
Chapter 330 - Kosmos: Ervas, Veronica, And Kireina Join In!


"Hades-sama, Veronica…! Veronica has entered into my soul!" cried Thanatos.

"Eh? What?!" asked Hades in surprise.

"What is going on?" asked Nyx.

"There is… Veronica inside of… Thanatos… soul…" said Hades.

"Eh?!" asked Nyx in surprise.

"Wait, really? Oh! That means that another of me is coming! My main body is coming to help us out!" said Veronica.

"Main body?" asked Hades.

"Well, Veronica here is not the real one, her main body remains within her original world, but she fragmented her own soul and created a perfect copy of it, sending it to this world," said Nyx.

"So that\'s how you do it, little rascal! Wait, now you\'re bringing another of you?!" asked Hades.

"Yep, that must be me… Please tell Thanatos to let her get inside this world," said Veronica.

"Alright… Thanatos! Calm down, are you really the God of Death or what? That is Veronica, she has a main body in her original world, meaning that she can come here through the fragmentation of her soul into clones! She is most likely using you as a catalyst to bring another of her in here," said Hades.

"And why meeee?!" cried Thanatos.

"She has a limited time to get in here, so please let her get in, explanations can be done afterward!" said Veronica.

"Alright! Thanatos, just do it!" said Hades.

"O-Okay then… But… there are two more souls merged into Veronica\'s…!" said Thanatos.

"Eh?! Two more?!" asked Nyx, both in surprise and slight happiness to get to see more aliens.

"Those must be Ervas and Kireina, let them get in as well!" said Veronica.

Thanatos who was trembling in his palace then sat down on his throne again, his entire soul began to flow out of his body, like abyssal deathly darkness!

"You aliens… You better explain yourselves after this!" he roared.

Veronica, Ervas, and Kireina then finally decided to divide their souls, cutting off a chunk of it that made most of their current consciousness in here!

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Surprisingly, they managed to separate from each other in time before they were to become something like a fused mass of souls, dividing each other, although each clone had a bit of the other two as well.

Thanatos was startled even more as three entities came to be!

"By Tartarus…! You really just came out of nowhere!" he said a bit angrily.

Veronica\'s soul was a mass of darkness, Ervas a mass of gray and yellow light, and Kireina was like twisting darkness, crimson, and purple colors, resembling a sphere with a crimson eye in the middle.

"Oh, this is Kosmos?! Interesting!" said Kireina.

"So I\'m really here… well, I am a clone of the main body, but it still surprises me," said Ervas.

"Oh damn, I gotta go look for my other me right now, she\'s going to get so happy!" said Veronica.

"Hold your horses! You are not going anywhere! Wait for Hades-sama and Nyx to come here," said Thanatos, his soul was connected with the three, and so, they were not able to escape if he didn\'t let them.

"Oh damn, our souls are bonded with this guy? Now I am beginning to regret this," said Kireina.

"W-What?! Then why did you even come in the first place?" asked Thanatos.

"Calm down big guy~," said Kireina.

"Who are you calling big guy, alien?! Be more respectful with the God of Death!" said Thanatos.

"Alright, alright, Thanatos-sama, please calm down, let\'s talk and get well together," said Veronica.

"Indeed, sorry for Kireina\'s rudeness, she is rather special. Nice to meet you, my name is Ervas," said Ervas.

"I\'m Kireina, well, he already said my name," said Kireina.

"And I am Veronica. I know that you know my name, but it is better to still present us politely," said Veronica.

Thanatos glanced at the freak show for a few seconds and then sighed, sitting on his throne.

"You better explain to me what is going on and how did you even had the power to enter my soul out of nowhere! It is a very dangerous thing. Although I am sure that I could have crushed your soul to pieces if I wanted!" said Thanatos, although he acted very clumsily and panicked.

"Oh, sure thing~," said Kireina with a smile, she slowly shaped her chaotic body into her fairy self rather masterfully, although Ervas and Veronica had a harder time than her, this was due to Kireina\'s masterful ability to shapeshift.

After changing into more friendly shapes, Veronica resembled her own self from Kritias for the most part, with the wine-colored hair, pale white skin, and crimson eyes, and Ervas looked like his own appearance, although made of yellow light.

