
Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Half a day had passed.

Kyon was in the analytics department, working on the report and answering hundreds of questions from his prying colleagues. They looked like curious little children, gaining knowledge from a wise teacher. And those were high-ranking investigators…

At a certain point, Charge got an update and announced cheerfully:

«Good news, gentlemen! They have brought Sauron back from the dead and taken to the interrogation department! I suggest we take a look at the bastard and spit on his face! Ha ha ha!»

Everyone, including Kyon, hurried to the white office. It was equipped with all the necessary tools for tortures and a special chair with fixing straps. The room of suffering was designed specifically to inflict the most excruciating torments on the most dangerous criminals of the kingdom.

Charge, Rasya, and other high-ranking investigators went inside and stood still. Kyon came in last and froze, dumbfounded. A pot-bellied executor with puffy cheeks was holding a torn bloody nail in his tongs, and next to him, there was a beautiful girl in the underwear, tightly fixed with straps in the torture chair. Lovr’s heart fell into a bottomless black abyss, his mind went blank as if a red-hot anvil had landed on his head when he recognized the prisoner… It was Valeera.

The little thief decided long ago to give up everything human in her. She started down the dark path to get the resources and strength she needed for her revenge. Her uncle had played a major role in her upbringing. He taught her to kill, steal, stay cold-blooded, ruthless in any situation. She was used to taking, ignoring morality and laws, giving almost nothing in return. Even if a child stood between her goal and her, no one would envy the poor kid.

Under Leon’s guidance, she acquired excellent leadership skills and became an example of perseverance, grit and strength. Over the years of hard training, she had tempered her character that turned into a deadly, unbending blade. However, her uncle often repeated, “you cannot tie a knot with one hand,” meaning that she wouldn’t achieve much on her own. She wanted to prove him wrong and created a thieves guild and a robbers syndicate. It took incredible efforts, lots of money and time to organize them. Working on the invaluable “brainchildren” she had reached the peak of her skills and talents. That’s they were so dear to her.

This morning, having received the alarming message from the Hans, Valeera couldn’t stay away. After the elimination of the thieves guild, her heart would not accept another loss of the valuable subordinate. Therefore, she came to his rescue, hoping there would be no unnecessary victims.

The trap and the powerful explosion caught Valeera by surprise. At the last moment, she managed to use the pure energy and protect herself. However, it only delayed the inevitable. Her body writhed in agony, her insides felt like churning. The ringing in the ears was unbearable, and her mind was like in a fog. The only thing that moved her at that moment was a frantic desire to survive, to live at all costs. No matter how much she hated her damned life for the hell she had to go through, she refused to believe there was no meaning in her existence. The meeting with the talented son of the goddess… The patronage of the best uncle in the world… Her devoted and selfless subordinates… The hope still lived on that everything had happened for a reason. Once her dream would come true, she couldn’t give up. She clenched her teeth and continued to crawl.

Her cloudy eyes caught a glimpse of a small, swift object flying in her direction, and a moment later, everything went dark.

{Am I dead? What’s the use of all this? Why did I have to suffer?}

Eventually, Valeera opened her eyes. The bright light in the white room pierced arrows in her brain. She saw a variety of tools on the shelf and knew their purpose at once. They looked ominous. She was bound tight with straps on a very strange chair. Her keys did not spin. A throbbing pain, like a hungry predator, gnawed its sharp teeth into her weak flesh.

A crushing realization struck her. She knew right then that the worst thing that could possibly happen to her had happened. The law enforcement officers had caught her! All the valuables ​​that she had been collecting for many years (in the ring), and even her own life, everything was gone. There would be tortures and a shameful execution in the central square… She had failed her uncle, she did not live up to his expectations. The death of his beloved niece would only bring upon Leon grief and misery, for he had invested in her a great deal of time and effort, raising her as his own daughter.

The door to the room opened.

Valeera grimaced in disgust when she saw who had come.

It was an ugly, plump, short man with a big belly. He had a radiant bald patch on his head, sunken shifty eyes, greasy lips that rounded with an “oh” when he saw the girl.

«What a nice catch! He-he-he!» – The short man jumped with joy with an evil cackling laugh like a child who had received a long-awaited gift.

The last weeks had been endlessly annoying for Chuggington. A high-ranking masked bastard had taken his precious job! He happened to know how to get the information without tortures! All this made Chuggington sad and depressed. He started having nightmares where he didn’t torture anyone. He had considered himself a hand of justice, a saint punishing sinners. The best executioner in the department was without work! It was unheard of!

