
Chapter 363 - First Pet Of The Royal Family

In the port of the city of Asgard, Einar was watching with pride as they disembarked a ship full of dogs and cats.

Although Einar did not understand why he was motivated, it never hurts to have the two most important animal species for human beings on the island.

To begin with, the cats would be promoted in ports and coastal cities or towns, this to ensure that in case there are rats, they are quickly caught.

While the dogs would be divided into two sections, the first will be that the strongest and largest will be for the army.

The smallest and weakest will be for the police. Although he was not a talented trainer, he had experience.

Because one of his colleagues in the army had a sergeant dog, so he had to take care of him at all times.

As it was a degree greater than him, this was done with the intention that the soldiers would not harm him.

Among the dogs that were coming down, Einar could see still a group of black and white dogs that he recognized as Border Collies.

A breed of dogs who were good dog sitters. This brought a smile to Einar.

Because on his father\'s ranch he had had a Border Collie and a Chihuahua as pets. The two dogs were loving, but the Border Collie was a breed of dog that was born to be a sheep keeper.

With a sign of his hand, he indicated to the warriors that they would bring him all those dogs, which totaled almost 35 dogs.

Among all of them, Einar took a scrawny puppy, which he looked at with affection because it reminded him of his pet on that ranch.

"From today you will be a Flea, because you are the size of a small flea, don\'t worry, you will grow up to become a good sheepdog.

How will all the other Border Collies. "

The dog just looked doubtfully at Einar before licking his hand quite affectionately. Einar just laughed and carried the dog with one hand.

Before looking at the rest of the dogs with affection, "For the moment, you will adapt a place to sleep near the sheep stable.

Tomorrow I will talk to Jesper, Joakim, and little Daven, so they can learn what their training has to be like.

You do not know worry, you will be able to reproduce without problems or restrictions because we will need many of you so that you can take care of the sheep. "

Einar gave a signal to a group of slaves and ordered them to begin the construction of an area to keep the dogs.

Something that Einar would do to avoid future problems is to create a law for the protection and care of dogs.

Only dogs that work in the field can breed, while pets in the city must be registered.

This to prevent animals from being abandoned, this only with dogs, in the case of cats a control of their population will be maintained in the field.

This to prevent cats from turning feral and starting to kill island species could be a drastic measure for some people.

But they were done to avoid the horrible situation where dogs could live on the streets and be a problem.

They were like the laws that prevented the abandonment of children in the streets, this to avoid that there were orphaned children begging in the streets.

How protection laws guaranteed that there would be no problem in the future, because the problem was nipped in the bud.

Children would be cared for by the state if they were unwanted or if they were just unlucky enough to have their parents die.

The dogs would be cared for by responsible owners or their owners would be punished.

Also, to avoid tragedies, large and hunting dogs will be reserved for places such as towns or for use by the army.

This is to prevent dogs from threatening the lives of children or people in cities.

Einar was sure that with all this, he would avoid problems such as Pitbulls attacks against children or people.

He knew very well that the fault was not the animal but the irresponsible owners who often did not take care of their pets.

With everything he would do, bad dog owners would be punished and the right to have a dog as a pet would be taken away from them.

As for cats, these furry creatures are free spirits that will never stay in a house to be pets.

Simply maintaining a stable and well-fed population was enough, as sooner or later rats could be a veritable pest.

All this because the increase in population and cities, as well as the creation of drains, together with the increase in trade, would create the perfect environment for these creatures to reproduce.

Although the climate of Iceland would kill them outside the cities within them, they would have a place to create an environment to reproduce as far as cats.

They will be the necessary creatures to be able to kill them because they are the only predators of those rats in the absence of house birds in Iceland, such as owls.

Perhaps the white foxes could keep the population under control, but that would be almost impossible, as the rats will not adapt to the cold outside the cities.

Already with his little cub in his hand, Einar started his way to the palace because he was very happy.

He had obtained 7,592 new citizens and

12839 slaves, which would be of help for the construction of the city.

About 340 cats, 237 dogs and 36 Border Collies.

He had also won 256 cows, 568 sheep, and 344 goats.

As for food, he had obtained 5 tons of various seeds as well as 2 tons of fruits and beets in different degrees of conservation.

This was not an impediment for Einar, as he planned to use those fruits to create sugar so that he could trade to create glycerin with it.

In case they were very bad, they could always be used to produce liqueurs or vinegar failing that.

To Einar, all of these were valuables that he could use to do anything.

When he got to the elevator, he started to go up and stroked the fur of his little dog that was a bit shaky. "Flea, don\'t be afraid.

You will have a very loving family. With you, I will teach my children to take care of life and take responsibility.

You are not a toy. You are a new member of the family that has privileges. Do not worry, you will not live in a cold place.

But before you can meet them, I\'ll have to cut your hair and take a shower. "

Flea raised his ears and began to lick Einar as he felt the affection in his words.

Einar, who looked like a child, stroked his puppy. He always enjoyed the company of dogs but for work and the death of his wife.

He never had the opportunity to be able to take care of another puppy again, because as Erika\'s father and mother, he had to work twice as hard for her.

Upon reaching the platform, he began to walk towards the imperial palace because he planned to go to his laboratory because there he had the tools to cut the puppy\'s hair and he could bathe it.

When he got to his lab, he opened it and could see Sia working on a blackboard while using chalk to write on it.

"If what Einar told me is correct to balance an equation, it should be used ..."

Sia turned her head and looked at Einar with a smile. "Welcome Einar, I thought you weren\'t coming today."

Einar just smiled and showed the puppy in his hand. "I came to cut the hair and bathe this puppy with sulfur soap to remove any fleas or animals he might have.

It will be a gift for my children, although the one who will take care of it will be me because as the responsible adult I have to take charge of training it.

If you want advice, you should also have a pet, maybe a cat or another dog. They are life companions that will help you at all times.

The selfless love they give you is something to admire. "

Sia just smiled. "I\'ll think about it because my father always said that as alchemists we must be detached from the life of anything because our experiments could end the life of many things."

Einar smiled and started using a metal machine that appeared to be a tweezer, and started cutting the puppy\'s hair.

"That is true, but I have children, a wife, and even a beautiful pet. But I am not afraid to end a life either out of revenge or necessity.

One always has to know how to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Giving a purpose to the deaths we do is the secret not to go crazy about what we do.

It is not about justifying, but about making sense of the deaths. For example, the rabbits that we kill are used by science.

Believe me, it is necessary to have someone to trust. I think a dog will be the ideal, cats are disinterested animals.

One day you feed them and the next they turn around never to return, no matter that you have cared for them since they were babies.

Instead, you give a dog a caress and he can remember you for most of his life. "

When Einar finished cutting the puppy\'s fur, he threw the fur into a trash can to be cremated and, using gloves, began to bathe it using sulfur soap.

At that moment a lot of fleas began to fall into the sink drain, as well as other kinds of vermin.

Flea the little cub wagged his tail, as he felt so much better for what Einar had done.

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