
Chapter 81 - Choice Of Meal

Chapter 81 - Choice Of Meal

The entire night, Julie didn\'t get a wink of sleep. Not just because of her father, who had escaped from the so-called asylum, but also because of what Roman had told her before leaving the dorm. She patted her cheeks while staring at her reflection in the mirror.

"Look at you all flustered by his words. Control, Julie. Control," Julie spoke to herself, a sigh escaping from her lips.

Julie knew Roman had said it only because he knew she would end up thinking about him the whole night. But then she remembered what happened last night between them, a kiss that felt more passionate than the previous one that they had shared. A goofy smile came to appear on her lips, and she turned away from the mirror. She started to get ready. What happened last night had left an effect on her even after many hours. Was this how one felt when being with someone they liked? Feeling affected even when the person was not next to them.

Hearing the knock on the door, she went to get it. It was Melanie who stood outside the room, and she was ready.

"I brought you yesterday\'s notes that you missed," said Melanie, handing the notebook to her, and Julie couldn\'t tell how much she appreciated her help.

"You are a God sent person, Mel. Do you know that?" asked Julie.

"I didn\'t know that, but let me take the compliment as I haven\'t got one for a long time," Melanie grinned at Julie, stepping inside the room. "Mr. Greg had this frown and he enquired about you. He asked me if you had fallen ill again. But I got you covered."

"Yesterday, there was something urgent and I had to go check something," responded Julie, combing her hair and trying to tie it into a medium-high ponytail.

"It\'s alright, you don\'t have to explain it to me. Everything okay though?" asked Melanie, and Julie paused what she was doing.

Julie shook her head, "But I am hoping it will be okay. And I have you guys."

"Of course, you have us," Melanie agreed affirmatively. "Always remember you can always count on me."

"And vice versa," replied Julie and Melanie gave her a nod.

"I know it would be selfish of me to say this… But I am happy that you moved here, to study in Veteris. It\'s good to have you as my friend," stated Melanie. "It\'s always nice to have someone you can share things with. Someone on the same wavelength."

"You know you still have Conner as your friend," reminded Julie and Melanie\'s lips set themselves in a thin line.

Melanie then shook her head, "I cannot tell him how angry I am at him or how jealous or uncomfortable I feel when I see Reese next to him. And as if that isn\'t enough, that red head keeps taunting how perfect they look."

"You mean Simon?"

"Yes," Melanie\'s face turned sour just with the thought of Simon. "Anyways, let\'s go and have breakfast."

Julie nodded her head. It seemed like Simon enjoyed annoying people. She had noticed how he enjoyed poking at Melanie the most, as if her discomfort was giving him satisfaction. She wondered if it was because Melanie had once said during the bonfire that Simon was the evil out of the group. Roman\'s friends were all strange in their own way, including the person she had feelings for, with very peculiar characteristics, she thought in her mind.

When Julie and Melanie entered the lunchroom, Conner was already there sitting with his girlfriend at the table, along with Roman and his friends. Instead of first going to the table, she went to the counter to get her breakfast with her friend.

On her way, she noticed Caleb sitting at a table with his friend, continuously staring at her.

"That\'s some punch on his face, wonder what he did to warrant it," questioned Melanie in a low voice, noticing the black eye Caleb now sported on his face.

Caleb\'s eyes narrowed, he looked like he wanted to bite her head off, but he couldn\'t do it since he had a leash around him. And that leash was being held by Roman.

After receiving their meals, the two girls made their way towards the table. Julie sat next to the empty seat that was next to Roman. Melanie took herself to sit on the other end where she didn\'t have to see neither Conner nor Reese, nor Simon\'s face.

"Good morning," Julie greeted Roman. She noticed the air around him was different. His messy hair had been combed, and he wore a white T-shirt that was full-sleeved that reached up to his wrist. The neck shape allowed one to view the upper taut muscles on his body. He didn\'t bother to wear the leather jacket fully, and it instead rested on his shoulders.

"Morning, Winters," Roman greeted her, "You look like you have mild dark circles." And who was the reason?! Julie scolded him in her mind.

