
Chapter Ch228.2 - Extra - Jingyi 2

Chapter Ch228.2 - Extra – Jingyi 2

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

Through the competition and these ‘common interests’, Ming Yao and Wu Jin quickly established a revolutionary friendship. He also invited a mixed bag of friends to attend the captain’s birthday party in Floating City’s Sharp Blue bar––

Ming Yao didn’t know that the cat ears he was wearing would quiver and tremble when dopamine was secreted to represent love.

Ming Yao didn’t know that Zuo Botang had witnessed Wu Jin’s cat ears shaking so much they’d turned into virtual shadows.

Even more, Ming Yao didn’t know that Zuo Botang had looked back and saw the cat ears on Ming Yao’s head that were shaking for him, and the great shock he had felt.

That night, Ming Yao went back to the dormitory and folded a paper crown. He was extremely drunk, wanting to put it on for the captain, but after a few seconds of drunkenness, he remembered that his captain had once said, “... Girlfriend, when did I have a girlfriend...”

It was like having hot water poured over his head.

Ming Yao’s blood was heated, and he was still drunk from the alcohol. He laughed loudly, “Captain, do you really not have a girlfriend? Do you know, I-I always...”

Ming Yao was smiling so hard he was crying, “I’ve always been rooting for you, captain!!!”


After giving this sincere declaration, Ming Yao used up all his courage and directly fell over drunk.

When Ming Yao got up the next morning, he didn’t remember much of anything. Zuo Botang wasn’t there.

On the third day, Zuo Botang got up early.

On the fourth day, just as Ming Yao was scared into thinking that the captain had been assassinated, Zuo Botang finally appeared again.

“Little Ming.”

Zuo Botang spoke helplessly. He didn’t dodge away from the bear hug that Ming Yao pounced over to give.

After that, Ming Yao spent his days very happily.

The captain didn’t have a girlfriend, and it was a happy matter no matter how he thought about it. He was happy when he thought about it during the day, even happier when he thought about it at night, and if he could think about it in his dreams, then it would be triple the happiness.

In the middle, it seemed that Zuo Botang had gone to find the leader to ask him something. The leader had been shocked, then his gaze when he looked at them had been strange for several days in a row.

But then, everything eventually went back to normal.

The Crosson Show’s eighth elimination match finally came to an end.

The debut rankings were announced. Ming Yao was stuck at 10th place. Snipers were weak when it came to solo confrontations, and Jingyi expressed that they were already very satisfied with Little Ming’s performance––

The last night of the Crosson Show.

Ming Yao went to find the program producer to get his own highlights, claiming that he wanted to review the game with his captain, but by the time the game replay was over, it was already 11:30PM. Ming Yao shamelessly drilled into the quilt.

His movements were skilled, just like how he’d been when he was 9 or 14 years old.

Zuo Botang: “&#k2026;&#k2026;”

Ming Yao protested loudly, “The door’s been locked! We can’t go out tonight. I heard that the rabbit that Little Witch gave Caesar wasn’t looked after properly and birthed more baby rabbits. If we don’t lock the door, Caesar will secretly stuff rabbits at us&#k2013;&#k2013;”

Zuo Botang could only let the 19 year old Ming Yao stay.

19 was a very magical age.

Under any relevant regulations and policies, as long as they were 18, 19 years old, no matter if they were protagonists or support roles in a story, they would suddenly have the ability to understand ‘magic’.

Four o’clock in the morning.

Ming Yao abruptly woke up.

The window outside showed a sliver of fish belly white, and the quilt smelled of Zuo Botang’s usual smoked sandalwood scent. In his dream, there had been sandalwood everywhere, and clouds and rain were sweeping past the window.

Ming Yao’s face suddenly grew red. He jumped up from the bed, ran all the way to the corner near the bedroom wall.

Ming Yao crouched in the corner.

He crouched there with the rabbit nest that Caesar had desperately stuffed there.

Ming Yao rubbed at his eyes fiercely. The captain was woken up by the noise. He came out and crouched down in front of him, “Why are your eyes red.”

Ming Yao was crying and laughing, “I don’t know. This rabbit is offensive to the eye?”

Time flew by quickly after the Crosson Show ended.

Ming Yao spent most of his time in the training room.

He couldn’t even bring himself to shout.

Until the start of mid-season. Jingyi was struggling to qualify, and nobody had time to manage affairs of the heart. Jingyi’s leader was startled by Ming Yao’s attitude and advised him patiently, “It’s okay, the team will support you no matter what you do. Don’t give yourself pressure, Little Ming, ah, you’re a rich second generation, don’t wear yourself out...”

