
Chapter 183 - Aching Heart

Chapter 183 - Aching Heart

Hearing the few words that Roman uttered, Julie felt her heart sink in her chest. It was as if the things around her had started to collapse, and she wasn\'t able to keep it straight anymore.

With the way the conversation had moved, Julie could tell what Roman was about to say to her. "No," she whispered, stopping him from speaking further. Though he hadn\'t uttered the whole sentence, she could feel her heart starting to break, and she stared into his red eyes. "I don\'t want to. Please."

"You didn\'t hear the entire words that I was going to say," said Roman, a subtle frown coming to form on his forehead.

Julie shook her head, "I know what your next words are, and I won\'t agree to it. Nowhere close to it," her lips lightly trembled, and she felt like her whole world had started to crumble down, worse than it did before.

"It isn\'t bad," said Roman, but Julie wasn\'t willing to hear him speak more on what he was going to say.

Julie pulled away from where she had been sitting, stepping out of bed and ready to move towards the table, as she felt her eyes starting to well up again. It was as if she was internally an emotional wreck. Roman caught hold of her hand, stopping her from leaving his side.

"Why do you assume the worst thing," Roman questioned her, caressing his thumb across the skin on her wrist. "I was only going to suggest if we should go and visit Willow Creek to see if we can find anything more from your mother or people who once lived there. Maybe even your father, if his ashes are still around."

A feeling of relief washed away tension in her chest, and Julie turned to look at Roman, her eyes holding tears. Roman stood up from where he was sitting, standing tall in front of her.

"Did you think I was breaking up with you?" Roman\'s words held the same serious tone as the look in his eyes. And upon his words, Julie\'s gaze lowered down, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. "Did you think I was that heartless?"

"I thought you were worried about the curse," whispered Julie, "That you would do something like your father."

Roman pulled Julie into his embrace, and she obliged him without a doubt of resistance. Feeling him wrap his arms around her body and keeping her close to him.

"I might be his son, but I am selfish. And I am selfish because I love you very much and I won\'t let you go," said Roman, and Julie nodded her head while closing her eyes. More tears came to spill and wet his black shirt. "You are stuck to me now, and I to you. Even before I made love to you, I already knew everything that Knox had told you, before I even confirmed it with Donovan. You aren\'t just anyone to me, Winters. You are the only one, and no curse will change my mind."

"You promise?" asked Julie, feeling her heart shudder at the thought of him leaving her. She didn\'t know she would be able to survive, and the thought of him not being around her sickened her.

"I promise to never let you go. I promise to always stay by your side, no matter what the obstacles or situation comes up. I am a selfish vampire, and I don\'t think I have the will nor the intentions to let you go in the air, when I know what it means to have you with me," Roman\'s words were reassuring to her ears, his touch on her back as he stroked was gentle. She clung to him as if that was all that mattered right now, and it was everything that she ever wanted. "Don\'t cry," he once again petted her head, gently running his hand, and he whispered, "I love you, forever will."

Julie pulled her head, pulling herself from his embrace a little, and she looked at him. The rim of her eyes had turned red, and so was her nose. Her eyes glistened with tears in them. Roman let go of his hands around her before he brought them up near her face, wiping both sides of her cheeks before cupping her face.

"I love you," Julie\'s words were whispered with shyness in them.

"I know," replied Roman, and once the tears that had spilt on her cheeks had dried, he said, "Don\'t doubt my affections for you at any time. They will always stay the same, how I feel for you. Whether in my vampire or in ripper state."

Roman leaned forward, descending his lips on hers, and Julie received his kiss. She kissed him back, feeling him capture her bottom lip and lightly suck on it. His tongue snaked into the warm cavern of her mouth, claiming her and assuring her heart that had doubted and had pained for the last few minutes because of his words.

When they pulled back, Julie asked, "What time is it?" and she turned to look in the direction of the clock.

"It\'s ten past eight," answered Roman.

Did she sleep that long? If Roman hadn\'t come to the room, she would have continued to sleep.

"I thought to come here and check on you," he said to her, and she nodded. "There\'s a dinner hosted in the manor where the Elders have been staying."

"What time is the dinner?" asked Julie, wondering if she should change her clothes, as she hadn\'t changed her clothes since she had returned to Veteris.

"It is at nine. You don\'t have to change your clothes, the dress is more than fine," he added, noticing her eyes shifted to look at the closet doors.

