
Chapter 1001 - Stalemate

Chapter 1001: Stalemate

The pistol Zhang Heng was holding belonged to the boy in a baseball cap. Other than that, he found a half-magazine with 29 bullets. Previously, the boy had fired some when he fought against Zhang Heng at the school.

He currently had to face two federal police squads plus three plainclothes, a total of 27 people. Other than that, the three emergency response team members were still alive, and they were also the most difficult enemies for Zhang Heng to deal with. Bullets might also be ineffective against them. However, this wouldn’t be too much of a problem since he still had his Shrouded Sheath.

The group of people that just arrived went to the Ferris wheel as soon as they entered the amusement park. From there, they gathered with the emergency response team members. Surprisingly, they did not attack the castle right away.

It was because they were afraid of Zhang Heng. Thus, they decided to deal with the most difficult opponent last, heading to deal with the weakest one first. Zhang Heng could hear gunshots from the northwest direction of the amusement park. At first, they were scattered. Then, they became more frequent. The exchange of fire lasted for a short while before it all fell silent.

Taking the opportunity, Zhang Heng contacted Feng Zi and asked her about the situation at the station. In fact, he was more concerned about the battle at the station than the amusement park situation. After realizing that he was the bait, Zhang Heng had only one goal. He would snatch the memory encoder from Mr. G and Shengtang Morgan Group.

The memory encoder would become the biggest bargaining chip in his negotiation with Mr. G. Zhang Heng was grateful that Ms. F presented the opportunity to extract the tracking device from his head by dealing with Mr. G. However, Mr. G was the one who broke the promise first. From that moment on, Zhang Heng had no intention to resolve this matter through peaceful means.

After his last time contacting Mr. G, neither party had any intention to work together again. Mr. G wanted to continue to use him as bait, and Zhang Heng wanted to force Mr. G to show his trump card through the emergency response team. Hence, the essential thing for Zhang Heng right now was to find out where the memory encoder was.

Compared to the other two parties, Zhang Heng was undoubtedly at a disadvantage. From his standpoint, he had to first ensure that Mr. G’s forces on the second level did not break through the response team’s line of defense and bring the memory encoder back to the first level. It was the reason why Zhang Heng contacted 0 to work with him. He, too, didn’t want Mr. G’s men to be killed by the response team so quickly. If they were defeated, it meant he would need to face Shengtang Morgan Group alone.

Those were just small matters, though. Zhang Heng was most worried that 0 would head straight to the fifth level after getting his hands on the memory encoder. That was why Zhang Heng needed Feng Zi to help him keep an eye on the situation at the station. In the meantime, he had to end the battle at the amusement park side as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Feng Zi told him that the current battle between the two sides had reached a deadlock—the situation Zhang Heng desired the most. Sure enough, Mr. G did not disappoint. No one knew how he did it. He actually hid a special operations team consisting of fourteen people at the second level, with each of them equipped with an exoskeleton. The last part of the transportation was supposed to be completed by this special operations team. And Shengtang Morgan knew nothing about it.

It was no wonder Mr. G was so confident in his team rather than Zhang Heng, a clone that had appeared out of nowhere. In fact, faced with such overwhelming firepower, the emergency response team almost didn’t survive the battle. The station was only guarded by 0 and another team member. Even with the help of the station’s security personnel and the four police teams responsible for the blockade, Mr. G’s men defeated them almost instantly.

Fortunately, the other three members of the emergency response team were nearby and they managed to get to a high ground ahead of time. Even after using heavy firepower, they barely overcame the first wave of offense. With five emergency response team members working together, the goddess of victory seemed to be, once again, in their favor.

Although Mr. G’s special operations team’s equipment was on par with that of the emergency response team, even slightly better, in fact, they could never compare to the elite clone fighters built by Shengtang Morgan Group. Once they managed to survive the unexpected first wave of attack, the emergency response team led by 0 would move in like a cunning shark, eroding the opponent’s advantage bit by bit.

Although the two sides were now in a stalemate, if Zhang Heng were there, he would be able to see that the emergency response team had taken over the rhythm of the battle. It was only a matter of time before they defeated the special operations team.

Feng Zi, of course, could not see such detail from the battle. Judging by her description, Zhang Heng could imagine the situation perfectly. It was pointless to feel anxious now. After advising Fengzi to be careful and not get too close, he drew out his Shrouded Sheath and prepared for the battle.

After the three emergency response team members and the two federal police teams killed Maitreya, they started to approach the castle. The leader that was shot twice by Zhang Heng moved towards the castle cautiously by looking for covers everywhere he went. He knew that his body could not afford to take another bullet.

But what surprised him was that Zhang Heng did not take the opportunity to snipe at anyone. Everyone arrived in front of the castle safely. After that, No.3 fired a shot at the castle. When the bullet hit the outer wall, it caused an explosion, accompanied by smoke and fire on the wall. The stones on the wall were blown away, exposing the reinforced concrete inside.

No.3 shook his head at his two companions.

“It looks like he wants us to go inside to fight him,” No.8 said.

“If we don’t go in, can we surround him from the outside?” asked No.2, who was shot twice.

“No. This castle is too big. We have too few people to surround the entire castle. Once we are scattered, it will give him a better chance to kill us one by one,” No.8 said.

“We should go in,” No.3, who had not spoken before, said suddenly.

“Why say that?”

“You have seen his sniping skills before. I don’t need to remind you how dangerous it is to allow such a sniper to run loose. On the other hand, his sniping ability would be rendered useless in this castle. Besides, we outnumbered him greatly. For some reason, he didn’t shoot us when we approached the castle. We should not encourage him to use the same tactic to fight against us.”

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