
Chapter 245 - 245. Retired

The three dropped their paperwork off at the main office drop box and aimed themselves at the library. Art may have been dragging his feet but he had already opened the academic app and was studying the new set of flash cards they had gained. Their free period passed them by in a blink of an eye and they were soon running off in the opposite directions to their third and final classes of the day. 

The same classroom Asher had remembered was once again sending out the smell of incense to the halls. Asher pushed the door open and introduced himself, "I am back from camp and ready to 

Share what I learned!" He had actually been very excited to get back to this class. He knew that he could share the new experiences with luck and him jinxing his opponents when he declared them enemies. 

Yet, when he pushed the door open he found that the class room was silent and lacked many of the things that had once been there. "Oh, hello Asher. Welcome back." Lin was seated at a desk with a glum expression. She didn\'t even have a notebook open at all.

"Umm, where is madam Weaver and why is it so empty in here?" Asher feared that they had switched class rooms and Lin had waited for him to arrive out of kindness. 

"That crazy old fortuner teller left us! She retired and left me with so many questions that I need to study all on my own." Lin was ready to stand up and stomp about the class room. But instead, she settled for angrily flapping her wings. 

"Wait...does that mean we fail the class? We don\'t even have a teacher so there is no way I could pass." Asher was slowly falling in to despair. 

"The school hand book states that at a sudden and unexpected loss of a teacher, no matter the reason, the current students being taught automatically pass the class with full credit…" Lin was clenching her fists in annoyance. "I tried so hard to learn all of the mystical arts, strange fortune telling, and even about auras. But here I am. All my hard work for nothing since I would have been handed a passing grade anyways." She slumped on to the desk. 

"Well, look at the bright side. Your grades are intact and you don\'t indeed to worry about a new teacher coming to confused you and change learning styles." Asher wanted to freak out too but was instead focused on Lin and how she felt. 

"We need to find another class or else we will be assigned one. I already took the others though. I can only take physical classes and I hate those. I am an academic." Lin was clearly losing it more and more as she thought about what she would now need to do. 

"Then we will find another class. Maybe there are new ones you didn\'t take. Or maybe you could take a survival or first aid course? I know those are more academic and help with learning." Lin had already considered this and shook her head. 

"I could never be a doctor or anything like that. I would always worry about a feather from my wings ending up somewhere improper." She wasn\'t thinking rationally and this frustrated Asher. 

\'Then you will sign up for one. You aren\'t a doctor but what if you get hurt and don\'t know what to do? Whjere is your drive for infgormation? Don\'t you want to have all the answers and not just a few?" Ashers\' words were hitting her hard. 

"Me? Not knowe something? I would hate that…." Lin was consumed with this new fear Asher had thrust upon her. She didn\'t want to be a lost person without answers. That was not who she was. 

"Fine! I will go and sign up for the first aid and biology course!" Lin started to grab her things before she realized that she had been letting Asher see her weak side. She had been so emotional that her logic had been lost. "I-I umm, sorry. Thank you." She had no other words for it. She rarely became emotional and this time it really hit home. 

"It\'s alright. I am plenty shocked she retired this far in to the year. I would have thought she would wait." Asher just shrugged as he said all this. 

"Oh, the letter on the desk said she was offered a retirement spot in an island tourist area. She will tell fortunes at her leisure for a decent price. It apparently was her dream retirement." Lin summed up the letters\' writings. Asher was just dumbfounded by the obvious money grab by their former teacher. 

Asher quickly read it too and was shocked to find that there was also a personal note to Lin and then him. 

"Asher. I saw light and dark in your aura. The golden light will bring you fortune. The dark glint will bring your enemies and sometimes friends misfortune. But I sense you have begun to grasp it. You no longer need me. Good, and bad luck Madam Weaver." 

"Wow. She really just left. I have lost two teachers in a day. I got the philosophy professor to switch classes and got a passing grade and now this." Lin was confused to hear that Asher was now two classes free and with passing grades already. 

Seeing Lins\' confusion he readily explained what had happened. "So you are now able to choose two classes to switch to. I don\'t think anyone without a brain enhancing super power has ever done this. You and your friends are the first I have ever heard." Lin was already telling him about how he would be standing out. 

"So, this is a good thing in disguise. Then I need another class fast! What should I pick?" He asked Lin in the chance that she would have an idea. 

"You should pick something at your level or maybe something new to you." She turned Ashers\' advice in to a better version on to him. His mind began to swim with ideas. 

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