
Chapter 73 - The Qin Mansion

A long line of expensive luxury cars entered the gate one by one, slowly filing into the gigantic Qin mansion, where the old Qin family\'s master\'s birthday party was going to be held.

Inside, the entire mansion was lit up with lights, and there was a red carpet outside as the high class socialites and many famous figures walked down the carpet and into the mansion one by one.

The loud classical music could be heard even from outside the gate as Mo Han\'s car slowly inched into the gate behind several other cars.

"There are so many people," An Luxia said as she looked out the window at the guard standing near the gate and then at the gigantic front yard, which had a huge water fountain and a roundabout for the cars, just like in the movies. 

Mo Han glanced out the windows and grabbed onto her hand, not surprised or nervous in the slightest to be in the presence of so many high-class people. 

The movement was very slow and it took several minutes before their car finally reached the front of the mansion. The driver of the car in front of them helped open the backseat car doors and a man walked out, followed by a woman.

The man was wearing a black tuxedo that was obviously handcrafted for him, and the woman wore a golden dress that hugged her body curves. An Luxia\'s eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the woman. 

The beautiful woman was Ou Yangxin, one of the most famous actresses in the entire country right now. She had a breathtaking appearance but also amazing acting skills, pushing her up to being a part of the A-class actors in Country Z. 

The Qin family was indeed very powerful to be able to easily invite people like her. She grabbed onto the man\'s hand, who An Luxia did not recognize, and together, they walked up the red carpet.

The reporters standing outside all began snapping pictures at the sight of Ou Yangxin, who everyone recognized. They reached the top of the stairs and turned around, giving a quick bow before they disappeared into the lit up room.

The car also drove away and they were up next. The driver stopped the car and Mo Han got off first, walking around to the other side to open the door for her and help her out.

Upon seeing the unfamiliar couple, the flashing of the cameras immediately stopped as the reporters looked amongst themselves confusedly, wondering who these people were.

To be invited to the Qin family\'s birthday celebration meant that they were obviously of some status, but no one recognized either of the two. The reporters lowered their cameras and looked at the handsome young man and the girl, who appeared to be young but wore a very conservative red dress that wasn\'t fit for her age. 

An Luxia gulped a little awkwardly as she grabbed onto Mo Han\'s hand and stepped onto the carpet, lifting her chin up as they began walking towards the stairs.

It\'s okay. . . As long as she wasn\'t embarrassed, then the ones embarrassed would be the other people. Mo Han also didn\'t seem to care that no one recognized them and all stared at them confusedly, and he proudly walked up the steps, 

When they reached the top, they entered the building without even looking back, leaving the reporters in confusion.

"Who are they?" One reporter asked, voicing the question of everyone.

Another one shrugged, "Who knows? Probably some friend of the Qin family\'s young master."

Then, they focused their attention on the people in the next car, getting ready to take pictures once again.

Once they entered the mansion, An Luxia\'s surprise only increased. The room was lit up with multiple chandeliers that sparkled above them. The white marble floor below was probably cleaned right before the celebration, as An Luxia had to hold onto Mo Han\'s arm tightly to avoid slipping in her high heels. 

The entrance was empty except for a few people, and the music and sound was coming from the room to the left. 

The grand golden doors were pulled open widely and two guards stood next to both sides, watching them as they neared. Mo Han pulled out two golden envelopes, which were checked thoroughly before they were allowed to finally enter the grand ballroom.

Inside, there were probably almost a hundred people, which explained why it was so loud. No one paid attention to them as they walked in, and the people inside were eating, dancing, talking with each other, and socializing. 

At the front center of the room, an old man sat in the golden chair, looking down at the scene with a faint smile with his legs crossed. An Luxia looked at him for a quick second and guessed that the man was probably the old master of the Qin family, Qin Wei\'s grandfather.

"Are you hungry? Let\'s go eat something." Mo Han didn\'t bother to look at anyone as he led An Luxia towards a table nearby. All of the long tables were filled with different dishes that all looked to be very expensive, and An Luxia immediately felt excited to be here although she technically didn\'t really belong.

An Luxia immediately picked up the plate that was closest to them and began eating slowly, still keeping in mind that she was in the presence of a ton of famous and powerful people.

As she ate, Mo Han watched her until they both heard a familiar voice, "Mo Han, sister-in-law!"

An Luxia turned around and wasn\'t surprised to see Qin Wei, "Mr. Qin!"

"Sister-in-law, you can call me Qin Wei." Then, he turned to look at Mo Han, "I thought you weren\'t coming! Why did you come?"

Mo Han grabbed a glass of champagne from the waiter walking nearby and took a sip, "Bored."

"Ch!" Qin Wei rolled his eyes, "When big boss Mo is bored, he goes to a gathering that the entire country wants to attend."

Mo Han nodded his head, "Exactly."

Unable to have a pleasant conversation with Mo Han, Qin Wei turned to An Luxia, "Sister-in-law, why are you here? Did Mo Han drag you here with him?"

An Luxia grinned before nodding, "Yes, of course!" 

Qin Wei chuckled and looked between Mo Han and An Luxia once more before saying, "There are other guests I have to go fakely smile at, so I\'ll be leaving now. Enjoy the party!"

He lifted his half empty glass of champagne up before turning around and walking away. 

An Luxia and Mo Han stayed still for a while longer, and no one came over to talk to them, since no one knew them and everyone here today was here to try and build more relationships or talk business.

No one wanted to talk business with two people who no one even knew about.

An Luxia continued to eat plate after plate, and originally, she was a little uncomfortable to just be eating whereas everyone else was socializing, but soon, she didn\'t care anymore.

She was probably never going to meet any of these people ever again so why should she care. Mo Han continued to sip on the same glass of champagne and didn\'t eat anything else, even when An Luxia offered to share.

After a while, An Luxia looked up to see Mo Han still holding the same glass, which was empty by now. His eyes seemed to be focused on something and An Luxia looked in the direction he was looking at and frowned, "What are you looking at?"

Mo Han immediately pulled his eyes away and smiled, placing the empty glass down onto the table for a waiter to come and take away, "Nothing. . . You stay here, okay? I have something to do. I\'ll be right back."

An Luxia nodded her head obediently and turned around, searching for her next target. When she had found her next plate of food, Mo Han was nowhere to be seen.

She looked around the room to find that he was completely gone from the ballroom as well, which made her wonder where he had gone. However, she still stayed at the table and didn\'t move like he had instructed.

He must have come to this party to do something after all. There was no way he just came because he was bored like he had said.

Several minutes later, after An Luxia had finished a whole plate of food already, he was back.

An Luxia smiled at him and didn\'t ask where he had gone, and he smiled back before taking another glass of champagne.

"Do you want to try this cake? It\'s really good," An Luxia exclaimed, holding up the plate to his mouth. This time, Mo Han nodded and waited for her to lift the fork up and feed him.

He smiled and nodded, "It\'s good."

Just as An Luxia was about to feed him more, there was a bang and a crash which turned everyone\'s attention to the ballroom door.

A man who was dressed in a waiter\'s suit ran in, stumbling over himself and falling onto the ground. The room silenced as everyone turned to look at the waiter, including the old Qin master, who stood up from the chair.

"What\'s the matter?" Qin Wei\'s father asked with his eyebrows tightly knit together.

The waiter was sweating as he pushed himself up to his knees and pointed at the door with a shaky finger, trying to catch his breath, "Outside. . . Outside - dead. .. . There is a dead body!" 

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