
Volume 10, 3 – Gamers and Valentine’s Day, Part 2 of 2

Volume 10, Chapter 3 – Gamers and Valentine’s Day, Part 2 of 2

Translator: your_pingas

Karen Tendou

14th February, the morning of Valentine’s Day.

I, Karen Tendou, arrived at the school pretty early. Then, I headed straight to the Game Club room. After I locked the door, I sat on my seat and put my handmade chocolate package in the front. -I wrapped my hands around my head tightly!

(I shouldn’t give this out!)

I have already tangled myself again and again since yesterday, not to mention this morning. I don’t even understand the final conclusion I got.

Why am I being so miserable right now? It’s a long story. …Anyway, first of all, the most unforgivable part is this scent.

Yes, the handmade chocolate that took me a night to make has a very thick-


-It smells like printed paper! This strong scent of books makes people think that it’s cooked with ink and paper before drying! This doesn’t taste like food at all!

I’m pretty sure that I didn’t add a single drop of ink into my chocolate, but why is it so pungent?

During this time, I can hear girls talking outside the room after their morning training.

“Eh, is there a library inside the clubroom?”

“Uh, I don’t think so. …It’s unbelievable. I think there’s a library as well!”

“I bet there’s a library as well!”

“Yeah! Although I have no idea at all, I think there’s possibly a library!”

The girls’ chatter faded away as they were talking nonsense.

I sighed deeply- and started hesitating on my own.

(Should I give the person I love library-like chocolate!?)

This problem is way too advanced for humanity.

Also, -this isn’t the only issue.

I slowly unwrapped the package as I observed my handmade chocolate model. -I hugged my head once again!

(Why did I make such an exquisite < Keita Amano 1/10 >!?)

The “chocolate Amano-kun” is standing in front of me majestically. It’s so realistic that I don’t even know whether I should praise myself.

This is already the countless time that I’m trapped in this vortex of regret and excuses.

(I-It’s because of those books and online blogs I found. They always say the biggest secret to making Valentine’s chocolate is “your feelings to him.” So, I keep thinking about Amano-kun. …Then, it turned into this because I’m not getting enough sleep as I was working on this!)

My handmade chocolate looks so much like Amano-kun. It’s to the point that as if the boy is covered in chocolate. Should I say you’re amazing, Karen Tendou? Such details, even I’m so attracted to it.

…Indeed, you can really feel the feelings inside it, and it looks nice too. I agree with that. However…

(I’m letting Amano-kun eat this himself!? Letting him taste this potent library smell!?)

Although I managed to take it to school, I’m very hesitant to give it to him.

…No, this isn’t because…of my usual hardcore gamer side, and I’m not hoping for him to be happy either.

It’s simply because of this.

(This thing- it looks like his affection meter for me will collapse if I send this out, right!?)

Let’s think about this logically. In the end, it’s way better to not give it out!


I slowly stood up and walked around the Keita Amano that’s releasing an ink-like smell. This is really tormenting my brain.

(Uh, no, but, Chiaki-san will definitely give him chocolate. It would be a fatal mistake in this competition of love…if I don’t give anything!)

No main heroine will ignore Valentine’s Day. However…

(I’ve never heard of a main heroine that gives the guy she loves- library-like chocolate in his shape!)

At least I can’t imagine a good development after this at all. It’s more like it’s easier to imagine Amano-kun smiling bitterly before leaving with a “GAME OVER” text.


“Uh, …r-right! Let’s not give this out. I’ll just buy chocolate at the store for him!”

I stopped and raised my index finger. This is such a good solution. Even if I didn’t make it myself, it’s better than not giving anything or letting him eat a library version of himself.

“Yes, yes, this will work…! That’s it. Now, let’s deal with this…”

After I thought of an easy solution, I hummed while grabbing my handmade Amano-kun chocolate. After that-

-I collapsed onto the ground powerlessly.

(How can I throw such a beautiful Amano-kun away!?)

This is the first time I know how those underground Christians feel when their Jesus statues are stomped on.

But, well, what should I do?

(..R-Right. Actually, I don’t have to throw this away. I’ll bring it home and worship it…)

Turning my room into a library? Putting a realistic Amano-kun out? Staring at him until he starts melting and changes color a couple days later? Start fighting with my parents when they entered the room?

…I-It’s a bit hard. Well…

(…I-I’ll eat it, yes.)

I gulped and looked at the Amano-kun-shaped chocolate. …Y-Yes, I made this thing myself. I should be responsible for dealing with it. Yes, that’s it.

I slowly reached my hand out to the Amano-kun chocolate. Just as I’m unwrapping the transparent plastic packaging around him-

< Ring! Ring! >

-Someone called me while I’m tearing the wrappers apart. However, I feel like I’ll be scared again if I stop right here.

So, I answered the call with my left hand while peeling off the wrappers with my right.

“Hey, hello.”

