
DLC 3 – Ayumu Kiriya and Sweet Taste

DLC Chapter 3 – Ayumu Kiriya and Sweet Taste

Translator: your_pingas

Someone found out that the live streamer was cheating behind his girl.

From what I’ve heard, that live streamer brought a nonage high school student into his room and banged each other every night.

Also, the exposure is due to the private messaging records of people related to him. This became another example of troubles caused by love.

Naturally, he received wave after wave of complaints from the internet.

Initially, the live streamer freaked out and messed up his response completely. In desperation, his reaction is basically flying into a rage out of humiliation, which caused even more complaints. In the end, people went overboard and started human flesh searching. Right now, his daily life is in ruins as well-

-I, Ayumu Kiriya, looked at the summary of the news report dazedly. Then, I grabbed and took a small sip of my micro sugar canned coffee.

(Sigh, his live streaming career was over when things went this way.)

The artificial bitterness of the canned coffee is slowly spreading inside my mouth.

The news report did pay attention and didn’t specify the actual name of the live streamer. However, people already knew who from the content alone. That guy has humorous reactions that put comedians to shame. Also, his chatter never bores the audience, which is the so-called “idol live streamer.” That guy is at the top of the live streamer ranking, which makes me kind of upset.

I scrolled down the report and read the comments below.

< I can already see how trash this person is from the messages he replied to the girl. > < He looks quite ugly in the photo, right? > < Seriously? It’s kind of upsetting since I really liked him. > < By the way, who’s this person? > < The girl’s more or less the same when she published the message records. > < His worshippers are disgusting. > < Everyone related is gross. > < Do we really need a news report for things like this? > < I can already see from the games that he’s streaming. >

The entire live streaming community is insulted during the process, and even I was a bit hurt too. It’s upsetting.

But, even so, my hands can’t stop scrolling down the online reactions.


I really understand how meaningless, insidious, and terrible this is. This incident is like your colleague or rival suddenly falling from grace. …Being addicted to related reports and online reactions is the last thing I can do. Therefore, I sincerely get how stupid, horrible, and tasteless this is.

(Even though doing things like this won’t increase my popularity or video quality. …Seriously, this is boring. What the hell am I doing?)

I get all of that.

Even though I should get it, …but I still can’t stop scrolling down with the mouse…

< Ding dong- >

The doorbell suddenly rang. I freaked out as my shoulder trembles. In response, I immediately minimized the window.

…My heart is tangled up by an extremely uncomfortable sense of guilt.

To remove this uncomfortableness inside my heart, I answered the door with a louder voice than usual. “Coming!” Then, I rushed to the entrance.

I opened the lock, and hastily opened the door. In the end, the person standing there is…

“Ah, h-hello, Kiriya-san. Uh, … I’m Amano, Keita Amano. W-Well, we promised-”

“Yes, yes, yes, I get it. You don’t need to be so serious and even introducing yourself. Welcome, Amano. No need to be polite. Just come in.”

“Ah, okay. S-Sorry for the intrusion.”

The high school boy Keita Amano walked into my room with an unnaturally stiff body.

I urged him to take a seat in the living room. Then, I grabbed a canned coffee that he asked for in my fridge. After that, I threw it to him while saying, “Take it.”


He quickly reached his hand out and tried to catch it. …So, the coffee went back and forth between his hands like a sandbag. It ended up between his legs. Even though it’s nothing too humiliating, his face flared up.

I bitterly smiled at his unchanging “attitude.” Then, I took a seat at the cushion next to him. Looking at the side, I found out that he seems to be staring at me too. When we made eye contact, Amano hastily looked away in embarrassment and pulled open the can’s ring.

I couldn’t hold my sigh as I looked at him dumbfoundedly.

Keita Amano, he’s a year 2 boy in Otobuki High School. As for right now, why is he in a university student, which is me, …Ayumu Kiriya’s room?

All of that is because he’s currently my “live streaming partner.”