A smile appeared on Julie\'s face, and she said, "Let me go and wash my face."

"I will be right here," replied Roman, and Julie left her dorm with a towel in her hand towards the common bath.

The corridor of the girl\'s Dormitorium was deserted, and with every step she took, she heard only her footsteps. Once she was done washing her face, she returned to the room. Picking up a jacket to protect herself from the cold weather before both of them left the Dormitorium, heading towards the manor.

"Who all are there?" inquired Julie.

"The same four Elders, university staff, and each of the apprentices. Maximus, Olivia, Griffin. Not sure who else has been invited, but that is my guess," remarked Roman, walking next to her as they continued to walk. On their way, they could hear the light buzzing sound of the crickets around them.

When they arrived at the manor, it was decorated to celebrate Christmas. Lanterns hung from the ceiling, which brightly emitted light and resembled back in time.

Two guards-like servants stood at the door, which was left wide open for the guests to step inside.

Stepping inside, Julie felt Roman protectively place his hand on her back. They were led towards the dining room by another servant, who was the butler there. Pushing one of the double doors open, Roman and Julie stepped inside while being able to hear the voices and conversations taking place in the room.

It was Castiel, who was humble enough to welcome the couple in, "Welcome, Roman and Julie. It is good to see you after the short vacation. Take a seat."

Julie felt the Elders\' eyes on her, and while some were polite, some either stared or looked at her with a frown and distaste that came from Elder Luciano Sterling.

But right now, she was too tired to be dealing with stares. Ignoring it, she sat down next to Roman and noticed Mr. Evans was sitting there, talking to Mr. Borrell. To think that there was a time when she was worried and wary of Mr. Borrell, she couldn\'t help but slightly smile at that thought.

When her eyes met Olivia\'s, both of them exchanged smiles between each other.

"Eloise, I think it is time you take a vampire under your wing, like every one of us have," suggested Luciano, striking a conversation.

"I decided to take Ms. Winters under my wing," replied the headmistress, and Julie was surprised when she heard this. She turned to look at Ms. Dante, who offered her a polite smile. "What do you think, Ms. Winters?"

"I don\'t know," replied Julie, because she wasn\'t sure what it meant to be under someone\'s care, especially vampires.

"If you want to know more, come see me at my office. Or I am sure Evans would be more than happy to brief it to you," said Ms. Dante and Julie\'s eyes shifted to the counselor, who gave her a nod.

"How kind of you, Eloise," remarked Donovan, who had already started drinking his wine. "Not to mention smart. Julie is an exceptional witch, you would be worthy to have her."

Dante stared at Donovan as if he didn\'t try to kill Julie in the past.

Luciano let out a quiet disgruntled voice, rolling his eyes at Donovan\'s words, before he expressed his opinion, "Witches have caused nothing but trouble. And more than that, most of us have been interested in knowing how you let Enoch slip away through your fingers. Unless you have turned incompetent in catching a weak vampire."

"People sometimes require talent in such things, Luciano," remarked Donovan in a light-hearted manner, knowing exactly what the other Elder vampire was directing at. "Is there any news about him?"

"None so far," stated Castiel. "I have checked with others, but no one has seen him. It has been many days, either he\'s still trying to connect back to his brother, or he\'s already reached the place where his brother is. All in all, trying to track him has been difficult and there are too many trails of bodies everywhere."

"These humans sure like to put Silverwater everywhere," Luciano clicked his tongue, "Earlier this morning I went to this town with Griffin, and everything they had was absolute rubbish with Silverwater added in it."

"They had tried to spread the element everywhere they can or could, but I did find some of these towns to be free of Silverwater," pointed Donovan, rotating his wrist in which he held the glass of wine. "What information do we have on the hunters? Who was the one to send out orders to take steps like this one."

"There\'s a man named Gideon," said Dante, one hand of hers placed next to the glass and the other resting on the surface of the table. "He is rumored to be the person who spurred the hunters in distributing the Silverwater. There has been an increase in the number of human dead bodies on isolated roads or alleys, and it is gaining attention too quickly."

"Who has been recklessly killing people? People sometimes are really thoughtless little things, aren\'t they," murmured Donovan under his breath.

"Vampires, who else will kill people unless it is some sociopath," remarked Remy from his seat. "Find the person and kill him."