“W-Well, how should I say this? Let me think. I-I’m, uh, well-“

“I know. You’re Chiaki-san, right?”

“I-I see. That’s great. …Ah, so, Karen-san, where are you right now?”

“What’s wrong?”

I quickly untied the ribbon sealing the package as I replied.

Chiaki-san continued a bit worriedly.

“Uh, the morning assembly’s about to start, and your bag isn’t at the seat yet. Think about it, Karen-san normally arrives pretty early. Everyone in the class is a bit nervous…”

“Oh, it’s okay. I’m already here and will be going to the classroom soon.”

“Ah, I see. Glad to hear that. I thought you caught a cold…”

I can’t help but smile after hearing Chiaki-san’s sincerely relieved voice.

“Sheesh, you’re even nice on a day like this.”

She’s worrying her friend over paying attention to her rival in love. That’s why I love Chiaki Hoshinomori as a person. …At the same time, that’s why I’m terrified of her.

When I’m flooded with a complicated wave of emotions, Chiaki-san spoke up. “By the way.”

“Honestly, Karen-san, where and what are you doing now…?”

“Eh? Oh, well. You’re asking me where and what I’m doing…?”

Eating chocolate, Chiaki-san, going to school, all of these processes filled up my RAM. In the end, I don’t have enough left to deal with the phone call. So-

“I’m peeling Amano-kun off in the clubroom.”


-I can only tell her the truth like I’m live streaming after snapping out of it.

However, I overlooked the underlying issue and continued talking to Chiaki-san while working.

“Ah, I finally untied the ribbon on him.”

“T-This play is way too difficult, right! Have you two’s relationship gone this far…?”

“Alright, what should I do next…?”

“Don’t ask me! H-Honestly, I’m about to cry. I’m hanging up.”

“Ah, I’m less nervous if someone’s talking to me. Please don’t hang up.”

“Are you a ghost!?”

I requested Chiaki-san since I don’t like eating library-like chocolate on my own. For some reason, even though she let out an unwilling voice, the girl didn’t end the call. So, I treated this as a yes and continued.

“Ugh, …yeah, I still don’t like suddenly twisting off my lover’s head…”

“No, isn’t that guaranteed!? Uh, how difficult are you two’s relationship!?”

“…Okay! I made up my mind! I should start by licking his entire body!”

“What’s with the sudden erotic description!? I-I still don’t want to hear things like-“

“Eh, Amano-kun’s fingers are about to fall.”

“KEITAAAAAAA!? S-STOP IT! Why is there weird violence included sometimes!? Karen-san, what are you doing to Keita-“

“Hiya, crap, now that I’m looking, isn’t Amano-kun’s shoes about to melt!?”

“WHERE ARE YOU!? Did you put Keita in a monster’s stomach!?”

“…Ah, but it’s good. Amano-kun himself…is still pretty h a r d. ?”

“What’s with the sudden erotic description again!? I-I’m hanging up! There’s no way for me to hear things like-“

“By the way, is it because it’s melting? Amano-kun’s smell is getting more disgusting.”

“HE’S DEAD!? Wait, don’t tell me Keita already died!?”

“…Hmm, okay, but Amano-kun is still very hard as a whole.”

“Rigor mortis!? Hey, that’s rigor mortis, right!?”

“…Hiya, Chiaki-san, what should I do? How did this happen…?”

“Y-You finally regained your senses, Karen-san! Well, let’s call the ambulance first-“

“I already don’t know where I should start eating Amano-kun first!”

“You’re eating him! Y-You’re horrible!”

“It can’t be helped. I won’t make it to class at this rate. I’ll just leave Amano-kun here first.”

“Y-You can’t do that to Keita! You’re insane!”

“So, Chiaki-san, …I’m going to the classroom now. Please wait…”

“Eek!? NO! How can you do that!? You can’t do that! When did I fall into a scary and bloody world like this!? Is this the punishment of my vile imagination of Valentine’s Day despite being a lonely gaming otaku!? Is this the case!?”

“Hmm? …I’m sorry, Chiaki-san. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That’s totally my line, alright!?”

Chiaki-san suddenly started crying on the other side of the phone for some reason. I freaked out as I wrapped the chocolate Amano-kun again. After packing up my things, I came to the corridor.

I realized Chiaki-san misunderstood something when I’m dashing toward the classroom as I’m talking to her. She finally calmed down after I explained everything again. Then, she suggested to me warmly.

“Hmm, even though I can understand how Karen=san feels, …I feel like it’s best for you to not destroy that chocolate.”

“Yes, Chiaki-san, you calculated this, right. I can’t believe you’re trying to lower Amano-kun’s affection towards me…”

“N-No, no, I’m not thinking about that at all! Yes!”

“Haha, it’s just a joke. You won’t be smart enough to do that.”

“Uh, ugh. …A-Anyway, no matter what Karen-san made, I don’t think Keita will not be excited over a thing you made yourself.”

