
Chapter 46 - -45<Return To Arcane City>

Arvin listened to the conversation of these three people for some time. They initially talked about capturing Lopt and then take back the weapon that he posses. Arvin assumed that there was no other person named Lopt another them himself on this floor. So that would mean that he posses a weapon that these guys wanted.

He was sure that they were all talking about his ax. It was a mysterious item when he got it and it is still a mysterious item now. It was highly durable which is weird for any weapon. Arvin once read a book about forensic science. In that book, it was mention that any weapons made of metals like steel or iron tend to get chipped or bent a little bit when they are slammed into a bone. The weapon might even lose its sharpness after some time. But nothing like that happened with this ax. ​​

Not to mention that ax got fixed when it absorbed two mana stones. No normal metal could do that. Plus the weird inscription inscribed on the ax. He was 100% sure that they were talking about his ax. But how the hell did they know about his ax. After all the only person that knows that Arvin posses this ax was…

\'JOSH.\' Arvin gasped.

{That old guy? Yeah, it makes sense, he was the only one that knew about you possessing the ax.} Lopt said while reading Arvin\'s thoughts.

Arvin was worried about Josh\'s safety. He was the only thing close to a family for Arvin. So without even thinking twice, Arvin flew away from the branch on which he was sitting. He then started making his way towards the Bonie village.

Arvin didn\'t understand the situation he was in. He was not thinking about any repercussions that he may face when reaching Bonie village. The only thing that he knew was that he has to check up on Josh. Arvin calculated how much time he had left till his transformation gets over.

According to his calculation, he had about 50 mins left for his transformation to be over. It would take around 15 mins to reach the bonie village and check up on Josh. He had a lot of time left to hide if he finds any problem.

While flying Arvin could only think of worse scenarios in his mind. The image of Josh being tortured over and over again was coming in front of his eyes…


When Arvin reached the Bonie village he flew straight towards Josh\'s home. From afar he could see that the lights of his house were off. Seeing the lights off of his house. Arvin started the worst things like maybe he is already dead or maybe someone is holding him captive there. A little part inside him wanted to believe that maybe he was fast asleep in his house but he knew the chances of that happening were close to none.

When Arvin reached the home he tried to peek inside the house. But he was unable to do so. There was no open window while the main door of his house was also locked. But when Arvin saw the main door of Josh\'s house he was greeted with two posters of himself stuck on the main door.

One of the posters offered a bounty of 500 gold coins for his head. A picture of himself was also stuck in that poster. That photo was an old photo when he used to have a scar on his face. In that poster, it was mentioned that he was wanted dead or alive and the fact that this poster was released by Alman of Arcane city.

While the poster was also his bounty poster. This one offered 1000 gold coins. This poster has his current photo. It was mentioned that he was wanted alive and this poster was released by the Cullen Family.

Seeing these posters Arvin understood what was happening. The folks that he met in the Kalgan forest were some sort of guests or master of the Cullen Family. They want the black ax that he possesses. While Alman was looking for him as he stole his mana stones.

\'This is Fu*ked up situation.\' Arvin thought.

{What will you do now?} Lopt asked

\'I guess that I may have to visit Cullen Family estate. That is the place from where I can get info about Josh.\'

{Do you where is the estate of Cullen Family?}

\'No. I have to gather information about its location. For that maybe I will have to visit Arcane city tomorrow.\'

{What now?}

\'Let\'s go to Arcane city. As I am already transformed now, I could easily sneak in.\'


With that Arvin started his journey towards Arcane city. Arvin had already thought about where he would go. While planning the heist, Arvin had scouted a certain godown that was not heavily guarded. It is in the outer city. The specialty about that godown was the fact that it stored chemicals used in clothes. So during the nighttime, someone hardly comes there.

Arvin went straight towards that godown. First, he made sure that no one was around there. As he was checked that the whole godown was empty he transformed back into a human. He wore his clothes and then fell asleep.


The next morning, when Arvin woke up he stretched his body a little bit. Then he started making plans about what he would need and what information that he needs to find out…

\'Lopt, I have a question in my mind.\'

{I am all ears.}

\'Why the hell is the duration of my transformation is same as before?\'

{That is because although you have gotten strong the amount of mana that your body holds is the same.}

\'Really? I thought that mana in my body increases as y body gets stronger.\'

{Yes and no… It was a very complicated matter. So it would be better that you leave this topic alone.}

\'Ok then.\'

If Arvin remembers correctly then he could mimic another human\'s face for about 4 and a half hours. So he had to settle everything that he needs to do within this period. Arvin then wore some of his clean clothes. He took some money and put it in his pockets. Then he transformed into a middle-aged man.

Arvin transformed himself into a cruel-looking middle-aged man. He had a mustache on his face and had brown skin. This face belonged to the watchman of Arvin\'s hostel back on earth. With his eidetic memory, Arvin remembers the full details of his face. So his transformation was an easy task for him. With that Arvin sneaked out of the godown and started walking towards the Arcane city\'s market.

After getting in the market, Arvin saw that every one of the stalls had a poster of him stuck on their stalls. He didn\'t know whether he should celebrate that he is famous or he should have a drink that there is a bounty on his head.

Arvin took a walk through a whole market. He bought spices for cooking, he bought some clothes for him and he also bought some cooking utensils. While shopping he also chatted with some shopkeepers about the posters that had been hanged all across the city.

Arvin found out that after his heist, Alman was so enraged that he ordered his troops to turn every stone in this city upside down to find him. His troops blatantly walked into the private houses of many merchants and nobles houses. But still when he did not find anything he killed all the men that were guarding the HQ that day.

Since then the city has not been the same. Soldiers constantly patrol the streets. And not many people are given entry inside the city. Other then that as far the Cullen family was concerned, some locals told Arvin that they came and forcibly took a woman to the Dwane city, the headquarters of the Cullen family.

Locals told him some bizarre tales that Cullen family soldiers kidnapped a hot beautiful woman from Bonie village. And that woman is supposed to be the lover of some rich brat of the Cullen family. And that guy in the poster was supposed to be the rap*st that ra*ped that poor woman over and over again. And then he ran away. Enraged with this the Cullen family gave out a heavy bounty for him.

Arvin understood that maybe this woman they are referring to was Josh. But due to the bizarre imaginations of the local population what happened to Josh got converted into this story. But he didn\'t care about that. He got the main information that he was looking for. That was the city where the Cullen family\'s estate was located. That city was Dwane City.

Arvin asked around and found the direction where Dwane city was located. It was not very far and it would take around one day\'s worth of journey to reach the city. After getting all this information Arvin booked an inn for the day. He made sure that he booked a low-key inn where no one will notice if he suddenly vanishes after a day….

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