
Chapter 378


"Understand, understand." Yang Fan nodded clearly, "Oh, you are so low-key on weekdays. Why can\'t I see it before? You\'re too good at camouflage, aren\'t you? "

"Ha ha I used to be a normal person. It was only later that some changes took place. "

"Oh, then your husband is also fierce, you husband and wife in need, now life is better, or as usual low-key, admiration."

"So, everything has been made clear, and you have eaten well. Are you not angry at all?"

Yang Fan laughed, then seemed to think of something, and said: "you have such conditions, I think of something. Anyway, whether you tell me the truth or not, I speculated

"The divine plan? What can be inferred? "

"You see, if you leave this period of time, if you are not on a business trip, you will be absent from work without permission. This consequence, under normal circumstances, you must be fired. But now, you come back to the company, or you are taken on a business trip on secondment. There is a lot of knowledge in this. You can always talk hard and always give you cover. Is that your husband? In fact, your husband knows Mr. Li, so you just got into Lu\'s family and speculated on the phone a little farther away. Since your husband is so capable, is he already a general manager? At least as much as Li? "

Joey is smiling, but listening to Yang Fan\'s speculation, it\'s really a bit eight, nine is ten.

However, the result can only be more frightening than Yang Fan thought.


"That\'s it. You said no? This little thing, it seems, is still something that has great difficulties. " Yang Fan said that such a situation she can absolutely accept, is absolutely trivial.

"I\'m afraid to let people know about my family. I can\'t bear to be told that I\'m going through the back door or saying something sour about me when I\'m known. "

"That doesn\'t matter." Yang Fan\'s point is not here, she is just a rather exclamatory tone. " Joey, you\'re married to a big family. Although it\'s not a big one, it\'s a small one. "

"A big family? Do you think the whole place is rich? " Joey shook his head. "You think too much."

Really can\'t make her think too much. Otherwise, with Yang Fan\'s conjecture, the result will soon be pushed out by her.

"No, you\'re not rich. It\'s a struggle. It looks like a nouveau riche. Ha ha... "

"The nouveau riche is the nouveau riche." Joey accepted her name so that she could stay away from the truth.

"Well, since I know all about it, why have you been absent from work for no reason before?"

"Quarreled with my husband, ran away from home and went back to my hometown."

"Quarrel? Is there something wrong with your husband Yang Fan\'s first reaction was that.

"No..." Joey waved. "I have no problem with him, just something else."

"That\'s fine. However, I\'d like to advise you that this man will go bad if he has money. You must not take it lightly. "

As for the truth that men get worse when they are rich, Yang fan can cite too many examples. From ancient times to the present, how many painful lessons have been learned. In fact, looking at Joey\'s simple appearance, she was really worried.

Such a woman, let those smart men a cheat a quasi, but also often have no money and money.

No, no, no, she must educate Joey well, and she must not be taken lightly.

So, from joy\'s big meal apology to Yang Fan\'s education vigilance, completely changed the rhythm.

Yang Fan gave Joey a thorough account of all kinds of examples of men getting worse when they were rich, all kinds of ways to prevent the little three from interfering, and all kinds of methods to tie her husband.

It sounds like Yang Fan, an unmarried woman, knows more than Joey, who is married. She is also alert.

But, Joey, it\'s frightening. How come there are so many heartless men, so many mistresses, so many husband and wife who become enemies?

Joey patted his chest, and it was terrifying.

"Do you know? You are a dirty wife now. Although you are still young, there are too many women outside who are younger than you, more beautiful than you, and more sophisticated than you. You must not take it lightly. You must be careful. Even if one day, your husband really can\'t resist temptation, you must be ready before this. You can\'t let him go out of the house, and you should share at least half of his property. "


"You are so indifferent, you know, men never have money, they are most vulnerable to temptation. Besides, the temptation of Kyoto is even greater. Don\'t take it seriously. "

If temptation, my family, Lu Shao, would have been seduced for a long time?

Of course, Joey couldn\'t make it clear to Yang Fan.

"Good, good, I remember." Joey took out a cooperative look and nodded cautiously.

But soon, she laughed again and said, "in fact, I believe my husband\'s. Don\'t say I\'m stupid. Really, you don\'t know about my husband and me. How can he say that? But for me, he couldn\'t have had another woman. "Well, Joey added a nod to show that he was right. Then he nodded.

Yang Fan raised eyebrows, "is it difficult for your husband to say something hidden?"

"Ha ha..." Joey\'s not laughing If you see him in the future, you\'ll know. "

Let me see you. I\'ll help you to see if he\'s that kind of person

"This It may be difficult. " Joey shook his head. "I still can\'t see you now. It\'s not the time. "

"You have to draw lots to make an appointment to see your husband, or to see the sky?" Yang Fan couldn\'t help rolling his eyes. " He\'s not ugly, can\'t he? "

"Haha I can\'t see you now

When we can see it in the future is really uncertain.

Yang Fan gave up arguing with Joey Forget it. If you don\'t see it, you can\'t see it. But as I said, you have to be careful, you know? "

"Well, I see. Thank you so much for caring about me. Next time, if you have anything else to eat, I\'ll treat you to it. "

"It\'s a deal." Yang Fan was very happy at once. Oh, the credit card brush is a little tight recently. I haven\'t eaten such delicious food for a long time.

As they were about to leave the restaurant, Joey received a call from Lu Jingyun. He didn\'t want to. He urged her to go home again.

Joey calmed down and looked at Yang Fan\'s gossipy eyes.

"Joey, look at the way your husband sticks to you, I believe you. Tut Tut, don\'t you just have a meal? Are you so afraid that I abduct you? What a love

Joey smiles. "I said," my husband and I are very good. "

"Oh, dear, don\'t show love to me, I\'m jealous!"

After they parted ways, Joey came home, and Lu Jingyun was still sitting in the living room waiting for himself.

"Honey, I\'m back."

Joey threw away his bag and rushed to Lu Jingyun. Excited, he threw himself into Lu Jingyun\'s arms.

Lu Jingyun hugs her body with both arms, and she kisses the corners of her mouth with a smile and looks very happy.

"So happy?"

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