“I get what you mean, …but this tastes like a library?”

“Uh, uh, this taste is way too original. I don’t even know what I should suggest anymore.”

“Also, it’s a super realistic version of Amano-kun. For example, what would you think if Amano-kun gave you a super realistic Chiaki-san chocolate?”

“It’s disgusting, of course.”


“S-So, the feelings are the most important! I think the most important fact is that you made chocolate sincerely!”


I’m deeply throbbed with her sincere kindness. A wave of warmth flooded my heart as I asked my dear friend.

“Also, …Chiaki-san, …how strange is your chocolate then?”

“Ah, I just bought one in the store.”



“How could you be so vicious!? Even though you’re giving proper chocolate, you’re asking me to play dumb and give out a < Realistc Amano-kun: Library Taste >!? How much embarrassment do you want from me!?”

“EHH!? But, isn’t this Karen-san’s fault for making a library-tasted Keita?”

“Fault! You’re finally treating my chocolate as a fault, right! You evil woman!”

“EHHHHH!? T-This is the first time that I experienced such an unreasonable drop in my affection meter! Y-You’re so mean, Karen-san!”

I finally woke up after hearing that.

I cleared my throat and plopped my head down to the other side of the phone.

“I’m really sorry, Chiaki-san. …It looks like I was possessed by Valentine’s ghost.”

“S-Sigh, that’s the first time I’ve heard a ghost like that. It’s fine. I’m not that angry, anyways. …By the way, forget about that.”


We stopped talking after that. I’m already in front of the 2A classroom.

Chiaki-san put her phone inside her suit jacket’s pocket and looked at me.

I greeted my classmates and headed to Chiaki-san’s seat before mine. Then, …both of us stare at each other and asked each other’s friend and rival at the same time.

“How should we hand out Valentine’s chocolate…!?”

-It looks like our relationship skills haven’t improved by a bit.

Tasuku Uehara

“Here, Tasuku, your honmei chocolate!”

“Uh!? Oh, sure…?”

14th February, lunch break.

Since my friends keep taunting me, “you two should eat alone sometimes, both of us came to the stair platforms in the old school building. …Things were fine until now.

After I casually grabbed the sweet bread out of my bag, …which is an entirely dull moment, my cute ex-girlfriend just handed me chocolate super directly.

I put the chocolate on my bread speechlessly. …This is such a weird time for you to give me this. I can’t react at all, crap.

Aguri laughed naughtily while I fell silent.


“Huh? This is a success? Uh, what’s happening?”

I don’t understand what’s going on. So, I just stood at the center of the resting platform with my bread and chocolate in hand idiotically.

Aguri turned away and looked at the snow outside the small window.

“After all, if I handed Tasuku chocolate respectfully and sincerely, …you won’t take it as fast as you just did, right?”


My heart skipped a beat after hearing that. It’s because…she’s right.

Aguri continued looking outside.

“A while ago, when Tasuku rejected my Labear- …no, my gift, I think I can tell what you’re thinking recently.”

“…What am I thinking?”

I asked tremblingly while Aguri answered with a bitter smile.

“Amano can do everything for Aguri’s sake, but look at me right now. I’m so useless. Do I really have the right to take this honmei chocolate? Is this correct?”


“Hehehe, don’t underestimate how observant Aguri-san can be.”

I almost dropped the bread and chocolate on the ground because her words are so on-point. I quickly balanced myself and put the bread back into the package. During this time, Aguri turned around and tongued out with a smile.

“That’s a lie. Actually, half of this is thanks to Amanocchi.”


“Yes, but I did more or less know what Tasuku’s thinking. So, Amanocchi called me in the morning and told me what you said to me. This just proves that I’m right.”

“…What did he say?”

“He said I’ll get a good result with a blitzkrieg. My lucky item is orichalcum.”

“Why is he fortune-telling? Also, the latter suggestion wasn’t for people at all!”

“So, I decided to give you chocolate when you’re least expecting it.”


“I prepared the orichalcum as well.”

“Huh!? Seriously!? H-Hey, please let me see the metal that only exists in legends-“

“Ah, here, Tasuku. Eat it, eat it, quick!”

“Uh, ah, hmm, uh…”

Eh, what’s happening? I can’t say that I’m more interested in the orichalcum now. …Goodbye, the entrance to a fantastical world.

Aguri urged me to open the chocolate. I peeled off the package and opened the box. Then, I grabbed a piece of chocolate truffle inside that looked really tasty…



Aguri looked at me helplessly when I stopped.

“…Don’t tell me you’re still dragging over whether you have the right to take the chocolate?”

After hearing that question, I…nodded determinedly and made her feel even more speechless.

“Yes, …even though you guys think that I’m being indecisive, I don’t think so. Think about it. It’s a bit uncomfortable when you got the strongest gear in an RPG for no reason, right?”

“That should only come out of Amanocchi’s mouth. Can’t you just treat it as you’re lucky?”

