lu Li recognised it straight away by its unique style.

He had once read in a book the description for this type of monster.

“A unique engine began to roar. Hellfire Peninsula’s red dirt trembled. Its robotic structure could emit a horrifying demonic light. We used to hide as we prayed that its green eyes hadn’t found us, but Thomas, a new soldier, due to fear or some other reason, ran to escape as soon as he laid eyes on the Burning Legion’s terrifying monster. Hence, he paid with his life. The legion’s robotic creature discovered him. Its metallic feet stomped on his bloody flesh and bones which gave off a crushing sound from far away. Even though I had participated in various battles with Orcs and demons, that scene still gives me nightmares.”

The Burning Legion’s first Fel Reaver was a product of the hard work and continuous sleepless nights of the sinister and talented Mo’arg Engineer. These massive mechanical-demon constructs stood over 30m tall.

Due to lacking the necessary construction materials, location and time, among other factors, the Fel Reaver was fortunately unable to join the Azeroth battle.

There were very few people or armies who could stop the progress of the Fel Reavers. They were seen as a sign of the power of the Legion. In reality, the Fel Reavers couldn’t really be used in battle. All those who had the luck of surviving after being in battle with one all mentioned in their reports how it was directed at the enemies of Burning Legion. People painted a picture of how it emitted death and destruction whilst levelling the seemingly firm strongholds and guard towers. This was enough to make the most confident soldiers crumble.

Lu Li’s number one goal was to grab a few Fel Reaver scrolls to help guard his Strongholds.

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