
Chapter 359 - Henry The Spy

When Henry began to open his eyes, he could see the beautiful Beth by his side. That made him feel a sense of pleasure and achievement because he had managed to win the heart of the woman he likes.

Using his hand, he caressed Beth\'s face, and it was at that moment that Beth only made a small gesture on her nose, this because she wanted to continue sleeping.

"Henry, just let me sleep a little longer. I\'m pretty tired."

Henry smiled and turned so he could see the ceiling of his room as he considered what the action plan was in order to eliminate the gold thieves.

\'It would be best to speak directly to the leader of the warriors, although I think I could speak directly to Herald Einar.


If I\'m not mistaken, he has an office on the dock. \'

"Beth, you who work on the dock? Do you know what requirements I need to be able to speak with Herald Einar?"

Beth opened her eyes and yawned. "I think you just need to introduce yourself to the guards and give the reason for your visit. They will search you and if you pass the search, you will be able to enter.

Do you want to talk to herald about something? "

Henry smiled and turned his head to look at her. "I have to inform you about something that happened while you were shopping for sandwiches.

Don\'t worry, if everything goes well, maybe I can have a better job and our quality of life will improve. "

Beth sighed to bring her face closer to Henry, whom she kissed. "I have confidence in you, but be careful what you do.

The herald is a wise ruler, but with enemies; he is a man who will not hesitate to kill them. Please do not do things that you may regret. "

Henry smiled and stroked Beth\'s cheek. "Don\'t worry, I\'m not an idiot who does things impulsively.

You can be sure that I will do things the right way. "

After this, the two kissed and Henry got out of bed to have some egg and pine leaf tea for breakfast.

After breakfast, he started walking towards the Asgard city pier. On the way, he could see people carrying goods from one place to another.

But especially the slaves carrying large quantities of building materials on horse-drawn carts that seemed to be brought to the villages and towns of the north.

Although he had never seen them, he knew that the northern towns were quite numerous, especially those towns that were in the interior of the mountains.

After passing some bridges with a strange and wonderful infrastructure, he reached the port walls, where a guard stopped him.

"Reason for entering the port of Asgard city?"

Henry smiled and handed over his identity document. "My name is Henry. I want to see Herald Einar. I have important information that I am sure will be of use to him."

The guard looked at him with some curiosity and turned his head to look at his partner seriously.

"We will take you to the Konungar Einar office, but before entering, a thorough search will be done is a requirement.

I hope you don\'t mind? "

Henry shook his head "Not at all, it is my duty to contribute to the safety of the Konungar Einar."

After this, Henry followed one of the guards through the harbor until he came to a beautiful brick and wood building.

Upon arrival, one of the guards took Henry to a room where he had to undress, when he showed that he did not have any kind of weapon or dangerous substance.

He was taken in that building to an office where the guard knocked on the door. Einar, who was working on some documents, raised his head.


At that moment, he could see one of the guards from the office building who was escorting a young man with brown hair and green eyes.

"Konungar Einar, this man wants to see you, it seems that he has information that may be of interest.

The eye of Odin prepared a file on this person. In a few minutes, he will be available. "

Einar smiled and motioned for Henry to sit down. "Have a seat, young man. When your file arrives, we can start talking."

Henry sat on the comfortable sofa and gazed curiously around the office as the guard watched him silently off to the side.

After a while, the office door opened and a young man in soldier\'s clothes entered, carrying a folder in his hand.

After handing it to Einar, he left the room. Einar opened the folder and began to read the information. "Henry Bernard, 26 years old.

It is presumed that he was a former spy of the Frank empire; you arrived on the last expedition of Darían and you settled in the town of Fjolnir.

It seems that you started a relationship with a woman named Beth; you are quite a box of surprises, Henry.

Tell me what an ex-spy like you needs to tell me? "

Henry felt a chill on his back because in just minutes the Konungar Einar could have information about him.

"I came because I could hear a group of slaves in the market speak in a strange Anglo-Saxon language.

They mentioned that they had the time of the patrols ready to be able to start mining gold from a kind of mountain.

With the gold, they planned to make jewelry to sell to the bank, to be able to earn Smaragds. "

Einar smiled evilly. "So they are trying to rob the nation. I am glad you give me this information but as you know I need a population with experience in many fields.

You proved to have the ability to be a professional spy; I want you to take charge of the investigation and to catch those involved.

I want them alive because they have to receive a fair trial. You will have 10 soldiers of the military police under your command.

Show me that you can do the mission and you will have the opportunity to train in the army to be able to enter the eye of Odin.

It is not enough to just have the ability to be a spy; you need physical condition to be able to do things well.

Tomorrow first thing in the morning outside your house there will be 10 soldiers of the military police, you will have to train them so that they can be of use to you.

They will agree to do anything but end their lives or kill. Remember that it is a test, so if you abuse power.

Instead of receiving a reward, you will have a very strong punishment. Now you have something else to say to me. "

Henry nodded and looked at the guard, so Einar gave the guard a signal to leave them alone.

When the guard left Henry looked at Einar seriously. "I don\'t know if this information is useful, but I was able to hear from other spies who left the Franco empire.

That a war is going to take place in the north, we do not know when, but it will be a war against the pagan Vikings in retaliation for the burning of the city of Parisii.

On the part of a group of Vikings, it is all the information that I think will serve you because the person for whom you worked died in the civil war.

So their secrets are worthless, except for their bastard children. "

Einar nodded and thought of his daughter\'s calendar and Kassia\'s dreams. \'A possible attack by the Frank empire, as a punitive activity because of the burning of the capital.


The development of the situation in Europe is interesting. If that bastard Ludovico wants war, I\'ll give him war.


Let\'s see if he can face the fury of the Nordics, but especially if one of my wives or someone in my family dies because of him.


I will not stop until I turn their lands to ashes. I will not kill civilians because they are a good workforce, but someone will suffer for my loss.


You better not do something stupid, Ludovico. \'

Einar sighed and turned to see Henry. "Thanks for the information. When you finish this mission, you will receive an extra payment for your actions.

You can retire that I have to prepare some things. "

Henry nodded and left the office, heading home. He had to admit he felt an almost invisible pressure from Einar.

He was like a beast about to kill its prey. When he got home, he spent time with Beth and the next day on the outskirts of his home were ten soldiers of the military police.

Henry just sighed and, using his experience, the first thing he did was change his clothes to some more formal clothes.

After this, Henry began a solo investigation until he could discover the day they planned to do the robbery.

With the help of the soldiers, he managed to follow the slaves at all times, which were a total of ten, when they believed that there was no one taking care of them.

The soldiers of the military police caught them using wooden batons to subdue them.

After this, steel handcuffs were placed on them and they were taken to the warriors\' barracks as they had to be interrogated.

Because of Einar, they knew that the best way to interrogate them was by using a simple but very efficient torture, in which a cloth was placed over the prisoner.

Which got wet. That way, the prisoner would have the feeling that he cannot breathe, but in fact he could.

It was a simple but efficient torture, so Henry was present at all times as the testimonies of the slaves were needed.

To be able to judge them.

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