“No, it’s okay if it’s a gacha mobile game! I don’t want to rely on bugs and secret tricks this much. All I hope is to conquer the level by myself!”

“How indecisive! My boyfriend’s really dragging things out!”

“Yes! What’s the problem!? This is me, after all!”

“Do boys really like flipping their attitudes these days!? You’re about to annoy me to death!”

“That’s right. I’ll return this honmei chocolate-“


At the moment that I’m handing her the chocolate, Aguri robbed the box away from me. Then, she grabbed the chocolate truffle and-

“…Eat this!”


-She shoved it into my mouth forcefully. A couple chocolate truffles were stuck in my mouth, and a lot of cocoa powder came out.

“-Cough, cough, cough!”

The powder invaded my trachea, and I started choking. However, Aguri didn’t put away her hand that shoved chocolate down in my throat. -Honestly, this is the most painful moment in my life.

Aguri finally released her hand when I was thinking whether I’ll die this way.

I tried my best to chew the chocolate to survive. Using all of my meager saliva, I spent nearly a minute swallowing all that.

‘…Cough, cough, …p-phew…”

I rubbed my lips and took a couple difficult deep breaths. Aguri laughed.

“Excellent, it’s a success! My Valentine’s Day is a huge success!”

“It’s not at all! It’s not successful if you use violence-“

I started complaining angrily.

“After all, this way, I conveyed all of my feelings to Tasuku entirely!”


“Even though this may upset Tasuku, perhaps you’re not willing to take it too, my plan is undoubtedly a success. It’s because I-“

Her face blushed slightly and showed an embarrassed smile.

“-I let my favorite person know how I feel. This is the best Valentine’s Day ever.”


I rubbed my lips, which’s stained with chocolate and cocoa powder. After that, I straightened my back and looked at Aguri again. I answered with a provocative smile. “Hmph, hmph.”

“You’re really selfish and stubborn, Aguri.”

“Hehe, thanks to a certain ex-boyfriend.”

“…Just you wait. …I’ll return all of these to you with interest on White Day.”

“…Sure, I’ll be looking forward to it, Tasuku.”


We smiled at each other like a good pair of rivals and lovers. However, at the next moment, we pretended nothing happened and continued our lunch.

The two of us took out our respective bread and bento. Aguri mumbled quietly.

“…I hope Amanocchi’s Valentine’s Day will be okay.”

“No, I mean, …that’s impossible.”

“I guess so…”

We looked outside the window. The melting snow is sliding down from the white zinc house’s ceiling into the bicycle park. Both of us sighed at the same time.

Keita Amano

< I’ll be waiting for you in < Challenger’s Arena > at 4 PM. >

30 minutes after school, I received a rude message from my ex-girlfriend that doesn’t sound like a Valentine’s Day invitation at all.

I sat alone at the corner of the classroom. I read the text on my screen again and again. After that, I clenched my fist tightly and screamed.


The other classmates in the room gave me a surprised look, but I didn’t care.

After all, I really looked forward to Tendou-san contacting me until this very moment.

…No, if I have to be honest.

It’s because I can’t accept the shocking fact that the person I love hasn’t contacted me after school on this crucial Valentine’s Day. So, I’m praying to my phone alone in the classroom meaninglessly.

Therefore, I almost jumped from excitement when I saw Tendou-san’s message. …Well, I’ll ignore the weird content first.

I grabbed my bag excitedly and dashed out of the classroom.

“By the way, she really chose < Challenger’s Arena >. …It really fits her.”

I ran across the hallway as I can’t help but smile bitterly.

< Challenger’s Arena > is on the 4th floor of the arcade. It’s at the corner of the digital games area. The arena is stacked full of all sorts of fighting games since antiquity. The players around here always treat it as a place where hardcore gamers fight each other every night. So, they called it < Challenger’s Arena > out of their respect and a slight sense of sarcasm.

Although a casual console gamer like me is utterly irrelevant to this place, I accompanied Tendou-san, Uehara-kun, and the Game Club members into that place multiple times. It’s only a 15-minute walk from the school.

I walked towards the school entrance. On my way, when I’m turning in the corridor, I glanced at the 2A classroom where Tendou-san is. My heart feels a bit sad.

(…In the end, I didn’t go there by myself.)

I didn’t receive Tendou-san’s invitation until today.

However, if I really wanted to meet her on Valentine’s Day, I should’ve ignored her hesitation. I could’ve just dashed to class A without caring anything else.

In reality, I almost made up my mind about it. Also, I really understand how inappropriate it is for me to urge chocolate.

However, in the end, I gave up. One of the biggest reasons is that…

(Chiaki, …she’s in class A too…)

I’m terrified of asking Tendou-san for chocolate when Chiaki seems to have feelings for me (which I’m incredibly honored).

So, I ended up staring at my phone in the classroom uselessly.


I sighed deeply and walked to the shoe shelves next to the entrance.