Two weeks ago, I chose this boy on the street when I struggled to make my live streams more popular. So, I started talking to him. This is the second time that he showed up at my house. However…

(But, even if we just met twice, he’s so nervous that everything I did with him last week was reset…)

I enjoyed my half-finished canned coffee as I looked at him. A stiff and nervous high school boy is right in front of me.

(I don’t know why he’s so anxious. Well, unless he knows my gender. That would be hard to say…)

Yes, in reality, -he came to my house to play without knowing two of my big secrets.

The first one is that I’m recording his gameplay into live stream videos and uploading them.

He’s partially qualified for being a live streamer. However, that’s based on a delicate balance. As long as he’s conscious that we’re in a live stream, everything becomes boring. What a miracle. Therefore, I have to make him think that “we’re just trying games out” and “I’m just playing with friends.” That way, I can record the process.

Honestly, due to moral issues, I included this in the comments when I uploaded the video-

I added this declaration. Thanks to that, no one started a fight in the comment section right now.

…Well, even though I didn’t gain his permission yet…

Basically, I deleted everything that can expose his identity during editing. The voice is slightly adjusted too. So, he won’t lose anything because of this, …I guess.

Also, it’s been one week since I uploaded the first video. The result is way better than I’ve imagined. With that, I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to. If no one is interested in this video, I can explain everything to Amano and delete the video. Then, we can pretend nothing happened. …However, right now, it’s already out of my hands.

I want more people to watch my videos and feel that it’s interesting. Therefore, when I started planning this, I always pay attention to the “exposure risk.” This cautious attitude of mine is why my popularity is stable. At the same time, it’s the reason why I’m struggling to become even more famous. That’s why, currently, I decided to step forward. This means that I have to be responsible for this Keita Amano “risk.”

Right, speaking of risk, there’s another big secret that Amano doesn’t know. Perhaps this can be called an overwhelmingly dangerous “risk.”

In reality, I don’t think this is a problem. …However, according to my neighborhood friend, this is more than a grenade. It seems that this risk is so dangerous that it can be called a nuclear “secret.”

The reason for that is….

“Eh, Kiriya-san, there’s a loose thread on your shirt.”


He reached his finger towards my chest. Then, he got rid of the thread and smiled.

“Alright, it’s done.”

“…Uh, t-thanks, Amano.”

“You’re welcome.”

It’s casual and nothing significant, a usual daily scenery. …It looks like that. Actually, what he did is pretty close to the line.

(Well, like what my neighbor, ….Ao said, perhaps this is not good.)

Although I thought about that, I scratched my head emotionlessly as if this happened to somebody else. I still don’t think I’m in danger. Uh, even though I know from an everyday perspective, that would be a colossal issue…

The reason why is that I, Ayumu Kiriya, …the live streamer with a handsome voice-

Even though I don’t look like it, I’m still a girl.

When Amano wasn’t noticing, I casually put my palm on the chest area of my shirt. Although it can’t be any more flat, you can still feel something.

(Well, it’s not like I’m explicitly acting like a guy…)

Indeed, my figures aren’t as attractive as a normal girl. Including my chest, everyone is thin and slim. When I look at myself in the mirror, I always feel like I’m like a match stick.

Moreover, my hair is short, my clothing is on the neutral side, and my voice is deep. The worst part is that I never smooth out my way of talking. …Naturally, there’s a pretty high chance that someone who met me for the first time will see me as a “more neutral guy.” This is me, a girl named Ayumu Kiriya.

It’s just that in the past, a misunderstanding like this didn’t bother me too much. I’m always in a girl’s uniform until the end of high school. Although people did mock me for looking like a guy, they can still recognize my gender.

People think that I’m a boyfriend when I’m with my female friends on holidays. The mood got embarrassing when the staff member in the outlet store thought I was a guy. …Situations like this happen all the time in my daily life.

Well, Amano’s different. …It’s my first time to share a close relationship with a guy that thinks I’m of the same gender as he does.