"Bad dreams?" he asked her, bringing his can to his lips, drinking it early in the morning while his eyes fixed on her. He placed his hand around the back of her chair, letting it rest there.

Julie shook her head, "I couldn\'t dream," and a faint smile appeared on Roman\'s lips.

Compared to him, her clothes looked like they were from a cheap store. She had worn her usual cardigan, which was left unbuttoned. Only after a few seconds did she remember that he had spoken about going out together by skipping class. Was he still on it? She gave him a suspicious look.

Sitting with Roman like this with everyone at the table, it felt as if everything was okay and like any other regular student of this university.

When they were done having breakfast, Julie stood up with Melanie, ready to leave to go to the Blue Block to attend their classes. Except for Roman and Maximus, everyone stood up, readying to leave. Julie felt his gaze on her, and she pressed her lips before looking at him.

"We\'ll see you at lunch time," mentioned Conner to some of them.

When everyone started to walk, Julie said to Roman, "I am going to attend classes." But the only response she received was Roman\'s intense stare. The glare in his eyes was evident, unimpressed that she wasn\'t complying with his wish.

Melanie tugged Julie\'s hand, and Julie left the lunchroom with her friends to attend the classes. On her way, she wondered if Roman was annoyed with a simmering anger that had only surfaced through his stare.

"Isn\'t that right, Julie?" Conner asked, and hearing her name, Julie turned to look at him.


"Your play is going to be showcased on the second day at seven in the evening?" He repeated what he had earlier said to Reese.

Julie nodded her head, "It is."

"I am so excited to watch the play," Reese smiled at her. "Especially with so many delinquents in it. How did you get into the play?" a questioning look in her eyes to Julie.

"Julie is the little delinquent in our group. She has broken more rules than me and Melanie combined together, isn\'t that right, Mel?" Conner laughed. Melanie\'s lips curled at his words.

"It wasn\'t like I was looking for detention. I was outside my room because something fell and I went to pick it up at night," Julie explained about her situation. "What are you taking part in, Reese?"

"I am in the band, but our songs have been scheduled for the afternoon," replied Reese. "The last day has the seniors and more experienced singers and instrument players. I am just there to fill in the empty gap."

On their way as they passed through the gates of the Blue Block, Julie\'s thoughts drifted back to the way Roman had looked at her before she had left the lunchroom.

\'You and me.\'

What if he would keep waiting for her? It wasn\'t like he had asked a lot from her. After all, he did help and try to protect her. But yesterday she had told him that she was going to attend her classes.

They reached near the entrance of the building, and in thought, Julie bit the inside of her cheek. Pausing her feet, she said, "I should go," and she turned to look at Melania before asking, "How do I look?"

"What?" Melanie asked in surprise, not knowing what Julie was speaking about. "You look like your usual cute self."

Julie pulled her hairband from her hair, letting her hair spread on her shoulders and back. Taking a step back, Julie said, "I won\'t be attending classes today."

"Right now? The gates are going to close. Hurry!" said Conner. Julie had already started to run back in the direction from where she had come.

From the Blue block to the building where the lunchroom was located, it took a minimum of seven minutes by walk. She wondered if Roman would still be there at the table or if he would have gone back to his dorm because she hadn\'t seen him anywhere on her way.

Her glasses tried to slip down from her face. She pushed it up the bridge of her nose while keeping the straps of her bag on her shoulders. When she reached the lunchroom, her eyes fell on the table where they had been sitting earlier, but Roman wasn\'t there.

Julie heaved for breath, standing there. The lunchroom was almost empty except for a few students, who had decided to skip class. She then went near the boy\'s Dormitorium, when she met up with Maximus, who was with another guy.

"Did you not go to class?" questioned Maximus.

"Do you know where Rome is?" asked Julie, her eyebrows knitted together.

"Rome? I left the lunchroom before him. I don\'t think I saw him after that," replied Maximus, running his teeth over the pin in his mouth. When Julie was about to head in the direction of the boy\'s Dormitorium, he said, "I don\'t think he went to his dorm. He would have walked past me."