(I see…)

This is the core part of my consciousness that I’m trying to improve. …I don’t want to explain in detail right now. However, in a negative sense, I should try to change this style of mine-


I opened my shoe locker as I’m thinking that.

-I saw something strange on top of my shoes.

Honestly, it looks like Valentine’s chocolate…


I immediately squinted my eyes and observed that thing suspiciously. Then, I looked around with a vicious face. After all…

“…Eh, there’s no audience…?”

…A guy like me can only associate with what I just encountered as a prank.

However, I don’t hear anyone saying, “Haha, you took it! What were you looking forward to? You’re disgusting!” The students aren’t laughing out loud either. It’s more like everyone turned away from me, bulging my eyes.


I snapped out of it and gave up observing. After that, I reached my hand out…to that chocolate-like package again.

However, I, Keita Amano, cannot let my guard down yet!

(Ah, this must be a fake confession!)

The girl tells you to go somewhere in the letter and make fun of you! I was already pranked twice in this way, and I want to cry!

I grabbed the box tremblingly as I looked at this cutely-packaged thing. …Then, I saw a letter wrapped in ribbons behind it. I yelled.

“Uwah, here comes my mental trauma.”

Even though these pranks are annoying, my personality still thinks, “it would be sorry for the person waiting for me if it’s real.” There’s a 90% chance that this is a trap. But I’ll still go with it knowing that it’ll probably hurt my heart! Ah, sheesh, this is annoying.

However, even if I said that Keita Amano’s still Keita Amano. Keita Amano already understood after what happened to Main-san. Honestly, I didn’t improve by one bit. So, …there’s only one thing I can do.


I made up my mind and pulled the letter out of the box. After that, I unfolded the paper and looked at the text.

< To Keita: >

“Wow, you’re calling my name right away?”

I started complaining in detail as if a mental barrier has just been constructed in my heart.

< By the time you read this letter, I’ve already passed on from this world. >

“Uwah, what a sudden death. You’re watching too many dramas-“

< It’s because the evolution of VR is too incredible. >

“Aren’t you just running home to play VR games!? >

< Ah, speaking of VR, Keita, did you play < Shoot Hearts > as well? That’s a hidden gem! After all, the developers are from that famous- >

“Why did you just start going off-topic and talk about VR!?”

I heard that phishing letters these days are written pretty well, but I didn’t expect they can attract a game lover like me to this point.

I admired the person for a bit with some excitement as I read her VR games recommendation. However, the author seems to have realized it midway and changed the topic.

< I’m sorry. I think I went off-track. Now that I’m looking, what I wrote doesn’t really make sense. >

“You know it.”

< However, regrettably, I ran out of spare letter papers. So, I’ll just continue using this one. >

“That’s not romantic at all! What are you hesitating about!? Isn’t this letter important!? You spent 90% of the page talking about VR games. Are you fine with it!?”

< Let’s get to the point. I love you. Here’s your chocolate. That’s all. >

“I knew it! That’s what you get! This is the worst confession I’ve seen in my life!”

I take back what I said. This phishing letter sucks all the way to Earth’s core.

I shrugged speechlessly. Finally, I saw who’s sending me this boring prank letter.

The name that’s written with the most tiny font possible is-

< Chi Hoshinomori >

“I see.”

It looks like this “Chi Hoshinomori-san” just made her first appearance in my story. I think a friend of mine has a really similar name to hers. But I guess they are different persons. Yes, …sigh.

“-You couldn’t write ‘aki’ down, right, Chiaki-san!”

Although I figured out that this isn’t a prank, I can’t still wipe the regret off my heart. I see. …This is just an ordinary Valentine’s chocolate. Ah…

I’m really dumbfounded and sighed. However, I can’t help but read that letter silently again. After that…

“…Haha, …what am I supposed to do with you…”

I can’t help but laugh out loud. …Then, I read that letter again and again.

Finally, I raised my head and reached my hand onto the chocolate silently before mumbling.

“…It really feels like Chiaki.”

Right now, I can deeply feel her nervousness, anxiety, …and kindness when she put the chocolate here.

(She’s just the same as me…)

I bet…she couldn’t bring herself to hand me this in front of Tendou-san. But she couldn’t think of a better method either. …In the end, she rushed to write this clumsy letter and included it in the box before going home. …If that’s the case, why didn’t you just hand me this when we met yesterday?

…It really feels like Chiaki’s style. …She’s dumb, timid, and boring.

“…I’ll have to thank her later.”

I suddenly realized I haven’t checked what’s in the box yet when I’m mumbling.

I put the letter inside the bag on my shoulder. Next, I carefully opened the package without tearing the paper.

Then, I saw the chocolate that nearly took me a minute to unwrap before laughing idiotically countless times today.

