
Chapter 340

Chapter 340

When he learned the enchantment principles, Kyon understood that the three main professions of this world have the same purpose – to control matter or energy. With this in mind, he came up with a theory in which he was 99% sure. There was an empty slot in everything that existed, and he could enter his code in each slot.

Lovr was convinced that there was only one slot and a single-threaded code with a linear function. The underlying principle in formacy suggested single-threaded processes just like the binary code used in computing.

If there were two slots, then medicine could be enchanted without losing its properties. It also worked the other way around – the enchanted ingredients couldn’t be used twice. Formacy collided with the two other professions.

When an enchanter casts a spell for durability, say of a granite stone, they write a code in the form of a formula for increasing strength. When enchanting the weight of the same stone, the formula of strength is replaced by the weight calculation. Each next level of this enchantment complements it. The trigram is used as a writing pen. The skill of writing is determined by the grade of the elements. The keys serve as ink.

When a formacist applies a formation, they enter an action code for the energy contained within the formation. The longer the code, the less energy in each line, the less efficient the formation. In this case, pure energy is used as a pen. The skill of writing is determined by the rank. The formacist’s energy and spheres serve as ink.

When an alchemist creates medicine, they enter an action code for the energy contained within the medicine. The longer the code, the less energy in each line, the less efficient the formation. That’s why narrowly focused pills are always more effective. The interaction of the energy in the ingredients is used as a pen. The skill of writing is determined by the rank. The spheres and the keys serve as ink.

To sum it up, enchanters fill the slot inside the matter, formacists find a way to fill the slot inside the energy. Alchemists fill the slot inside the soul (using unique body pills and not only them). It proves that there’s a slot in everything that exists, and only the creator of this world has direct access to it.

But why did the god need to create a slot? The answer is obvious – to control the universe without interfering with its fundamental laws! It allowed him to dissipate the souls of the unwanted and destroy entire planets with mind power! Presumably, he can reenchant things many times, maintaining the previous changes! He wouldn’t limit himself, after all…

But why did he create only one slot and not ten? He didn’t want to complicate an already complex universe! This stupid god did not even see the bug with turning the spatial pocket inside out! There is ample evidence that he stole the idea of this world from Lovr’s universe.

Why did the inhabitants of his world have to fill the slot using the three professions? Because it’s in his nature! He is no creator or originator, but just a bored omnipotent being. The whole system of phases, stages, unique bodies, and slots, the three exciting professions, numerous races, goddesses, legendary artifacts and much more… no doubt, the god just wanted to have fun.

Kyon nodded in understanding. It all added up. He could see through the creator without even making sure of his existence. Who said that it was impossible to win playing the weakest piece by someone else’s rules?

{We’ll see about that!} – Lovr laughed.

After all the deductions and conclusions, Kyon was interested in two things: how to reenchant things without losing the effect of the previous enchantments and how to enchant a living being. The answers to these two questions seemed to yield good results.

Kyon decided to deal with reenchanting first. He had to find a cheat code to be able to enchant things as many times as could be, which was tantamount to finding critical vulnerability that could create significant effects.

{There must be a key that enters the enchanting code to the system forever…}

Kyon started experimenting.

A day flew by.

He tried to find a way to enter the code into the system. He used formacy, alchemy, the time attribute, the nine elements, even Synergy! Not a single clue. No progress at all.

{If I were a god, I would keep the key to this important feature with me… in my soul.} – As he came to this assumption, Lovr lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. No creator in his right mind would leave a chance to take advantage of this precious feature. It would be the same as granting a premium account in the world order.

{I am wasting my time.} – Kyon decided it was time to move on to the second issue and find a way to enchant a living being. It didn’t require any extraordinary skills, even an average person could do it with the help of a teleportation trigram! It was a combination of formacy and enchanting closely linked to each other. The formation creates a barrier and releases a spatial attribute, and the trigram enchants everything within the barrier, reducing resistance to the spatial attribute. Thus, spatial energy with insignificant permeability penetrates the body, the keys, the channels, and the soul. Then it remains only to enter the coordinates, get a response and activate the movement.

Only few people could afford spatial trigrams. They could be created by someone who bended pure energy, ether, darkness, and light. It must be a high-ranking formacist and enchanter rolled in one because the energy frequency of both components had to be the same. However, the formation made it possible to perform the movement without anyone’s help. It only took plenty of spheres and keys. The formation activated the enchantment, converted energy into the spatial attribute and performed teleportation.

