
Chapter 437


They are like children, sweet and greasy, and don\'t care about Sister Li. Of course, it seems that the guest\'s thoughts have been completely forgotten.

Sister Li looks at them with a smile. She has already been used to it. She has seen both of them when the husband and wife are more disgusted. Now it is just the most general level.

However, he Nian is not used to it.

It should be said that she is envious, jealous and hateful.

She had been frustrated in love. She didn\'t come here to see other people\'s love. He Nian, looking at these two people, was not only surprised that they were so loving, but also envious and envious of them. Moreover, she thought she was a spoiled eldest lady, which was ignored by others, which made her feel worse.

The face in the hand can\'t help but be punctured with her fingers, staring at joy and Lu Jingyun fiercely.

"Are you finished?"

He Nian\'s displeasure makes Joey and Lu Jingyun\'s action a meal.

Lu Jingyun takes a cold look, which makes he Nian a little timid.

"Well It\'s a wonderful feeling between you

He Nian didn\'t know if he was looking for his own punishment. With Lu Jingyun and Joey, they were always stimulated by their love. I really don\'t know why they are so numb. Do you have to be so obvious when expressing love?

Thinking of the love that I can\'t even say, and the silent memories of that person for decades, this kind of implicit and deep love is the most sincere love in his heart.

Even in an open country like the United States, he Nian has always been conservative in his heart, even though he is used to the intimate love. In addition, her father has always educated her, so at her age, she has not had a love affair in the United States, and her first kiss has not been sent out.

And because of their own belonging, persistent that they love that person, so, he Nian can not give up their love at will.

In her opinion, Oriental people are all implicit in love, at least in front of outsiders. However, when she saw Lu Jingyun and Joey, she felt that she was wrong. Maybe this kind of thing is different from person to person.

In fact, Joey and Lu Jingyun didn\'t exaggerate what they saw in the United States. They were just a little intimate. Especially in their eyes, the full of affection was almost overflowing, which made the people around feel that they were kissing too much with only one eye.

"It\'s a good feeling between you."

This sentence, in fact, is just the most real sigh in he Nian\'s heart.

Being yelled by he Nian, Joey is embarrassed to kiss Lu Jingyun any more. He warns him to be more restrained. But who is Lu Jingyun? How can he be happy when he is interrupted when he is making love with his baby?

Li Mou swept he Nian, eyes are also with warning.

"Well, dumplings are ready. Try it, honey. I\'ll make it first. Absolutely comparable to the chefs in five-star hotels. "

Joey invited he nianpin to have a taste. Lu Jingyun did not mean to let he Nian eat, but his eyes were not good.

He Nian, who dares to eat, only helps Sister Li clean up the table.

"No, you can eat it yourself. I\'m not hungry."

"Don\'t frighten her like that. They\'re here to be a guest. "

Joy saw he Niang into the kitchen, then whispered in Lu Jingyun\'s ear.

"Well, she\'s not welcome." An uninvited one is not a guest.

"Well, you should be more restrained. After all, she is still the eldest lady of Rx company. If she offends her and hinders the cooperation between the two companies, it is not worth the loss. "

"The company\'s cooperation has been signed a contract, both sides are mutually beneficial, Rx is unlikely to let the company suffer for a big miss."

Joey\'s speechless. Well, she can\'t refute it.

"Anyway, she\'s allowed to come. Give me some face My husband... "

Joey drags Lu Jingyun\'s arm in a coquettish way, forgetting that her hand is still greasy with shrimp. When she detects something wrong, Lu Jingyun\'s rolled up sleeve is still printed with a big oil mark.

"I\'m sorry..." Joey spat out his tongue in embarrassment to show his innocence.

Lu Jingyun had no choice but to smile. "I went upstairs to change."

"Well, go ahead and go."

As soon as Lu Jingyun left, he niancai dared to walk out of the kitchen.

Looking at Joey, she directly breathed a long breath, but sat next to Joey, grabbed the prawn in front of her and ate it impolitely.

"It\'s delicious."

Joey gave a proud smile. "Of course. My husband is a good craftsman. He can cook a lot of delicious food

"I didn\'t expect that a man like your husband could cook."

"Hehe, so I said, he is a good husband."

"But he\'s still scary."

"You don\'t care, he is a little cold to outsiders, but in fact he won\'t deal with anyone for no reason. Don\'t be afraid. You\'re not our enemy. It\'s OK"Are you implying me not to be your enemy?"

"I think so." Joey doesn\'t deny it. " After all, your face is different. To tell you the truth, there have been people who have been doing plastic surgery before. They want to get close to us, which is not good for us. Don\'t blame my husband for being alert to you. This is a lesson. "

"Ah?" He Nian is very surprised. She would rather not look like this herself, but she did not expect that someone should be dedicated to this appearance.