"I have only been able to find the name, and there has been no news of where this man is. I heard that he\'s not a human," said the headmistress, and it raised many eyebrows at the table.

"Why would a vampire want to try to kill the other vampires?" questioned Castiel.

"Probably because he hates everyone," commented Roman in a dull response.

"Maybe he wants to be the next Elder vampire. Gain more powers, by taking down the others," said Luciano, with his eyes narrowed.

"Doesn\'t one have to have the witch\'s ability to turn into an Elder vampire?" inquired Maximus, and Luciano quietly glared at the younger vampire.

"What more do you have, Eloise?" asked Donovan to the vampiress.

"The supply of Silverwater comes from him. If we are able to remove him from the board, it will quieten the little uproar when it comes to the vampire\'s existence and being killed. Though at the moment, only the reckless vampires are being caught, going to open areas and eating and drinking things. Borell has already sent out notice to the vampire students, who study here, to take precautions and respond."

Donovan turned to look at Mr. Borrell and questioned, "And how many have responded?"

"Only eighty-seven percent of the total number of students," replied Mr. Borrell. "The rest are waiting."

"The situation will turn very dire if they were to torture one of our students and try to get more information about us," said Luciano, displeased with the way things were going. "I say we go and make a direct attack. Kill the hunters and illicit fear in them know what they are up against," he harrumphed.

"We already did that once and saw what happened," said Roman, his voice sounding cold and empty.

Julie placed her hand on Roman\'s hand for comfort under the table.

They did go and attack the hunters last time, and it had ended up with them losing Piper. Julie missed Ms. Piper, where she glared and smiled at the students.

"The hunters have different technology, and one will need strategy," said Roman, meeting Luciano\'s eyes.

"And what do you propose, Roman? An old vampire has gone missing, and we have hunters who are trying to track every vampire in the vicinity," pointed Luciano before he said, "Both you and your maker are alike. There is a crisis going on and you go on vacation."

"Nobody told you not to take vacation, Luciano. No need to be jealous there," commented Donovan, and Luciano\'s eyes flared.

"Hell would freeze if I were to be jealous of you, Azazel," huffed Luciano, and then asked, "So tell us what happened that day that you couldn\'t catch Enoch. There was a body found near the university, and the cops came sniffing around, who couldn\'t be compelled."

"Maybe you should have caught him yourself than wait for me to do it," replied Donovan.

"I would if I was in Willow Creek, and show you how it can be done by me," said the blonde Elder vampire. There was a look of suspicion in his eyes as he stared at Donovan.

"Why don\'t you ask Enoch himself when you meet him, on how involved I am with him. On how I waved at him goodbye and to see him soon, while I stood there watching his back retreat," came the words Donovan, and before Luciano could respond to it, Dante said,

"Both you Elders can continue with your bicker once we are done discussing more pressing matters and when the rest of us leave the table," watching both of them, she said, "Conner has already gained the trust of the hunters, it is a slow process, but the end results will be fruitful. We\'ll take them down one at a time."

Julie, who had been listening to this, her eyebrows furrowed, and she asked, "You mean to kill the hunters?"

"Yes," came the curt response from Ms. Dante. "With every rising group of hunters, the probability of our and our fellow vampires survival decreases."

"But some of the hunters are innocent," stated Julie.

"We won\'t eliminate the humans who are innocent, Ms. Winters. Only the ones that are a direct threat, who are creating a rift right now," replied Ms. Dante, and Julie gave a nod. She then turned to look at others and then said, "We will take out the smaller rats before we go to the bigger ones. This will make it easier for us to narrow down our search too."

"Actually… let it stay like this for sometime," proposed Roman, and everyone turned to look at him with a questioning gaze. "A little bit of rattle from the hunters will lead us to the bigger fishes like the Mortimers. Give it a week, and it\'s not like the vampires are not safe. The ones who have been following the rules, will continue to stay in the shadows, while the rogues and other ones who like creating chaos will be taken out. It will save us trouble in cleaning the unneeded vampires."

"We can try and test it," agreed Remy. "But I think it would be better to quickly get back to the students who have not responded to the call."

"I will get to it right away," said Mr. Borrell, standing up from his seat and excusing himself from the room.

"Great, now that one of the things is sorted, let us all enjoy our meals," said Castiel with a smile on his face, raising his glass to toast, and everyone raised their glasses in the air, "To peace."

"To peace," came the murmurs from the people in the room.

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