"The fifth pillar," remembered Julie, and looked at Maximus and said, "Thank you."

Julie\'s feet continued to run, running past the boy\'s dormitorium and passing one pillar, then the next, and then the one after it.

When she reached between the third and the fourth pillar, her feet slowed down, and Julie gasped for air, feeling a little dizzy from all the running. She placed her hand on her back. There was no one else here, and it was quiet as most had gone to attend classes.

"I must be growing old already," Julie murmured to herself before straightening herself. When she crossed the fourth pillar, she finally caught sight of Roman.

He had leaned his back against his motorcycle, which had been parked at the side. With one of his legs on the ground, and the other one was supported by the bike. Both his hands rested in the pockets of his leather jacket.

Hearing Julie\'s footsteps, he turned his head to look in her direction.

When Julie came near him, she wheezed, "I finally found you." Taking the much-needed breath, she stared at him as he played with a stick in his mouth. "I told you I am going to attend classes!"

Roman had an amused expression on his face, "There are other important things than attending classes. Life is too short to spend your time in the space between four walls, unless it\'s in the dorm with each other\'s company."

She was already wheezing, he was going to kill her. She knew it!

Roman got up from his motorcycle, picking up the helmet and facing her. Julie said, "I didn\'t want to miss classes today. I missed many classes." She brought her hand up to start counting. "I fell sick, then there are other days, and then yesterday," said Julie, and at the same time, he put the helmet over her head.

"Mm," responded Roman as if he agreed with her words, and he locked the straps of the helmet to secure it. "And I am glad you came, else I would have come to call you out of the class. But if you want to go back, you still can."

If she went back now, the probability of her getting detention was very high, thought Julie to herself.

"Don\'t worry, you will get used to skipping classes," stated Roman, and he got on the motorcycle.

That was what she was worried about! That somewhere, she would start to get addicted to the way Roman lived his life, and it was not the way her parents had brought her up, thought Julie to herself.

But deep down in her heart and in the far corner of her mind, she wanted to do this. That was even if it meant she was breaking the rules to spend a few extra and stolen moments with him. Her heart fluttered seeing him.

"What about you?" asked Julie, noticing him not wearing a helmet like last time. "Don\'t you need a helmet to protect your head?"

"I will be fine without it. You need it more than I do. Hop on," said Roman, kick-starting the vehicle. He turned over his shoulder to look at her.

Julie walked closer and asked, "Where are we going?" She climbed and sat behind him.

"You\'ll see," remarked Roman. Julie wondered why he didn\'t start to ride the motorcycle as they sat there for more than five seconds. She then heard him say, "Put your hands around me."

She saw him lift the sides of his jacket so that she could directly hold him around his T-shirt and not over the leather jacket to have a good grip.

Julie let go of her hands that she had used to hold the edge of the seat. Slowly, she put her hands around him.

"Tighter," said Roman, and a goofy expression came to appear on her face, which he couldn\'t see, and she moved closer to tighten her hold.

"Better?" she asked him.

"Much better. Sit tight," Roman informed her, and Julie heard the vehicle make a sound without moving forward. "The gates might not open for you, so I will have to sneak you out in speed," and in less than two seconds, Roman accelerated the vehicle to a full speed, which had Julie praying for her dear life so that she wouldn\'t fly in the wind. She closed her eyes, holding Roman as tight, feeling the sound of wind rushing past them.

Julie had her eyes closed for more than five minutes without opening it even for a second while holding Roman, with her forehead pressed on his back.

She felt the motorcycle slowly lean to the sides, and it increased her heart rate. She had seen Roman ride before, and he did move at the speed of lightning in her eyes. Thankfully, he slowed down when they were out of Veteris\' main gates. The hold on him loosened, and she looked around them, noticing the trees on both the sides of the deserted road.

"You alright, Winters?" She heard Roman speak to her, which was unclear because of the wind. She saw him looking at her through one of the mirrors, and she nodded her head.

His eyes went back to look ahead of him while Julie watched him.

They rode for more than forty minutes, and somewhere along the way, Julie placed one side of her face to rest on his back and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she smelled his cologne, and it was indeed the best scent, she thought in her mind.