"Can\'t believe it? Ha ha It can only be said that some people fail to achieve their goals by any means. "

He Nian expressed her silence with her continued eating.

When Lu Jingyun went downstairs, he still had the phone in his hand. " Miss he, Mr. He

He Nian\'s face changed. He looked at the phone and didn\'t dare to answer the phone. However, he took the phone and ran to the yard. Obviously, there was a conversation that he didn\'t want them to know.

Joey asked Lu Jingyun curiously. "Did you tell Mr. He?"

Lu Jingyun shook his head. "Naturally someone will tell Mr. He about her own whereabouts." Finish saying, some dissatisfied pick eyebrow. "Do you think I\'m the kind of person who complains?"

"No, no, my husband is so tolerant and magnanimous. He is definitely not the kind of thing that will make a complaint."

Joey quickly pacifies, but also wants to extend his hand in the past, just think of his hands greasy, timely take back.

"Hey, hey..." Joy is embarrassed to smile, Lu Jingyun only indulges in pinching her nose. "Wash your hands."

Lu Jingyun\'s eyes turned and he Nian\'s figure was seen through the French window. He had an unpredictable smile and did not know what he was thinking.

When he Nian received the phone call, his tone was a little low and guilty.


"Niannian, what are you doing at President Lu\'s home?"

He Shurong\'s tone is a little serious. He Nian knows that this is a sign of his anti anger.

Always, he is gentle and tolerant to himself, only a few angry cases will be angry, and he will not be angry, only cold face, voice also become stern.

"That It was president Lu\'s wife who was hospitalized. I went to see him. His wife liked me very much. We became friends. She invited me to be a guest

"Is that so?"

"Really, Mrs. Lu is as old as I am. She is very well. Dad, I come to Kyoto alone. Besides seeing the scenery, it\'s boring. Mrs. Lu and I are very happy to be friends

Over the phone, he Shurong was silent for a moment, so that he Nian was always on the edge of his stomach, and he didn\'t dare to breathe too heavily.

"Niannian, don\'t be too wayward at President Lu\'s house."

"I know, daddy."

"Be careful yourself. When you go out, find someone to accompany you. Don\'t be alone in unfamiliar places..."

"Daddy, I\'m not a child anymore. I\'ll take care of my safety. That\'s it. Mrs. Lu called on me. She made dumplings today. I\'m going to eat them. "

"Ha ha..." He Shurong low smile, "go, pay attention to etiquette."

"Yes, yes, bye, daddy."

He Niang state seems anxious to hang up the phone, this just often breathed a tone, patted the chest, sighed that he had no danger.

However, after a false alarm, he Nian is still frowning.

Daddy doesn\'t call himself so hard all of a sudden. Maybe he knows something.

When he Nian thought of this possibility, he could not help but worry, but also had expectations.

He knows. Is it OK? Doesn\'t she have to suppress herself all the time?

After washing his hands, Joey comes out and looks at Lu Jingyun\'s eyes. He Nianzheng is struggling with what he is thinking.

"What? What do you see? "

Joey asked curiously. Lu Jingyun also drew back her eyes, took joy to sit down, grabbed her clean little hand and kissed her.

"What do you see?" Lu Jingyun asked.

Joey looked at he Nian in the yard, studied it for a long time, and then said, "I don\'t see anything."

"Ha ha I didn\'t see it either

Joey wrinkled his nose Boring. "

Is it fun to tease her?

"But..." Lu Jingyun\'s words suddenly changed.

Joey\'s eyes lit up immediately But what? "

"However, there is something strange about Mr. He\'s attitude."

"What a strange way?"

"Well Intuition. "

“……” Joey took out his hand and touched his stick, and he would greet Lu Jingyun.

"Honey, that\'s cruel." Joey just vacillates, but Lu Jingyun condemns Joey.

"Well, if you tell me the truth, I\'ll treat you better."

"All right." Lu Jingyun is serious. " Mr. He knew that miss he was in our house, which was obviously strange or worried about something. I think he may come to China in the near future. ""Oh?"

Joey\'s small head quickly turned and turned, and did not think of anything, Lu Jingyun continued to disclose.

"I\'ve asked people to check something. It hasn\'t been found in the United States, but Mr. He\'s information in Kyoto has already got some details."

"Really? Then he... " Joey was excited. "Tell me about it:

Lu Jingyun didn\'t directly solve joy\'s puzzles, but put forward his conditions.

Fingers in Joey\'s jaw slowly, fondly, smile with a little calculation Baby, let me eat my appetite at night

Obviously, this is not the general greedy.

Joey blushed and spat at him. "I\'m the patient. And last night you were not... "

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