(Sigh, even though I’m the one lying to him right now…)

The reason for that is because you can see from Amano’s appearance. He’s a very introverted otaku teenager. If I revealed that I’m a girl, a coward like him will never “casually enter a single university girl’s room” ever again. If I have to record gameplay videos from him, this will become a very fatal mistake.

In the end, he has no idea of the two secrets: he’s being recorded, and Ayumu Kiriya is actually a girl. Yet, he still came into my house and played games with me innocently. …This is the current situation.

(His alias “Jiraiya” is really suitable to him right now…)

Amano, he’s the guy that unknowingly carried a bunch of landmines.

I can feel that my shoulders are getting heavy, so I can’t help but started rubbing my neck. Just as I’m doing that, Amano got restless and asked me.

“Can I ask…aren’t we going to play games?”

“Eh? R-Right, we’re playing. Sorry, just a second.”

This is different. I would usually put a great effort into managing my schedule and progress strictly. The current unusual situation took up all my mind, and I can’t help but feel at a loss.

I quickly arranged the cables and turned on the power as I talked to Amano.

“This time, I want to play something different with the two of us together, what do you think? But you can choose to continue trying the last one…”

“Eh? No, no, no, it’s weird when I’m the only person playing. I’m the one that barged into your house, after all.”

“I-I guess so.”

I answered with a bitter smile as I got the games out.

If I’m uploading a series of videos, it’s easier to split the same gameplay into several parts and edit them. So, initially, I wanted him to complete < Hell’s Blood >. …But, come to think of it, what he said did make sense. If I don’t explain that this is a live stream, it will be strange for him to finish the entire game in my room.

So, from now on, the series he’s starring in will be a noob trying out various titles for people to watch. I decided to go with that route. Actually, many comments from last time also said, “I want to see him playing other games.” I guess everything’s settled.

After I turned on the console, I grabbed two wireless controllers and handed one to him.

“Hmm? Are we fighting each other with a game?”


I nodded as I quickly started recording with my PC.

“Eh? Kiriya-san, I think the light on the microphone just lit for a second…”

“I-It must be your imagination.”

Ugh, I thought I already switched off the light on the microphone beforehand! Perhaps it still flashed for a second because of how cheap it is.

I took a seat at the cushion next to him again.

So, when the TV showed the game screen, -I turned on my “live streamer switch” inside my heart.

“Alright, …this time we’re playing this game! < Exploding Monkeys >!”

“Why are you suddenly so energetic!?”

Amano, who doesn’t know that the live stream has already started, freaked out and bulged his eyes. I ignored him and continued talking in live streamer mode fluently.

“The classic action combat game < Exploding Monkeys >. The colorful monkeys will attack each other with bombs on the same screen. It’s an eternal masterpiece.”

“Uh, can I see that as you talking to me? Even though you weren’t looking at me at all…”

“Jiraiya, have you played this game before?”

“Eh? I guess. I tried it out before…”

“Then there’s no need for explanations. I plan to fight against you with this game today. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

“I-I see. I’m looking forward to it too. Ki- no, T-Tora.”

We have to call each other’s aliases when playing in this room- Amano seems to be suddenly aware of that rule and called me by the correct name. …Alright, it looks like I don’t need to edit out as much audio as last time.

I continued the live stream calmly.

“Well, let’s start right away.”

“Hey, can I ask whether you’re talking to yourself? Or do I have to respond to you?”

“Uh, combat mode, 2 players, bots setting is strong, and all items are available. …Alright.”

“Ah, you’re really talking to yourself-“

“Jiraiya, you have to say something as well. Help me fill up the time!”

“What!? This is the first time that someone asked me to talk to myself! Hey, what’s happening? Tora, are you afraid of silence or something?”

“Uh, it’s simply because something bad will happen if we don’t talk.”