Since she had come in contact with Roman, her life had not remained the same as before, and she doubted it could. She didn\'t know one could get good grades even after skipping class, and that was exactly what Roman was teaching her. Julie realized how it had been a misconception until now. She had spent more time in detention here in Veteris than she had spent in the extracurricular activities in her last university.

When Roman slowed down, Julie pulled her head back and noticed they were in front of a diner. He stopped the motorcycle in the parking area. Julie let go of her hands and climbed down.

It had been only an hour since she had last eaten, and she turned to look at Roman, who climbed down from his bike and helped her take the helmet off of her.

"They serve good food here," commented Roman, taking a look around the place, as his eyes scouted for any suspicious people who could be a hunter.

"It is good to know that you eat. Do you come here to eat everyday?" questioned Julie. It was because she knew he slipped out of Veteris in the night after curfew time.

"Not everyday, but every weekend, sure," answered Roman, and he led her towards the entrance door. He opened it, and Julie smiled. How polite, who would ever suspect that such a good mannered boyfriend had the habit of beating people up like he was cleaning clothes, thought Julie to herself.

When they entered inside, the bell on the door tinkled, allowing the diner\'s owner to notice them.

"You are early today, Mr. Moltenore," the owner, a male who appeared to be in his fifties, greeted Roman.

Roman offered a polite smile and said, "Good morning, Mr. Benedict."

"Are the others coming too or is it just yo-Oh, forgive me, I didn\'t see you have company," the man smiled at Julie, who had stood behind Roman while staring at the old fashioned diner. She quickly looked at the man and offered him a smile.

Roman said, "We\'ll be sitting in the last booth."

"Of course, shall I get your regular meal?" asked Mr. Benedict, and Roman gave him a nod. "Let me get you the menu, young lady," getting hold of the menu from the counter, he handed it to Roman, which was later passed to Julie as they made their way to the last booth.

Julie noticed how apart from them, only an elderly looking couple sat on the other side of the diner.

"As it\'s Friday morning, not many come here at this hour. But during the weekend it gets busy and full," said Roman, taking a seat at the table and Julie sat on the opposite and in front of him. She looked down at the menu card, her eyes going through every line one by one, and when she looked up, she noticed Roman watching her. "Did you pick what you want to eat?"

"There are a lot of different add-ons to pick…" said Julie. A small blush came to form on her cheeks, and she looked down at the menu in her hand. Looking up again, she then said, "What do you recommend? What did you order?"

Roman\'s lips twitched, "I wouldn\'t recommend it. I think we have different tastes and choices when it comes to food. You wouldn\'t like it."

"I am a good eater. I eat almost everything," said Julie, letting him know that she wasn\'t picky when it came to food except only some of the rare times.

"Here, let me see it," Roman took the menu from Julie\'s hand and went through it. Because of the ride, his hair was back to a mess. He took less than five seconds before he said, "Considering how you like to eat fries, I would recommend the butter chips with tart sauce along with it. And for the burger…"

How did he read all of it that fast? Unless he was used to seeing the same menu since the last few years?

She was glad that he wasn\'t going to have just coke and would have an actual meal with her. The waitress came to note down Julie\'s order and left the table. Once it was prepared, both their meals were brought to their booth. First, one to be placed was Julie\'s meal.

Julie felt her mouth salivate, and she picked up the fries, popping two of them in her mouth.

When Roman\'s meal was placed on the table, Julie started to cough and she tapped on her chest before drinking a mouthful of water. His regular meal was a rare cooked steak that didn\'t look rare to her, it looked like it was cut and put fresh on the plate.

Roman enjoyed seeing the fascinating expression on Julie. She looked cute with how she tried to act as if she wasn\'t affected by the sight of his food. Being polite, he asked her, "Would you like to take a bite, love? You did say you eat almost everything."

Everything cooked, yes, thought Julie in her mind.

Julie awkwardly smiled, "I think I am good."

"Don\'t be shy if you want to take a bite later," smiled Roman, cutting the steak with his knife and fork before taking a bite.

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