
Chapter 585: Puppets are always puppets

585 Puppets are always puppets

Seven days later...

In front of the Lu Corporation, media were fawning at the incoming car. Flashes from each camera continuously clicked, snapping picture every second possible. Fortunately, the guards of the premises had controlled the situation hence, Ethan Lu\'s car entered the establishment without too much hassle, albeit slower than he usually does.

Just this morning, rumors about Ethan Lu and Laurel Wang\'s affair shocked everyone. The video clip of "them" making out inside the car had spread like wildfire. Thus, the chaotic situation outside the Lu Corporation.

"Rick, send our legal team." As soon as Ethan Lu got out of the car, he flatly instructed as his strides going inside the premises didn\'t falter.

When he entered the lobby, he still received respectful bows from the employees he passed by. However, their gazes bore strangeness in it — probably, because of the news.

"Yes," Bowing his head, Lyrick Jiang glared at some employees that were whispering secretly to each other.

Ethan Lu and his team were already busy tracking down Dylan Lu\'s whereabouts. Not to mention, Ethan Lu has to tend and do his duties as the head of the Lu Corporation. Therefore, this problem was something they had neglected.

Who would have thought that someone really dared release that clip? Lyrick Jiang had already sent someone to track the IP address where the recorded video was first uploaded.

Although they found out and got a hold of the man, they got nothing. All the man said was someone sent it to his doorsteps and he was paid a huge price to upload the video.

It didn\'t require special skills for the news to spread like a wildfire as the people included in the video were well-known personalities. The reason Ethan Lu\'s mood had been edgy since this morning.

Soon, Ethan Lu and Lyrick Jiang arrived at the conference room where all the executives were gathered. As soon as he entered the room, the arguments going on inside fell into silence.

Only Ethan Lu\'s featherweight footsteps were heard, while the other executives bowed their heads in respect to their master. Even though Dennis Lu was absent, it was evident on their front that they\'re itching to berate him about the scandal.

After all, the Lu Corporation had several projects with the governments. Thus, this would surely raise questions about their company for winning the biddings in every land they won.

"Master, please explain to us what\'s the relationship between you and Miss Wang." Just before Ethan Lu could sit down on the head seat, Harold Lu asked. The executive director couldn\'t wait anymore as this would be a huge problem if not solve immediately.

"As for this current scandal, it will die down two days from now." Scanning everyone\'s front, Ethan Lu was pleased that they chose to be wise and kept their mouths shut.

They could argue with him regarding the company affairs, projects, and everything related to the Lu Corporation. However, Ethan Lu would never be pleased being questioned about his relationship Lexi.

Especially, if Lexi\'s position in this family was put in question. Therefore, Ethan Lu had to remind them once again with an added threat. The next time someone question the matriarch, Ethan Lu would surely make them remember her position in a method they wouldn\'t want.

"Master, although I believed that you\'d clear this scandal in two days, are you certain about this?"

"Yes, master. Apologies if this might sound offensive, but two days will cause out stocks to go down — more than two days, our Lu Corporation will be in a critical situation."

One after another, the executives backed each other\'s statement, avoiding mentioning other subjects aside from their concern regarding the company.

Ethan Lu remained silent as he patiently waited for everyone\'s opinion. Not hearing a single word pertaining his personal life, Ethan Lu was satisfied that they picked up pretty quickly.

"I know everyone is aware about Dylan Lu\'s issue." After they had spoken their concerns, Ethan Lu cleared his throat as his gaze examined their surprised front.

As far as Ethan Lu could remember, he never heard them mention this matter to him. Although he issued an information lockdown not release this scandal to the media, Ethan Lu was well-aware that the word already spread in the Lu Corporation.

"Even before I uncovered Dylan Lu\'s scheme,?this problem was already solved. If?I managed to find out a snake like Dylan Lu, who schemed behind our backs all these years, do you think this issue is something you should be concerned with?" Tilting his head to the side, Ethan Lu —although still intimidating — he looked rather relaxed.

All executive directors eyes were on his calm visage. For a moment, none of them talked as they studied Ethan Lu countenance. After a while, as if they all had a silent agreement, they nodded their heads and didn\'t press on the matter anymore.

"If master says two days, we could only expect that this will be gone after two days."

"Yes, we can get our losses for the next two days when this is over." One after another, the executives sounded relieved. As usual, their fakery were laughable as ever.

However, Harold Lu and Gerald Huang were both deep in their thoughts. When Gerald Huang decided to speak, he interrupted one speaking director as his gaze stared straight at Ethan Lu.

"Master, what are your plans with Dylan and Dennis?" A question that none of them dared to ask, silenced the whole conference room as everyone turned their attention to the head seat.

"My plans? Nothing much. I just seek justice. " slowly, the corner of Ethan Lu\'s lips curled into a bright grin. His gaze then shifted to the ever silent Lincoln Lu who was present in this meeting room since the beginning.

"After all, puppets were just puppets. What I really want is the puppeteer." As Ethan Lu uttered these words, he witness how the corner of Lincoln Lu\'s lips curled into an amused smirk.

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