“What’s with that curse!? That’s scary! Something terrible will happen if we don’t talk. Tora, the death threat on your end is even less reasonable than the ones in Final Destination!”

“No, no, no, what are you talking about, Jiraiya? You’re already not an outsider anymore.”

“I’m not an outsider!? Eh, how did I get dragged into this in just a second…”

“Ah, the fight between the exploding monkeys is starting, Jiraiya.”

“Now’s not the time for that!”

Amano nearly cried out, yet he still responded to the game quickly. I gave a satisfied smile at his look. At the same time, I remembered the comments I got from the last video.

(I didn’t expect the audience to like “Jiraiya not realizing he’s live streaming” so much…)

Initially, I chose him as my partner because of his mediocre gaming skills and reactions. After I actually uploaded the video, I found interest in a part that wasn’t in my expectations.

That’s why it’s both fun and challenging to provide entertainment.

“Wow, I miss it so much. It’s been a long time since I last played it, < Exploding Monkeys >.”

So, Amano’s fear for the “curse” vanished. When the game started, he immediately started talking energetically with bright eyes.

I smiled at his live streamer attitude as I turned my attention back to < Exploding Monkeys >.

If I have to summarize this game in one sentence, < Exploding Monkeys > is a game where you kill each other with bombs and be the last survivor. Although the description seems brutal, it’s a party game with cute characters moving around on the 2D screen-

-Or it may seem at first. Actually, this is a battle of ruthless murders.

No matter what, the feature of this combat game is the weapon, bombs.

If the game uses swords or guns as weapons, in a sense, the fight still has some legitimate competition and sportsmanship left.

However, none of that works when bombs are used.

Since there’s a delay between planting and detonating the bomb, it’s a weapon that can turn against your will.

It’s because that’s the only weapon for every player. The battlefield becomes a mess of tactics, baits, traps, alliances, and betrayals. Only one survivor can live through hell like this. Instead of saying that it’s a game, this already entered the “gu refinement” realm, terrifying. [Note: Gu refers to the process of putting several poisonous insects and letting them kill each other to concentrate the toxins.]

…Even though it’s such a meaningful game, basically, the controls for players are just movement and placing bombs. It’s easy to learn. In other words, it’s a family party game that everyone can enjoy happily right away. Moreover, it includes the competitive side of murdering each other in a battle royale. For such a well-designed game, what else can you call it other than a masterpiece?

(Ay, even so, of course, there are a bunch of techniques and tactics.)

When the match begins, the first thing you need to do is clearing the bricks around you. In this game, whether you’re trying to move, encountering enemies, or picking up items, you have to start by destroying the bricks.

This time, it’s a 4-player battle that includes bots. Therefore, the 4 players are placed on a square screen as they start destroying the blocks around them. During the process, random items will appear from the bricks. However…

“Oh, I can place more bombs now.”

“That’s nice…”

Amano looked at my item and let out an envious sigh. The one that I got can increase my maximum bomb placement number. I can clear the bricks faster with a thing like this. As a result, I have a higher chance to get even more items than other players.

I continued blowing up the bricks as I get item after item.

I got increased bomb power, increased character speed, and the ability to kick bombs away.

In comparison, Amano…

“W-Why do I have nothing here!? Ah, it finally appeared. …Eh, isn’t this a skull head!?”

Amano suddenly got a useless item that randomly generates a negative effect.

I observed the change in his character. The effect this time is-

“Nice, I only turned invisible. Well, I guess it can still be useful in certain situations.”

After he said that, a bomb immediately appeared next to his character. I guess he placed it when he turned invisible.

(…Indeed, this power is a bit annoying. I can be suddenly locked into a dead-end by the invisible character-)

When I’m becoming increasingly aware of the danger, Amano suddenly yelled out loud.

“Uwah! Crap, I blocked myself with my own bombs!”

“What the hell are you doing!?”

-At the next moment, the invisible monkey died spectacularly. The invisibility is removed the second he died. There’s even a cute squeak, which just makes the whole thing even more depressing.