Today, the pissed off executioner decided to beat the investigator to it. He had taken the criminal first and was about let off steam. But he didn’t expect a beautiful girl to be waiting for him in the interrogation room! It was a gift from heaven! He had never tortured so lovely prisoners! He was trembling with anticipation. He was going to do his best. Soon she would be begging him to let her die! She wouldn’t recognize herself when it was over!

He immediately rushed to the tools rack, picked up the nail puller and walked to the girl with a spring in his gait. – «So… The first question, what is your name?»

«…» – She didn’t intend to open her mouth until she dies.

«No answer? He-he-he!» – The pot-bellied short executor giggled. He almost gently took the girl by the finger and pulled out her nail with a slow dexterous movement.

The prisoner just frowned silently, her eyes shut tight.

«Tell me your name… I can play this game forever! He-he-he!» – He enthusiastically reached for the next finger and put the puller to the nail…

{Goddess, isn’t it pathetic… To fall into this parasite’s hands and endure his tortures…} – She felt sorry for herself. Her uncle once showed her people after tortures. The looked like mutilated chunks of meat with their eyes gouged out and their teeth knocked out. They often missed limbs or had only stumps corroded by gangrene… It would be a nightmare. She didn’t want to die like this.

At this moment of despair, she didn’t think of her caring and loving uncle. She remembered the mysterious boy who never ceased amazing her with his crazy tricks and phenomenal abilities. If he appeared now like a noble knight from the fairy tales that fought dragons to save their beloved princesses, they might give it a chance… She wished he could find a way to keep his promise. She would gladly protect for two years, just to not be here.

Suddenly the door to the room swung open again. High-ranking investigators came inside. One of them was wearing a scary black mask on his face.

When Chuggington saw the latter, he made a grimaced and hastily hid the nail puller behind his back. Was he going to take his sweet victim away?! How dared he interrupt his work?!

Everyone was looking at the prisoner.

The pale, desperate beautiful girl with a bleeding shredded finger was a surprise for all of them. The investigators stood there in shock. Could this amazing creature be Sauron, the vile bastard, the leader of the bloodthirsty robbers?

«Gods.» – Charge scratched his head, perplexed. – «Is this cutie Sauron?! Who dared to ruin her?!» – The boss was furious.

Just then, an assistant investigator ran into the room and bowed low. – «Sir! The initial inspection of the criminal’s things has shown that the criminal has a close relationship with the thieves and the assassins guilds! Most likely, she is the head of both organizations!»

«What did you say?!» – Charge and the other investigators gasped.

The little thief almost growled in frustration. How dared they rummage through her things with their dirty hands?! She had in the ring all the treasures the three organizations had earned over a long period of their existence. There was the result of about a year of their painstaking work.

«We’ve found lots of evidence in the ring. For example, a mask and tools that belong to professional thieves. According to Tymoshka’s testimony, the feathered mask is the one that Lanay used to wear!»

«There is also lots of weapon, toxic substances as well as medicine, keys, special clothes, and a few millions of spheres! And above all, there is the seal that belongs to the head of the assassins guild!» – The assistant finished triumphantly.

The seven investigators were speechless. They slowly turned to the rookie. This talented monster had caught all the evil in the kingdom in one fell swoop! They didn’t even dream of getting rid of the assassins guild. And he had captured the Black Queen, Lanai, and Sauron all rolled into one! This boy was really endowed with great talent.

All those present couldn’t take their admiring eyes off the masked investigator. Valeera understood everything at once. She stared at him a long moment, hatred welling up in her. – {Damned bastard! You’ve ruined me! You’ve destroyed the result of my continued efforts… I hope my uncle will avenge my death and gut you alive…}

Her icy gaze seemed to pierce Kyon like a sharp dagger soaked in poison. – {I’m an asshole… Why did it turn out like this? How come she is Sauron? It’s so fucked up!}

What baffled him most was his reaction at capturing Sauron: gloating, the urge to let off steam connected with HER leaving, and the final shot in the head… He had almost killed with his own hands the girl he wanted to make his in the future. He felt like a soulless scoundrel for destroying the two organizations where she had put her heart and soul. And then he had caught the poor thing and sentenced her to death… Indeed, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Kyon could see his own hypocrisy. He had gladly destroyed the robbers, but now, he felt pity for their leader. Why was that? It’s simple – he had never been a fan of the system of justice. If his friend happened to be a killer, it wasn’t a reason to break ties. In this case, Valeera was more than just a friend. It wasn’t love, of course, but the attraction was too strong.