“Haha, …will a girl really hand out a bar of chocolate for a mobile game character crossover event on Valentine’s Day? It doesn’t look tasty, and it’s cheap too. …Sheesh, Chiaki, …Chiaki, you-“

-Chiaki, you really just gave me a mobile game character-shaped chocolate that symbolized the memories I have with Mono. She’s smart.


…I tried my best to suppress this feeling in my heart and mumbled.

“I really appreciated it, Chiaki.”

Finally, I started praying and remembering the cheerful times I had with Mono.

…A good 10 seconds passed after that.

“Yes, …let’s go.”

I put Chiaki’s chocolate into my bag respectfully and finally changed my shoes. Then-

“…I have to go face a person that I truly love as well.”

-I started walking next to Tendou-san again.


The 4th floor of the arcade is still just as unsettling as usual.

The cigarette smell lingering on the walls is stimulating my nose. I can’t help but rub it.

(Indeed, this floor is a bit too tall-ordered for a guy like me.)

A multi-stories arcade has a different mood for every floor. However, this space- < Challenger’s Arena > feels significantly different.

From a positive aspect, it’s a holy world made by rivaling experts. From a bad point, it doesn’t welcome outsiders very much. …But that’s just what we “self-proclaimed outsiders” think. It seems that experts like Tendou-san and Nina Oiso-senpai often say that, “No, no, newbies are welcomed everywhere.”

From my impression, I think experts are more caring to newbies in online games. …Sigh.

“Hey, hey, I thought a bean sprout just appeared out of nowhere. Isn’t this Amako? You’ve got to be kidding me. A small-time pawn like you actually dared to show your face here blatantly. Hiya, ‘impudent’ and ‘overconfident’ is exactly for you, right!”

Sometimes, there are super impolite pricks like this.

I sighed heavily and called the name of this terrible person. …Regrettably, she’s my acquaintance.


“Hey, Amako. Happy Valentine’s. Well, where’s my chocolate?”


Bumping into Main-san on Valentine’s Day when I’m looking for Tendou-san, I’m really depressed with hellish encounters like this. I sighed once again.

However, the demon- no, Main-san patted my shoulder cheerfully and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Alright, Amako. Did you find me because you’re a loyal dog?”


I answered emotionlessly. “Haha.” After Main-san laughed, she got her mouth close to my ears- and mumbled something in her see-through-everything voice.

“By the way -did you know that I already devoured your dear blonde girl?”


I immediately shook away Main-san’s hand violently and glared at her. After that, a dangerous atmosphere that worried the other customers suddenly radiated between us.

Main-san glanced at me with her usual sincerely sympathetic eyes. “…Sigh.” Then, she smiled and relieved the mood.

“I’m only half-joking this time. Don’t glare at me this fiercely, Amako. I already want to hug you.”

“Please don’t expose your crazy sexual fetishes this suddenly.”

“How cold-hearted. Sigh, but I’ll really kill you if you’re thinking anything funny.”

“At least leave me alive. However, that’s already unreasonable enough. What’s wrong with you?”

“Hmph, you can treat this as my usual expression of love. Whatever, I don’t care. I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll spare your body, Amako.”

You’ll hug me if you’re in a bad mood, right. It’s terrible to have your ownership robbed away.

At this point, I realized again how twisted and risky it is for my ownership to be taken away. However, I think Main-san’s not really trying to bug me today. She walked right next to me quickly.

Then, when we’re crossing paths, Main-san put her hand on my shoulder and whispered.

“Don’t think that you can be with her by relying on fate alone.”

“…I know.”

I answered. Main-san just said “right” before going down the stairs. I looked at her back dazedly and readjusted my breaths before continuing deep into the floor.

(Relying on fate, …ah.)

I hate to admit this, but what Main-san said is so on-point that I’m angry about it.

In reality, I would be lying if I say I didn’t look forward to that recently.

Perhaps I can suddenly bump into Tendou-san.

Perhaps the gods will grant me the time to talk to Tendou-san alone.

Perhaps- there’s suddenly a good timing for Tendou-san and me to get back together.

However, in the end, it’s like what everyone can see. Recently, we didn’t have any point of contact until Tendou-san called me out.

(This can’t continue…)

I decided to start changing how I think after the fight I had with Main-san. However, it’s meaningless if I’m not strong-willed enough to do something. I know it. I really understand it. But…

(Well, what is the thing that I should muster up my courage to do…?)

In the end, I didn’t get a grasp on the answer. This is how I’ve been recently.

Although this sounds like an excuse, when I acquired this answer in my heart, I have to be prepared to take it and move forward…

-Right at this moment.

“Oh, Amano-kun, I’m here.”

“Ah, Tendou-san.”

I think I already entered the abyss of the digital game area when I’m lost in thought, < Challenger’s Arena >. When I snapped out of it, I can see a beautiful blonde high school girl surrounded by a lot of audiences as she’s playing- my cute ex-girlfriend.

“E-Excuse me, excuse me…”

I squeezed myself between the hardcore residents of < Challenger’s Arena > that are glaring at me. It took me a while to get behind Tendou-san.