The most important thing is…

I can’t even keep my cool anymore. I can’t help but yell at him.

“You died before even touching me!”

A live stream like this has nothing to see!

Amano looked away from me and tried to find excuses.

“Ay, …i-it’s usual when I play < Exploding Monkeys >. I often blow myself up at the start of the round.”

“I mean, it’s indeed usual, but that was different, right! If you’re not used to controlling an invisible character, why did you force yourself to place bombs! You could’ve just waited for the invisibility to disappear!”

“I heard this from someone before. Instead of regret because you didn’t try, it’s better to try before you regret it.”

“You could’ve chosen a way that you wouldn’t regret at the start! Like what happened there, you shouldn’t bet your luck with that idiom, right!”

My anger made Amano tilt his head dumbfoundedly.

“Uh, …Tora, why are you mad?”

“You have the nerve to ask me that!? This way, the video will-“

The video will be boring. …I barely stopped myself from saying that. Crap, I think I just mentioned video. …N-No, perhaps he didn’t hear it…

“The video will? The video you’re saying, …is it a video that can be played?”

(He heard it!)

His hearing shocked me. What’s wrong with Amano? Even though he’s an amiable guy, why does he listen to everything in situations like this? That’s annoying.

My forehead is covered in sweat, but I paid attention to the screen as I answered him.

“I-I was saying the victory. …Y-Yes, in terms of the ‘victory,’ you wouldn’t even get 2nd runner up!”

“Is this the Olympics!? Eh, is there punishment for people that didn’t enter the top 3!?”

“N-No, it’s not like that. …However, you should still aim to get a medal! Don’t you feel upset when you’re just one step away from the podium!? Show me your soul of a samurai!”

“What!? Tora, I don’t understand why you’re getting so worked up! Uh, …indeed, I guess being the last place makes you upset. …A-Anyway, I’ll try harder net time. It’s okay.”

Phew, …i-it looks like I barely made it through. That was close…

In the end, I got 2nd place in the first round because of my partner’s sudden explosive death.

After the results came out, the next round immediately started.

The second round is different. Amano got some items on his side too, and the match went well. So, the blocks that isolated the characters are finally destroyed, and both sides are about to meet each other. -However…

“Uwah! This bot is strong! AHHH!”

“I was saying, why did you die before even touching me!”

Keita Amano was defeated before he can fight me. …So, there’s nothing to see for a video. I faced two bots again. …What’s happening right now?

Amano looked at the fight between the bots and me dazedly as he sighed.

“…This is boring.”

“Same, me too.”

Why do I have to play against bots two rounds in a row? This is so pathetic. This series does have a rule where the defeated players can throw bombs into the field. However, I turned it off this time. Uh, I was thinking when only the two of us are left, the match wouldn’t be fun if the bots are interfering.

I didn’t expect none of us has interacted with each other right now.

Amano has nothing to do and even mumbled dazedly.

“…This would be fun if it’s a 4-player match. ‘Empty’ time like this wouldn’t happen at all…”

“What are you trying to say?”

“…But you’re a loner, Tora…”


I messed up my controls due to incredible frustrations. So, my character was dragged into the explosion.

In the end…


The two bots are dueling each other on the TV screen. …What is this? What kind of live stream is this?

Amano and I can only endure this period of “pointless” time. The bots are still struggling. How can they fight so fiercely?

I looked at the screen as I can’t help but complain.

“Speaking of loners, Jiraiya, aren’t you just the same?”


Amano blinked at my suspicion. Then, for some reason, he scratched his head embarrassingly. “Hiya.”

“That was true, but I knew more people and friends recently. My growth is speeding up.”

“Your growth is speeding up? Uh, what’s this…”

“It’s nothing. Like I said before, it’s simply because I have more friends now…”

“You? Why? The thing that you’re talking about isn’t related to religion, right?”

“No, it’s not! Tora, who do think I am!?”


