
Chapter 334


When Joey thought of Lu Jingyun, he felt more comfortable. He should not be so coquettish. He should really let him know. Not to mention the attack of jealousy, he got angry and punished those people. This time, it was OK. What if there was a future?

She decided to work in the company. She didn\'t want to expose her identity. She wanted to go to work like an ordinary employee. It was inevitable that she was wronged and bullied. If she could not resist this point, she might as well not work.

Where has the work smooth sailing, has nothing?

"Joey, you can do it. Come on. "

Joey looked in the mirror and cheered himself on. With a strong smile, Joey took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

After returning to the office, Joey is still the energetic Joey, and dispels her anger in her heart. She chooses to treat these rumors and malicious remarks calmly. As Yang Fan said, she doesn\'t respond to anything. When they don\'t exist for a long time, they will feel bored.

"Joey, I\'ve already posted. Soon, someone will leave a message to support you. Most of us Lu\'s people are wise, and those with brain damage are still in the minority. They will soon stop. "

Joey smiles gratefully. "I believe that if we have such a wise president, the staff of our company will certainly distinguish right from wrong."

"Yes, who is our president?"

When it comes to the president, Yang fan can\'t hold the little deer in his heart again. He will once again publicize the greatness of the president.

Fortunately, Joey stopped in time The president is powerful and the president is great. I have heard you say it n times, and I understand it very well. So there is no need to emphasize it with me again. Now, we have to work obediently to live up to our great president\'s kindness, don\'t we? "


The most useful encouragement for Yang Fan is president Lu.

She immediately put in 120000 energy to work, and Joey after a breath, in the face of the future may be mentally handicapped people\'s bad behavior, she must also play up 120000 spirit.

The lunch time staff restaurant is not a place for Joey to admire and enjoy at the beginning, but a place of war against those strange eyes every day.

In front of a number of curious eyes, there are also a lot of bad eyes, but also with Pan Shuai\'s disgusting resentment eyes, Joey\'s original mental construction is really a bit unstoppable.

Joey thinks that if she continues to be looked at like this, she may not be able to control her dyspepsia.

The weird atmosphere of the restaurant made Joey feel that the food was stuck in his throat. It\'s hard to stop her breathing.

Just calm the mood, in an instant by these people\'s eyes to provoke anger, want to really do to these people familiar without seeing it is not so easy thing.

Joey now feels that, as she said with a smile, being confident and at ease is really queen level. At least she can\'t do it herself at this time. If you smile, she is afraid that a look can kill these people.

Joey, who has been used to keeping a low profile, feels terrible when people are watching. However, such eyes can not bear, if she as Lu Jingyun\'s wife once exposed, how will she face the scene?

Gradually, some of Joey began to doubt himself, began to doubt the present life, is this really good?

After work in the evening, Joey didn\'t go home. He only told Lu Jingyun that Ruan Xiaoxiao asked her to have dinner with her, but Lu Jingyun did not care after a few words.

After seeing Xiaoxiao, Joey\'s obviously depressed expression made Ruan smile cast a look of disdain.

"Another question?"

Joey tooted Eat first. I didn\'t eat well at noon. I was very hungry. "

"You pay."

Joey\'s mouth twitched. "Why are you so mean now?"

"Who made you rich? Now I\'ve invested all my money in my sex shop, and I\'m not well off. "

"Didn\'t you say it was only a small part?"

Ruan smiles and shows a proud smile Business is good. We\'ve expanded our marketing. "

"That Jiang Meimei is so powerful! You can wait for the money later."

"Yes, although she is a little girl, she has a lot of business sense."

If you look at Ruan\'s smile, her business is booming and her life is free and easy. Where is she like her? She is still worrying about the things caused by those unnecessary crimes.


"Don\'t sigh! Don\'t you have your Almighty husband? Why, he can\'t help you with your problems? "

Joey sighed again He can solve it, but I dare not tell him

"Oh? What is so difficult? " Ruan Xiaoxiao seemed to be interested in things that puzzled Joey.

And Joey is actually looking for Ruan Xiaoxiao for comfort or help, so he told her the whole thing. After finishing the company\'s affairs, Joey also expressed his heart change to her."I am not wavering. I know what I said at the beginning to adapt to such a life and strive to surpass myself. However, in the face of some bad things that I may have to face, I will be a little bored. Just like the eyes of these people now, I feel very aggrieved. Why should these people look at me like that? Why should I be watched by others? I\'m just a humble clerk, and I didn\'t offend them. They would treat me like this. I\'m really angry. Smile, you don\'t know, I wanted to scold those people in front of them

Joey said, his heart is still a surge of anger out, but after that, only more sorrow.

"Smile, I\'m afraid I can really face the future."

"That fear makes you wonder about the future? Do you doubt that you can live with your family Lu Shao for ever? "

"I don\'t have one." Joey denied it immediately, very firmly. "I don\'t doubt that."

Ruan laughed and pulled at the corner of her mouth, stretched out her long and thin fingers, and the colorful fingernails with patterns stabbed Joey\'s forehead.

"You are a disgrace to me."

Joey\'s forehead was covered, and his aggrieved mouth was flat. "I\'m just timid, OK?"

"Well, you\'re not timid. You\'re inferiority complex."

“……” Joey is silent. Well, she has inferiority.

"I say you are inferior to yourself." Ruan laughed and couldn\'t help but get angry, and his words were open.

"Queen, Queen, what is your image?" Joey laughingly reminds Ruan to smile. Think of when I was a child smile mouth also not less dirty words, but, has been many years did not hear her say that kind of words.

"What do you care about? We\'re talking about you now. You tell me, are you missing your arms and legs, or are you having a brain problem? What is your inferiority complex

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