"All three of you are very strange… Veronica has a lot of affinity with Death, it almost felt like you\'re a small version of me… Ervas… you\'re more akin to life and some kind of element less energy, and Kireina… seems like a mix mash of many things, with a lot of power being sealed," said Thanatos.

"More or less, it seems that I carried some of my potentials here, but I have my powers once again reduced a bit… Oh? Did I get a System? Kosmos has a System?" asked Kireina.

"Right… I guess I never explained much because we were always busy, but Kosmos is going through a lot of stuff… I kept my System alongside Ervas though, it seems that the Samsara System can divide itself without many problems, meaning that it is really like an extension of us at this point," said Veronica.

"We have made it our own power," said Ervas.

"So? Are you going to explain things?" asked Thanatos quite seriously.

"Riiight…" said Veronica.

"Well, it all started with…" muttered Ervas.

"I believe it would be better for Veronica to explain that Ervas-kun," said Kireina, grabbing Ervas as if he were her baby and carrying him in her tender arms.

"I don\'t dislike being carried by a motherly woman, but I am rather embarrassed nonetheless," said Ervas.

"What a strange bunch…" thought Thanatos.

The skeletons and undead around them glanced at the trio rather surprised, and some even began to be slowly charmed by their Guidance, which transferred over.

Even Thanatos himself felt a strange power from within the three that attracted him to them.

Kireina did not have Guidance, but she had a version of Enlightenment that was related to Souls, so even she was rather \'attractive\' to Thanatos who was a God of Death, deeply related to Souls.

Veronica then explained a bunch of things to Thanatos, about how her System lets her go through a trial to get the fragment of a god to trigger her evolution, and so on.

"So that\'s why I feel like a bit of my power was taken… I might have unwillingly given you a Divine Protection… How cunning!" said Thanatos.

"I am very sorry, I never expected of you to be so surprised, Thanatos-sama," said Veronica very humbly.

Due to her adorableness and beauty, alongside her strong Death Charm which had evolved even further into Guidance, Thanatos could not help but feel a bit ashamed when he forced Veronica to apologize so much.

"Sigh… Well, that\'s that," he said.

Afterward, Thanatos was explained a few more things about Ervas and Kireina, how Ervas and Veronica used to be the same in the past, how Kireina comes from another world, and many other things.

"I guess I\'ve finally gotten a better grasp of the situation. Hades-sama and Nyx should have finished their speech as of now, so expect their visits anytime," said Thanatos, as he summoned a giant table made of bones and covered in the phantasmal aura, which was some kind of Undead, alongside many chairs and other things made of bone as well.

There were even forks, plates, and candles made of bones, it was as if Thanatos was employing his Necromancy abilities in literally anything, giving everything a bony aesthetic which he seemed to like.

Then, his skeletons, zombies, ghosts, wraiths, and other Undead began to bring fresh food, although it was nothing that they would ever find on the surface of Kosmos.

"Enjoy this meal for now. It is meat from several beasts that exist in the Underworld, alongside special Necrotic Herbs, Deadly Crimson Cabbage, and Venomous Eggplants. The latter is very sweet, my favorites with some Hellhound meat," said Thanatos, digging in.

Because all three of them were souls, eating venomous things had no effect on them, and happily enjoyed the otherworldly meal.

"Damn, this is actually delicious… Yet so interesting in flavors. I have never tasted something that combined both citric, sweet, and savory flavors so well… And the Necrotic Herbs really do give it a nice flavor and juice to the Abyssal Crawler meat," said Kireina.

"Oh? I guess you\'re a woman of culture as well," said Thanatos, offering wine to his new allies through his Undead servants.

"All of this is pretty good! I can\'t get enough of it!" said Veronica, who had inherited her Gluttony to an extent in this new clone of hers, and was eating as if she didn\'t have a limit.

"Does she has a void in her stomach- Ah well you\'re all souls," said Thanatos.

"She still kind of has one," said Ervas.

"This wine is stupendous, I can feel that there was used some of the grapes that you harvest here. I can clearly feel their essence through the smell," said Kireina.

"You keep surprising me, you\'re a good connoisseur of food, Kireina," said Thanatos, nodding.

In the middle of the meal, a large gate opened out of nowhere at the side of the table, and Hades, Nyx, and the other Veronica emerged from them!

"So there they are!" said Hades.

"Oh my, another Veronica…" said Nyx.

"Hello me!" said Veronica.


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