“That’s a shocking answer! Eh, bait? Why am I a bait?”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m meaning it positively.”

“What do you mean positively!? If you’re saying a good bait, that just makes me even more uncomfortable!”

“But I didn’t expect this, Jiraiya. You actually have friends…”

“It’s not unexpected. Please don’t say that…”

“Ah, sorry, then I’ll use the correct words.”


“Jiraiya at least has several people that he acknowledges as friends.”

“Hey, why do I feel there’s more room for explanations.”

“That’s great, Jiraiya. Congrats, congrats, congrats.”

“Stop it! Don’t encourage me to imagine a happy ending in my mind!”

“Well, the bots battle is over. Let’s go for another round, okay?”

“My mental state is too terrible!”

Anyway, we still started a new round. The two of us destroyed the bricks successfully, and we gradually acquired items.

So, in the 3rd round, …we finally managed to fight each other.

“Go, go!”

“That’s nothing. Eat this!”

We placed bombs next to each other as we dodged the attacks. From this perspective, …Amano indeed got his basic gaming sense right. At least, he’s ultimately able to keep up with me.

(Well, why does this boy always screw it up at the last moment…)

I guess that’s what makes Keita Amano him.

Amano and I began a series of offense and defense. The “offense” in this game is mainly about cutting off the escape. You wrap your bombs around the enemies and block them to win. Of course, there are tactics like kicking the bombs, throwing them, and plan a series of chain detonation. However, no matter which one you choose, the basis is still “cutting off the escape.”

To accomplish that, you need to predict your opponent’s movement. Then, you need to guess the enemy’s weak spot with pinpoint accuracy.

Even if you can’t finish your foes, you still need to try placing bombs in the enemy’s escape to “pin” them. You can also force him to fight with other characters.

“…Okay, I managed to kill a guy!”

“Nice, Jiraiya. But the same goes for me.”

The two of us killed off the bots that tried to mess with us.

So, in the 3rd round, the two players finally faced off each other seriously.

First, we threw and kicked bombs at each other as we kept our distance.

“Wow! That was close!”

I kicked my bombs to Amano’s side, causing a chain explosion from the one I placed beforehand. It almost blew up his character. Just as I’m thinking that…

“Oh, crap!”

This time, he tossed a bomb over the wall and hit me. Although my character got dizzy for a second, I managed to escape before the bomb exploded.


The nervousness from the intense fight is skyrocketing. I slowly forgot that I’m live streaming, but I still got the video running with my reactions.

(Even though that’s not my live streaming style…)

While I did think of that, on the other hand, I believe this isn’t too bad.

People can tell something’s wrong when you’re reacting while playing a game alone. However, when Amano is next to me, I can easily express myself. It’s because he’s a person that reveals his emotions from time to time. He’s so honest that it’s a bit embarrassing…

“Damn, you’re evil, Tora!”

“No, no, no, Jiraiya. You’re in no place to talk.”

Naturally, we started bickering with each other as we played. I began to think that maybe this way of live streaming is not so bad.

(Although the content isn’t refined, and the quality isn’t spectacular, …perhaps it’s nice as long as the “enjoyment” we’re experiencing can pass to the audience from the screen. It’s just like an idol live streamer…)

At this point, the online news report suddenly flashed in my mind, and my hands stopped pressing on the controller.

“Nice! I did it!”


Once I snapped out of it, my character was already trapped inside the bombs set by Amano.

I blew up in a flash with nowhere to escape.


Amano put up a victory pose next to me.

I mumbled. “I-I was defeated…” Then, I gulped to ignore the vague emotions that are flooding my heart.

Amano’s character, who defeated me, is now dancing innocently on the center of the screen.


In the end, we recorded 10 rounds before quitting. Since the match got competitive after the 3rd round, it’s pretty impressive.

When Amano’s preparing to go home, I clicked on the PC and stopped the recording. So, …I can see the minimized window before at the bottom of the monitor.


