
Chapter 318 - The Zenus Star

As the main and also the largest Star of the Helios System, the Zenus Star was considered as the most bustling and powerful Star throughout the whole Helios Solar System.

Aside from being the birthplace of the Verid Empire\'s founder, the Zenus Star was famous for its notorious reputation as being the haven for criminals as well as its cultural diversity.

Despite being one of the Solar System of the Verid Empire, the Helios Solar System was like a country or an empire of its own. They had their own rules and laws. However, they were still loyal to the Verid Empire.

And as the Mother Star of the Helios Solar System, the Zenus Star was among the richest and prosperous planets throughout the whole Verid Empire.

Furthermore, not only it was the home of numerous dark organizations, the entire Zenus Star was like a huge commercial district.

It was also one of the main reasons that the Zenus Star was known as the Land of Infinite Opportunities and Pleasure despite its notorious reputation.

Whether it was slave traders, scammers, criminals, rapists, assassins, mercenaries, and merchants, the Zenus Star was filled with them. This place was filled with dragons mixed together with snakes.

"This planet is indeed the polar opposite of the Verid Star." Ling Chen murmured as he stood by the window inside his hotel room while looking at the scenery below.

It\'s already been a day since Ling Chen had landed into the Zenus Star. However, as it was nighttime, he didn\'t have time to explore the city.

This city was known as Plares and was one of the major commercial cities of the Zenus Star. It was also the closest city to the spaceport where his spaceship had landed.

From his hotel room, Ling Chen could see numerous tall and magnificent buildings. Unlike the giant skyscrapers in the Verid Star who all looked alike, most of these tall and magnificent buildings were all completely different from one another.

One could tell with a single glance that most of these buildings were built by different civilizations or people with different cultural backgrounds.

Some of these tall buildings looked quite old and ancient as though they were the palace of deity while others looked modernized. Aside from that, there were also numerous buildings with different shapes and designs. However, despite their differences, they were all amazing and breathtaking.

Aside from that, there were roads crisscrossed like a spider\'s web, several hundred-meter tall viaducts leading to different places, and rune formation carriages and cars shuttling in between.

What was even more impressing, aside from the numerous small and private airships shuttling in the Sky, there were also people riding different kinds of spiritual beasts dashing both along the wide road and the sky.


By the time Ling Chen left his hotel room, it was already noon and the yellow burning sun was hanging high above the Sky, illuminating the entire Zenus Star with its brilliance.

Even though Plares City wasn\'t Ling Chen\'s real destination, he still chose to stay there for a day or two. He wanted to go sightseeing in the city before leaving for the great and magnificent Nirvana City also known as the capital of the Zenus Star, his true destination.

Meanwhile, as Ling Chen was strolling into one of the busiest streets of Plares city and enjoying the lively atmosphere and the unfamiliar environment, two people were quietly following him.

They\'ve been following ever since he left the hotel which was kinda weird as he didn\'t have any enemy in Plares city or offended anyone yet. Furthermore, it seems as though they were waiting for him to leave his hotel room and knew about him already.

One of them was a scary-looking middle-aged man with a long knife scar on his face. Aside from that, he also had a pair of bionic arms. As for the last person, it was a beautiful woman with long black hair.

"With his handsome look and his weird-looking eyes, we should be able to fetch a handsome prize for him at the slave market." Said the scary middle-aged man with a sinister look on his face.

"However, we should make sure we empty all the money in his account before that. According to our contact in the hotel, he seems to be loaded with money. He didn\'t even bat an eye when they overcharged him for his hotel room." He added as he licked his lips.

"Boyka, are you sure he is just a weak and nameless character." Suddenly asked the woman in a worrying tone.

Due to the nature and the environment of the Zenus Star, not anyone would dare to venture into the Zenus Star without protection or backing as it was a true lawless place. It was the place where the laws of the jungle truly applied.

Unless one was confident of his strength or had a powerful background, no one would dare to venture into the city alone. That was just how dangerous this place was.

"Don\'t worry, when Scarlet ran his information into the database while he was paying for his hotel room, she didn\'t find anything great about him. He\'s not from any of those powerful families."

"Furthermore, he hasn\'t even broken through the 1st Life Transition yet. There\'s nothing to be afraid of. Not to mention we have the backing of the Blue Rose Gang." Answered the scary-looking middle-aged man with a confident look on his face.

Even though the Blue Rose Gang wasn\'t the most powerful gang in Plares city, it was still among the top five gangs and their leader was a powerful peak War Grandmaster realm warrior.

The two of them were only a few meters away from Ling Chen as they were following him. But because the road was a swamp with people, it would be hard to realize that they were following Ling Chen.

However, after walking for about five minutes, Ling Chen abruptly stopped which forced the two people to stop as well.

Ling Chen just stood there without saying anything or even looked back. He just stood there with both of his hands in his pocket.

"Why is that little bastard suddenly stopping in the middle road?" Asked the middle-aged man with a confused look on his face.

"Do you think he realizes that we are following him?" The woman suddenly asked.

"Who cares! Whether or not he finds out we\'re following isn\'t going to change a thing." Coldly uttered the middle-aged man.


However, before his voice could even fade away, the ground beneath their feet suddenly started to tremble violently. It was as if something was moving underground.

"What the hell is going on?" Blurted out one of the pedestrians.

Almost everyone was asking the same thing as they were caught off guard with this sudden development.

At the same time, a small crack appeared on the ground beneath the woman and the scary middle-aged man.


Suddenly, there was a miserable shriek as two dark tree roots, the size of an arm, burst out from within the crack and penetrated the chest of the middle-aged man as well the woman.

The abrupt change happened too quickly, rendering the people walking about to be shocked. It was their first witnessing such weird things.


In the blink of an eye, the two dark tree roots drained the blood of the middle-aged man along with the woman, leaving dried their corpse behind and drilled down into the ground again like a snake.

They didn\'t even know what happened or how they died. They didn\'t have the time to react at all. It all happened so quickly.


Seeing the events that transpired right before their eyes, everyone felt a cold chill that reverberated throughout their bodies! At the same time, they all ran away. No one dared to stay on this road anymore. They scattered like birds and wild animals.

"They barely have any nutritional value."Ling Chen coldly said with a disappointed smile on his face as he resumed his little walk.

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