After that, I bent my waist down as much as possible to avoid obstructing other people. Tendou-san turned her head around and glanced at me before immediately paying her attention back to the screen. She said this with a bitter smile.

“Amano-kun, even though I feel really sorry when I’m the one calling you out, can you wait for me to finish this?”

“Ah, of course. Enjoy it to the fullest.”

“Thank you very much.”

Tendou-san answered obediently before moving back to the game.

Then, she battled for around 5 minutes. Regrettably, Tendou-san was promptly defeated as she stood up. After that, she went around and greeted the person on the opposite seat before leaving. “Thank you very much.”

The surrounding players admired her smile and politeness. She grabbed her bag and walked next to me. Then, she casually held my hand and said, “Amano-kun, let’s go.”

“Ah, s-sure.”

I followed her. …I can feel people staring daggers behind me. Although I got used to it whenever I’m with Tendou-san, they are professional fighting game experts this time. I can feel a menacing aura. …It’s terrifying. Don’t tell me you have an even more exalted position here than you’re in school, Tendou-san?

So, Tendou-san brought me to an area with few people and sighed. She leaned on the wall. I followed her and leaned next to her. The fighting game’s screen that Tendou-san just played is right in front of me. It looks like the audience and challengers are all looking for Tendou-san. Right now, all of them disbanded to play their own games.

Tendou-san looked at this slightly lonely scenery. Suddenly, -she said this with unexpected honesty.

“I just…had a match with that Main Fushiguro-san.”

“…I see.”

I already know this was probably the case when I heard Main-san’s tone today. So, this isn’t surprising to me. The problem is…

“…Did you battle Main-san- because you bumped into her by chance?”

Tendou-san hesitated for a moment after hearing my question. …After that, she gave up and shook her head. “No.”

“I heard this from my fellow gaming friends. Recently, …there’s a woman with a distinctive hair color coming here at this time.”



We didn’t look at each other.

…I bet Tendou-san realized this too.

I’m- a bit angry at her.

“…Are you trying to get my ownership back when you’re preparing to fight her?”

“It’s not entirely correct. …It’s not preparing. We already…fought each other.”

Tendou-san grabbed the bag in front of her skirt tightly.

I looked at her…and sighed deeply.

“I can finally understand why Aguri-san was so pissed with me at that time.”



I understand that she did this for her lover. Yet, I can’t hold back my anger.

“It’s not great! How can you be so rash-“

I can’t help but yell as I stared at her. However, …she isn’t scared of my rage. Even more, she puffed up her chest and announced proudly.

“However, this is how Karen Tendou does things, right?”


I fell speechless. Tendou-san continued with an embarrassed smile.

“Y-Yes, I get it. This…isn’t cute at all. I’m doing too much. The relationship between the protagonist and the main heroine is entirely reverted. Amano-kun’s self-esteem is also destroyed-“

At this point, Tendou-san seems to have realized it herself, and bits of tears came up from her eyes.

“…Y-Yes, I get it! This is dumb! No, even if we take a hundred steps back, this is definitely not what I should do on Valentine’s Day! Yes! But I can’t help it! I knew she’s showing up here today! I was so focused on it that I sent creepy messages to Amano-kun too! (cries)”


“Yes, you’re right, Karen Tendou always has been a clown! Yes! Laugh all you want! I know this more than anyone. As a girl in love, this is entirely incorrect, and only a clown would do that! Hiya, sheesh!”

My ex-girlfriend finally let anxiety get the better of her and started pulling her blonde hair. Crap, this is the first time that I saw someone going so hard on herself…

My anger already disappeared. So, I can only say this to her dumbfoundedly.

“N-No, then why did you-“

“Why!? Isn’t this obvious!? It’s like what I said!”

Tendou-san went all-out and yelled. She pressed her chest politely and announced.

“No matter how humorous I am, this is me- the real Karen Tendou!”


However, just as I’m thinking “really” inside, Tendou-san immediately withered away again.

“Hiya, sheesh. …How terrible can this Valentine’s Day be? Soup, getting no sleep at all, library, and Amano-kun’s fingers fell as well…”

Her words are really alarming. I want her to clarify everything she just said.




I held myself back and said the thing I should tell her the most here…

Even though it’s a bit late, I still sincerely told her the first thing I should say first.


“That’s why I asked what, Amano-kun. Alright, if you’re going to tease me-“


I bowed down profoundly and appreciated her. She immediately froze as I continued.

“Sorry, I think I should’ve said that first before getting mad at you. I’m really useless, …and really far away from Aguri-san. I don’t know how to handle these situations at all.”


“Let me say this once again. Tendou-san, I appreciated you for fighting for me. I’m…insanely excited with this love of yours.”

“Uh, h-how should I answer? …R-Really? Well, …let me think, uh, …ah.”

She tried to get her hair down and do the standard Karen Tendou pose. However, she screwed it up and lowered her head with a serious blush.