I sighed…and enlarged the screen, not even caring that Amano is still I the room. That news report and the readers’ comments popped up again.

I can’t help but shake my head.

(Jesus, …why did I immerse myself in this gloomy and insidious sense of happiness after seeing news like this? How terrible…)

Perhaps it’s because I just had a happy and innocent gaming experience with Amano. I feel pretty despicable for what I felt. I’m getting increasingly depressed.

…Crap. I can’t keep like this—time to switch up the mood.


I let out a huge sigh. Then, I stood up from the table and turned toward Amano. As for him, he’s struggling to put up his scarf for some reason. I don’t know whether he’s clumsy or he didn’t practice enough…

The PC that showed the news report is right before me. …I asked him this.

“Eh, Amano, let me ask you this. …Am I a terrible person?”


He answered casually. Also, he didn’t look at me at all as if it’s a natural conclusion.

“Why did you suddenly ask this?”

Amano started a fight with his scarf as he asked. I cleared my throat with a cough and continued.

“Uh, …recently, I’m getting frustrated because I’m not improving for some reason. Then, I’m thinking whether the main reason…has to do with this bad habit of mine.”

“What habit?”

“The habit of feeling joy in secret with others’ misfortune.”

“You suck.”


I put up a mischievous smile to cope with it. However, in my heart, I’m sincerely reflecting.

I’ve always lied to myself with gentle words like stubborn and twisted temper. In all honesty, a person like me is just-

-Just as I’m thinking about that…

“Hey, but I do like Kiriya-san because of this.”

Keita Amano suddenly said something shocking.


My face went pale as I froze. However, ...Amano is still continuing with a casual, chatty tone.

“After all, if you’re too kind and innocent, we won’t get along when playing < Exploding Monkeys > today. Kiriya-san, I like your gaming style.”

“Ah, you mean gaming…”

I pressed my chest in relief. …Uh, what was I thinking?

Amano challenged his scarf again and again as he continued.

“A benevolent, gentle angel, and a devil that goes out his way to torture his opponents, which side is better to fight against? This is what I’m trying to say.”

“You’re always putting your standards on gaming.”

“…Ay, even though from a cooperative game’s standpoint, perhaps the angel is the only choice.”

“And you always change your mind.”

I feel like talking to him makes me being troubled by those things looks stupid.

Amano carefully adjusted the shape of his scarf and went on.

“Right, speaking of changing minds, I was just answering you casually from the conversation. However, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to feel happy with other’s misfortune.”

“Uh, that’s at least not something you can praise on, right?”

“You’re right. …For example, after the righteous hero defeated the demon king, can’t ordinary people celebrate ‘you get what you deserve, demon king’ happily? That’s what I’m trying to say.”

“I feel like it’s harder to understand once you started explaining with gaming.”

“You’re complaining even when I’m trying to comfort you. You suck, Kiriya-san.”

“Didn’t I say?”

This time, I can’t help but laugh out loud. …For some reason, even though this guy is cliché and always talks non-sense, …he can still manage to comfort me.

Amano’s finally satisfied with his scarf. Then, he turned towards me with a cheerful look.

“Ay, no matter what, a person like me is just a small passerby in the end…”

Amano said that and smiled gently.

“I will drop a joyful and sincere ‘that’s what you get’ when the demon king is defeated. …If there’s a pure and terrible person like me around, I think my daily lives will be happier.”


After hearing his encouragement, I can’t help but…give a rare and warm smile.

So, Amano looked at my expression and bulged his eyes in surprise.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“Eh? Ah, it’s nothing. …Sorry, Kiriya-san. I felt like you’re a girl for just a moment.”


What’s wrong with this guy? How troublesome. He’s a combination of clumsiness, keenness, and weirdness. It’s tough to predict when and what strange things he’ll say. Why did my gender almost got exposed in a time like this?

Perhaps Amano was aware he said something he’s not supposed to, so he hastily changed the topic.

