
Chapter 284 - The Change In The Frank Empire

In Rome the Supreme Pontiff was sweating a bit, because he was about to give an order that would end the civil war in the Frank empire.

But this also meant giving the emperor more power.

"This situation will be a reminder that having pagans is a favorable situation for us but it will also be a problem.

We have to somehow end the power of the emperor. When the extermination of the north begins, I want the priests to spread the rumor that the emperor is insane.

I also want disputes to be created between the servants and the nobles who support the emperor, make them believe that their noble leaders.

They are supporting a real madman. While this unfolds, I also want the rebellious provinces of the empire to prepare.

Help with the financing of troops and weapons. I want a single village to be able to fight against the knights of the Frank empire.

We have to take advantage of the fact that the emperor will have to leave his lands again to attack the pagans.

Let no one dare to reveal themselves until the conquest of the north ended. At that moment, I want everyone to reveal themselves. "

One of the more prepared bishops looked at the high pontiff "Pope Gregory IV, I understand what you want to do but what happens if everything goes wrong."

Gregory smiled and gave a minor blow with his hand full of gold rings "We are responsible for the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

A small empire that has not existed for long, can never oppose the church, Ludovico will know the fury of God.

Also, this will be a good time to expand our power. If we can defeat Emperor Ludovico, we will show that the church is over the nobility. "

The bishop shook his head "High Pontiff, I do not mean that Emperor Ludovico can win.

What will happen if the Muslims in the Iberian peninsula decide to attack together with the southern sultanate or even worse, what will we do if the Eastern Romans decide to attack us. "

Gregory laughed. "As long as we destroy the Frank empire, we can reorganize the newly created Christian kingdoms in order to fight the Muslims.

Besides, I don\'t think that the Eastern Roman Empire would dare to launch an attack like Emperor Justinian because they have no motive. "

Gregory caressed his chin with his fingers "If when the time comes the Eastern Roman Empire declares war on us, the ideal will be to hand over the kingdoms that are formed in the Balkans.

Together with the entire Italian peninsula, in this way we will guarantee our security, when a few years pass the Muslims will resume the conquest of the south of the Byzantine empire.

At that moment we can either reveal ourselves and be free again or we can poison the empire from within and rule it completely.

How we did it with the western Roman Empire, we as a church will never lose you, we will make momentary sacrifices but in the end we will dominate everyone.

For as the sacred institution of God, we never lose, and we always win. "

The bishop applauded the words of the Supreme Pontiff. "I will start organizing everything for the rebellion in the Frank empire. Do you want me to have the document of forced peace delivered?"

Gregory shook his head as he tapped the paper in front of him with his finger.

"I have to continue writing the document. I will send it in the morning but before I forget, send me the mother superior of the convent in Rome.

I want her to bring three of her younger nuns and some girls from the orphanage; I plan to have a party at night and the sin of lust cannot be missed.

You are also invited Clement. If you can bring some wine from the Naples region it will be a fantastic party. "

Clement nodded and smiled. "Do you know if the altar boys will come?"

Gregory spread his hands like a loving father "Of course the altar boys are coming. It will be a full party remember not to be late."

The next day in the afternoon, Ludovico, who was camping on the outskirts of the city of Parisii, received a messenger who arrived unexpectedly.

The messenger upon arrival took a document made of papyrus and opened it in front of the emperor.

"Emperor Ludovico, in the name of the Supreme Pontiff Gregory IV, the treaty of Rome has been signed by which any rebel of the empire will lay down their arms.


To achieve a lasting peace until the end of the extermination of the pagans of the north, as a guarantee, any Christian leader who attacks you.


They will be excommunicated and declared an enemy of the Christian world. As part of the aid to your campaign, the rebels will be urged to give a third of their troops.


In an army commanded by the Bishop of Aachen, it will function independently of his army, so it must be respected.


In return, the church will take care that the army it commands does not commit acts against the Christian religion in any Christian land.


The army will be available in a week after this letter is delivered to Emperor Ludovico.


The high pontiff also expects a generous payment for expendable material for use in the Holy See as a sign of good faith.


In turn, the city of Parisii was declared the cradle of martyrs, so all its citizens who died in battle must have their names engraved with gold letters.


In a monument to his brave work in defending the city from Viking attack, the sacred process to convert Emperor Ludovico\'s daughter killed in battle was also begun.


To Saint Giselda de Parisii, becoming together with Saint Genevieve of Paris, the two important figures of the city. "

When he finished reading the sacred document, the messenger knelt down and placed the parchment in front of Emperor Ludovico, who did not seem happy at all.

As he took the scroll, Ludovico sighed and rolled it up before handing it to his daughter, Adelaide.

"Take care of this document and also speak with the Bishop of Aachen, so he sent the orphans that we have captured on the way to Rome.

At least they will have a life full of luxury before ending up in horrible situations, but that is not our problem.

Their parents betrayed the empire so they will have to pay with their flesh for the sin that their parents did. "

Adelaide clutched the scroll as she was uncomfortable with her father\'s decision, but there was nothing she could do, so she nodded.

Ludovico, seeing his daughter somewhat upset, simply patted her on the shoulder.

"When you are the empress, you will learn that the world is not a safe place, it is a land of death where the weakest are eaten.

The world of religion and politics is full of carnivores who will not hesitate to eat anyone who dares to challenge them ... "

Giving an order with his hand, he told everyone to leave the place because he planned to speak alone with his daughter.

When everyone left Ludovico on his way to the table in the room\'s corner from where he took a jug of wine.

Pouring the aromatic red wine into two wine glasses, he invited his daughter to sit across from him to continue the conversation they were having.

Adelaide sat down and received her father\'s glass before sipping the wine in her glass.

"When the civil war with my brothers ended, after becoming emperor, I realized a dark reality."

Ludovico looked sadly at his daughter before drinking wine "The nobility was threatened by the church, not only that but we have to collaborate with them in a mandatory way.

Otherwise they will begin to poison the minds of our subjects. My father knew that and he tried to break the power of the church but could not do it.

As a reward, when the church died, it supported my brothers. In the end, I defeated them and I imposed myself as emperor.

As a result, the church simply discarded my brothers and supported me as emperor. For them, we are only disposable pieces.

We can rule in life, but if they make the servants believe that they will have a life in paradise in death, they are in control of their death.

It is easier for a person to fight with the promise of a better life after death than to fight in a reality where they lack.

We cannot fight against that because our power only encompasses life not death, that is the privilege of the church as well as that of any religion.

In addition, that also protects them against the atrocities that they commit in their churches and orphanages. I know what may displease you but under no circumstances do you try to change that reality.

For they will not hesitate to use all their power to defend their reputation and condemn you as a witch. You could die without even being able to rule.

They are a group of bandits who feel untouchable and unfortunately they are, until the power they exercise over the population can be taken away from them.

So remember my words, even if the church supports the rebels or another group of people, never start a war against them.

Unless you know you can win, because like I told you, they will kill you and your memory will be forgotten.

Just so you know, there have been four kings that my father once told me about. They had great kingdoms after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

The four of them came together to fight the church. The result is that they do not exist in historical records.

There is no information about them or anything to remember them. The church erased their existence using all its power; they are an institution that is scary for what it does. "

Adelaide drank the wine completely in her glass "Father, then we cannot do something to diminish the power of the church without taking risks."

Ludovico frowned "We could support some group of pagans abroad to speak ill of the church.

But his power would be tiny. If only there was someone too crazy to fight the church, maybe he would be the right person to shake up the power of the church. "

Einar, who was writing the constitution, sneezed and looked around because maybe someone is talking about him.

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