However, the pressure on Zuo Botang was increasing.

Floating City Battle Team had appeared out of nowhere, and Jingyi lost tragically in several training matches.

After that, they lost again in a training game against Dolma.

In an official game, they encountered White Moonlight in the sub group games. Lin Jue and Caesar each grabbed a highlight, and Jingyi lost again 0-2.

Zuo Botang didn’t say much, but Ming Yao knew that the captain was blaming himself.

The training matches had been arranged by Zuo Botang.

The original intent was to allow the trainees to adapt to a series of tricky play methods that Floating City Team had come up with. The wild card division started their competitions early, and many teams in the Federation had already begun to imitate their style.

However, the successive training match defeats directly destroyed Jingyi’s confidence and rhythm.

In the second game of the sub group games, in order to find stability, the old Jingyi double-c came up to the stage, and Ming Yao sat on the bench.

Zuo Botang didn’t come to the game.

Ming Yao called the base, and the other side told him that the captain was still training. By the time the sub group game ended, Ming Yao when went back with the team, the leader received a call, “Little Zuo is in the hospital? What did you say––”

Beside him, Ming Yao turned extremely pale. He snatched up the car key and ran off.

He drove the suspension car through the city at the fastest possible speed. Ming Yao jumped out of the car when he arrived and ran all the way into the base. The sniper’s knuckles were shaking as he opened the door.

When Zuo Botang came back from the hospital, he lowered his gaze and accepted the lecture.

Jingyi’s professional team captain then arrived.

As a professional player, Zuo Botang hadn’t considered the limits of his physical fitness during training. He would be punished according to the team rules.

The leader and manager couldn’t bear it.

So, Zuo Botang was finally sent off to copy the team rules in the archery hall.

Ming Yao stood outside.

When the captain looked up, he turned his head away.

A passing trainee asked him tentatively, “Little Ming, what kind of expression is that? Ah, don’t be sad...”

Jingyi’s next official game was one week later.

Ming Yao was even fiercer than before. When Zuo Botang was in the training room, he would definitely be there. Sometimes, when he was sleepy, but heard that the captain hadn’t yet slept, Ming Yao would change back into training clothes and slip in to join him.

Most of the time, it was already one or two in the morning by then.

Zuo Botang would then pick up his jacket from the training room and take the Ming Yao who refused to sleep with him to slowly return back to the dormitory rooms.

If they could sleep, they would each go back to their own rooms. If they couldn’t sleep, they would push around the sand table on the second floor of the Jingyi building.

So, most of the time, Ming Yao couldn’t sleep.

Zuo Botang was angered into laughter, “Let’s go back. We’re playing against the Hawks in the next game. Preserve your strength.”

The Hawk Team was an old, strong team, but they’d fallen from grace earlier than Jingyi had.

On the opening day of the competition, the media weren’t optimistic about Jingyi’s new double-c. The two sides remained in a standoff for nearly three hours, and Jingyi lost the first game. When the leader came over to pick them up, he was surprised to find that double-c’s state was actually quite good.

Zuo Botang’s words were simple and direct, “We can still play.”

The second game, four hours. Zuo Botang reversed the situation in the middle and won the game through a series of steady operations.

The third game. Jing’s double-c played out a classic shot in a desperate situation and finally won after gaining a large advantage.

The audience roared with excitement, and the old Jingyi fans all paid tribute to the new double-c. Beneath the stage, the old captain held up Zuo Botang’s support light banner, and when Ming Yao looked over, he also held up the Ming Yao support banner he’d gotten from the vice-captain’s hands.

The commentators spoke very quickly, “Raising up their guns is the symbol of inheritance for each Jingyi generation. This young Jingyi team was able to win with this level of cooperation from a disadvantageous situation, which is like giving Jingyi’s audience a clear compass direction. So then, let us congratulate Jingyi on winning this game...”

The two of them slowly walked out from the stadium.

Ming Yao didn’t say a single word as he followed behind his captain.

Zuo Botang turned back and was helpless, “Why are you still crying after winning.”

Ming Yao was crying so hard he was out of breath.

Ming Yao: “Captain, there’s a person I like. Can I chase him?”

Zuo Botang was quiet for a long time.

It was like he was waiting for an ending that had finally arrived.

Zuo Botang: “I don’t know, but maybe you can give it a try.”

Zuo Botang raised his hand and gave Ming Yao a warm hug.


xiin: yeah! why couldn’t we at least get a kiss?!?!?

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