“H-However, when the demon king is defeated, there’s always a religious nut that prays gently. ‘I hope his soul can rest peacefully.’ I do like her as well! It’s more like, that’s what I love.”

“Seriously, you always change your mind!

“That’s why I said I’m just a small passerby! I feel relief whenever I find a person that’s just as insignificant as me. However, on the other hand, I do admire people that are much nobler than me. Actually, that’s just a common concept.”

“Uh, you’re already less than a small passerby when you’re this unconfident.”

“Hiya, a guy that looked down on himself as a ‘small passerby’ is retorting that ‘I’m less than a small passerby.’ Kiriya-san, you’re brutal!”

“Hey, hey, hey, …didn’t I brought it up several times before?”


Facing Amano, who’s asking me with a dumbfounded face-

I curled my lips mischievously and answered him with a smile.

“I’m always terrible, whether it’s the past, present, or the future.”


“Sorry for asking you to walk with me.”

“It’s fine. I just have to stop by the convenience store.”

I answered him and continued walking on the street in front of my house with Amano. Autumn in the northern areas is pretty short. When you feel it’s getting cold, sprinkles of snow will appear just after a while. Today’s temperature is low. I guess wearing a shirt and an autumn leather vest isn’t enough.

I rubbed my arms and thought about whether I should get oden in the store for dinner. Although I didn’t talk much to Amano, unbelievably, this isn’t so awkward.

(Normally, it’s pretty awkward for me to be alone with a guy…)

Perhaps it’s because I don’t treat him as a boy. Even though it’s just my second time playing with him, I’m so relaxed like I knew him for a long time.

We arrived at the convenience store without saying anything. I stopped.

“Well, I’ll be leaving now. Stay safe.”

“Alright, thank you.”

Amano lowered his head and greeted me obediently. I subconsciously followed and greeted as well. During this time…

“Ah, Kiriya-san, just a second, alright?”


Suddenly, he took a step closer to me. Just as I’m thinking whether something’s wrong, Amano quietly reached his hand out towards my head. …Then, after picking something away, he took a step back.

Amano, whose hand is holding some cotton, smiled.

“There’s dust on your hair.”

“Eh? Oh, I see, thanks.”

“Well, I’ll be leaving. See you.”

“Ah, yep, okay, thank you.”

I waved and watched him slowly moved away. Then, when he turned over the corner and disappeared…


Someone suddenly called me from behind. I freaked out and turned around. After that, I found out the wealthy university lady with a shopping bag in her right hand that lives next to me, …Ao Saika, is standing there while pouting.

“Oh, Ao, it’s been a long day. Are you going home?”

“Yes. …Let’s bring that up later, Ayumu-san. Did you kidnap that boy into your room again?”

“It’s mean when you said I’m kidnapping him into my room…”

I can’t help but sigh dumbfoundedly. Then, I tried to persuade this neighbor that’s a bit on-edge.

“Listen, Ao. He really thinks that I’m a guy, and I’m just using him as my live streaming partner. If that’s the case, an ambiguous relationship that can be posted on the internet will never happen.”


“There’s no but. Ah, right, I can tell you a piece of good news. Today, that guy reached his hand out to my chest. Even though a rom-com situation like this happened, I still feel nothing for that guy. Is there any more solid evidence than this?”

“…Eh? Uh, if that’s true, then why did you-“

Ao still has something to say. …Honestly, I feel she’s pretty annoying.

I walked past the girl and towards the convenience store as I told her.

“Well, I’ll be getting dinner. See you at the university, Ao.”

I stopped the topic forcefully and quickly left.

As for Ao, who was left alone-

…She seems to be mumbling something in the car park of the convenience store. I don’t know whether she wants me to hear it or not due to her volume.

“If that’s true, then why- did your face blush a little when he just casually reached his hand towards your head…?”

< Time until Keita Amano’s girlfriend enters Ayumu Kiriya’s apartment: 5 and a half months >

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