Rasya came up to the criminal and snorted contemptuously. – «How could there be such a dirty soul behind this pretty face? Baby, how did you stoop so low as to steal and kill people? Do you even understand who you are for the residents of Boston?! No answer? Okay… I will admire your disfigured face after tortures at the execution! The bitch that killed the king… You are going to get what you deserve.» – She flashed a vicious grin. Wasn’t she more condescending when it was about cute Timoshka?

Charge was the next to approach the captive. He lifted her head by the chin and looked into her eyes the colour of black gold, deep and clear as mountain lakes. There she was, the bitch that had robbed his father, who he hated with all his heart, the filth that had been plaguing the kingdom for many years. He had imagined the criminal as an ugly creature with horse teeth, but she turned out to be a charming girl with slightly pale cheeks. Her cold beauty resembled a poisonous rose with deadly thorns.

Charge took a deep breath as if he was going to say something, but then he just turned around and left.

The investigators were perplexed: didn’t Charge always express his contempt and disgust for the thieves guild and Lanai in particular?

Kyon lingered for a while and followed the boss, feeling his non-verbal sign.

When they were alone, Charge said gloomily:

«Rookie… Please, don’t think that I am willing to forgive Lanai for all the atrocities she has done. But I don’t want to see Chuggington mutilate this rare beauty. I give you the task to conduct an acupuncture interrogation.» – He slapped Kyon on the shoulder and left.

The captive stubbornly remained silent to all the provocative questions. One by one, the investigators left the interrogation room. Only three people remained inside. The pot-bellied executer naively believed the masked investigator had left for good, looking at the beautiful girl in anticipation.

All of a sudden, Kyon grabbed the freak by the collar and took him out.

«Who do you think you are?! I am the best executioner in the department, not just some criminal! Let me go!» – Chuggington screamed, scared stiff

Before the fat man finished, a quick blow reached his jaw, and then another one, and then a dozen more. Half of the teeth fell into his throat and then into the stomach, the other half flew out.

«А-аа-а-аа-аh! He will kill me! Help!» – Chuggington squeaked.

Kyon released the bastard after he kicked him in the face one more time.


«Because I don’t like you.» – Kyon answered impassively. He could kill the bastard for the two nails he had torn off Valeera’s fingers. He should be grateful that Kyon had a principle not to kill fools due to a misunderstanding.

Chuggington picked up his broken teeth from the floor and ran to the clinic, whining. Soon afterward, he filed a complaint and submitted it to Charge for consideration. However, to his complete disappointment, the boss waved him off with the words – “I don’t have time now. I’ll take care of it later.”

Charge’s words made it clear that the masked bastard would get away with it! The boss valued him too much! Chuggington was bursting with hatred. He was about to explode! But what could he do? Or there was something he could do?

Kyon hesitated before entering the interrogation room.

Valeera opened her eyes, and Kyon’s confused look met with her gaze of burning hatred.

Kyon had an urge to beat himself to a pulp. He took out a small sweet candy, infused it with Synergy and came up to the girl. – «Here, take it…»

«…» – She kept silent.

He pressed the candy to the captive’s white lips and pinched her nose… It was necessary.

Valeera grimaced painfully, but she had to open her mouth to take a short breath. However, once it reached the stomach, the candy sent a pleasant chill throughout her body. The throbbing pain went away, it became easier to breathe. Her fingers didn’t hurt anymore.

{He is curing me so that I lived through the tortures.} – She concluded despondently.

Kyon stroked her pale cheek, but she squirmed squeamishly and turned away.

The nasty touch of the investigator made Valeera sick. From her standpoint, the vile freak couldn’t be happier! He was a successful hunter! He had even protected her from that sadistic scum! If she had ever come across him before, she would have turned him into minced meat. She thought that she had learned to control her emotions, but she couldn’t help shaking with rage and a wild urge to break the bastard’s fingers and wring his neck. Leon would find him. This thought made her feel better.

It was for the first time that the consequences of Kyon’s actions had played a dirty trick on him. He was used to destroying other people’s lives, and it had never given him anxiety or guilt. However, this time a beautiful girl had suffered because of him, the girl he cared for. Lovr would never admit he could get attached so easily, but he could not let them execute her. He had to do at least something and save her without losing anything in return.

{I’ll get her out of here!} – Kyon thought decisively.

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