She’s adorable. I thought. On the other hand, I didn’t want her to be humiliated anymore. So, I changed the topic calmly.

“By the way, how did the battle go? According to Main-san’s suspicious reaction, I don’t think she took anyone’s ownership…”

“Oh, about that. Well, …regrettably, this match is invalidated.”


“Yes, we each won once in a two-wins-in-three match. The audiences are pretty hyped up.”


It’s almost too easy to imagine. After all, it’s < Karen Tendou VS Main Fushiguro >, right? An exciting and skillful match like this is a rare sight.

“In the end, we even affected the customers that are just here to play casually. …At that moment, she- Main Fushiguro-san said, ‘Hmph, even if I have the overwhelmingly upper hand, you’re not qualified to fight with me on equal grounds yet.’ She suddenly left after that.”


That’s how she does things. I smiled bitterly. Tendou-san looked at the machine she sat on and mumbled with lonely eyes.

“She’s far more mature…and ruthless than you described.”

“…Ruthless, I see.”

“Yes. …After all, what she said was brutally correct. Even though it’s 1:1 at that time, …she just went easy on me to know my level.”


“I admit defeat. Right now, I’m far beneath Main Fushiguro-san.”

After that, Tendou-san’s eyes- brightened up like a blossoming flower.

I can’t help but smile when I saw Tendou-san like that.

“Yep, this is why I- love Tendou-san.”

“Hiya!? W-W-W-What did you just say…!? W-We’re at a place like this. How shameful…!”

“Shameful? You told me to meet here, Tendou-san.”



This is the first time someone yelled at me like that. I didn’t believe anyone would say “quiet” nowadays.

Tendou-san mumbled, “S-Sheesh, that’s why I…” She waved her hands to cool down her face. After that, she saw me chuckling at her. So, …she quickly searched her bag to change the topic.


“H-Here, Amano-kun, your chocolate. Chocolate. That’s all!”

“NO, that’s too half-assed! This isn’t romantic enough for you to give me chocolate, right!?”

My lover suddenly handed me chocolate at a smelly arcade because she wanted to change the topic.

…Sigh, I also feel that I’m not a normie that cares about the romantic atmosphere. …But, once I experienced it for myself, yep, I do care whether it’s romantic or not!

“T-The mood doesn’t really matter all that much! After all, the thing inside is pretty half-assed!’

“It’s half-assed!?”

“No, I made it myself.”

“I can’t believe it’s a half-assed Valentine’s chocolate. Isn’t that an item for people you hate!?”

“…Sigh, I feel like it’s not a health regeneration item. It’s more like a damaging item.”


“Even so, …I still decided to give you this!”


Tendou-san’s making some worrisome declarations as she handed me a horrifyingly heavy package.

Uh, …what is this? …Is this filled with cheap chocolate?


…Eh? By the way…

“Hmm? Tendou-san? Is there an air cleaner in this arcade?”

“Huh? Why did you ask that? I don’t think so…”

“No, …I can’t smell the cigarettes anymore. In the end, there’s like a bookstore scent-“

“I think there is! Yes! I think there’s an air cleaner!”

“W-Why are you so worked up? …Whatever, anyway, I feel really secure when I smell this.”


“Hmm? I really like a bookstore-like smell like this…”

“S-SHUT UP, Amano-kun! Don’t say that here! Sheesh! You’re just as sly…”

“Uh, why are you embarrassed!? W-Whatever, let’s move on. …Anyway, just let me open it to see what’s inside…”

“Wait, don’t open it here, Amano-kun! You’ll be embarrassed!”

“You gave me a chocolate that’s embarrassing to open!?”

“It’s okay if it’s only embarrassing! Depending on the situation, it can be classified as a terrorist attack! You have to use it carefully! I just realized that its power is slowly increasing!”

“No, what did you just say!? Is this another misunderstanding like we used to have again!?”

“No! I’m really talking about Valentine’s chocolate! Yes!”

“My god! This is the first time that I really hope that this is just a misunderstanding!”

“A-Anyway! Y-You should, how should I say this, you should open it alone in your house. …Then, you’ll fall speechless!”

“This is a chocolate that will make me speechless. …I-I understand. I’ll enjoy it by myself.”

“Very well, Amano-kun, let’s go home. I’ll walk with you. …As the creator of this negative relic, I have the responsibility to see it to the last.”

“D-Did you just say negative relic…?”

Seriously, what did my ex-girlfriend give me…? I’m already afraid to open it alone…

I’m pretty deflated. However, Tendou-san’s face looked relieved as she showed a satisfied smile before moving forward.


So, I looked at her handmade chocolate package. …Although she said it’s pretty half-assed, I can see she put a lot of effort into the wrapping paper. I started to smile.



“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

I called her. …Then, naturally, I smiled and said what I honestly thought.

“This is- the best Valentine’s Day in my life.”

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