Kyon suddenly remembered the teleportation trigram under Juno’s mansion in the heavy-duty tombstone. Now he realized that it was of master grade! With its help, he could teleport far away… Even in the Saturn empire, the most powerful teleportation trigram was of superior grade only, which was enough to move around the planet. What powerful creature was buried under the Stones’ mansion?

{Where shall I start?}

A servant brought Kyon a cage with a rat. Being in a bright state, he did not approve of cruelty to animals, but enchanting wasn’t dangerous, especially when he was in charge.

Lovr created two molds with a teleportation trigram, created a teleportation formation in each of them, stuffed them with spheres and keys of light and darkness, placed them in different corners of the room, put the laboratory rat in one of them, entered the data of another formation and activated it.

A translucent barrier formed above the trigram. Green energy emanated from the formation, penetrated the rat, and about a minute later… teleported it to the other trigram.

Kyon grunted pensively, deep in thought. He took the frightened rodent and infused it with the spatial attribute. The enchantment for reducing the resistance of the spatial element had dissipated for no reason. It shouldn’t be like this.

When he tried to cast another enchantment, nothing came of it.

{The god must have made an exception to the teleportation rules.} – It made sense. The god created spatial bags to stimulate economic development in his world. Why not allow teleportation through his universe?

Anyway, Kyon was not going to give up. The rules are meant to be broken, after all. He would always regret the missed opportunity!

He spent another couple of hours experimenting, seven days in total.

Kyon became quite melancholic. He looked tired, his eyes red-rimmed, his hair a mess. He hadn’t had more than a couple of hours sleep during a week, engrossed in enchantments, but things were still where they started. Even understanding the concept of the profession and learning millions of variations beyond average comprehension, he hadn’t found anything better than weapon weighting

{Damned rules… Why can I enchant a weapon that has the same frequency as my soul, but I can’t enchant my body? I’ve tried so many things. I even glued the enchanted skin to the flesh, but the effect immediately disappeared… As if the very soul ruins everything!} – Every time an invisible emanation from his body swept away all the enchanting effects.

A sudden guess made Kyon jump: {Wait… Why didn’t I think about it? It’s all about life force emanating from the soul! It resists enchantment!}

Kyon confirmed that there was some invisible essence coming from the soul that scanned his mind, resonating with brain waves, and checked his body for foreign energy similar to immunity. It was also known as “soul connection”, “soul’s volition,” or “life force.” He had found enough evidence for this. The soul of the former owner of his body remembered its offenders, wanted revenge and meeting with parents. It was difficult to apply formations on advanced practitioners. Medicine lost its effect in a highly cultivated body and soul. A subjugating formation inevitably faced soul resistance. Life force seeked to dissolve and dissipate any foreign source. Willpower only increased this resistance.

{It considers my enchantment to be an invasion and removes it… Damned soul immunity! Of course! Why didn’t I think of that? It will work as soon as my soul stops attacking the enchantment! I need Synergy!}

In millions of years, they would have found a way to enchant the body if they could order the “soul immunity” not to attack the enchanting energy. However, they lacked the most important tool – Synergy. It was the only substance that could work with information at a basic level. Even if it couldn’t enter a code into the slot with a code, it could change the attitude of the soul’s immunity to the foreign energy!

First of all, Lovr made a risky decision to capture the rat’s soul. He infused it with Synergy… An instant later, he returned from the illusory world. He had never experienced anything weirder in his life. All he had to do to capture the soul was to feed the hungry rodent.

Kyon infused the rat’s soul with Synergy…

A few hours later, Lovr’s eyes sparkled. He instantly activated the trigram. The keys turned into energy and flowed into the rat. A scarlet glow enveloped his body and rushed into its soul… Failure.

{Not enough power?} – He realized and swallowed hard.

He tried again and again, doubling the number of keys each time. The glow became more and more intense, but at some point it dimmed and completely dissipated, which indicated that there wasn’t enough power.

{Is it so expensive to enchant a soul?} – Kyon doubled the keys again.

The energy of enchantment flowed into the rat’s keys… The glow dimmed for a moment and was about to go out when it flared ten times stronger than before, illuminating the entire training room.

Kyon squeezed the animal lightly like a pom-pom. He really enjoyed this sensation… He threw his head back and heaved a deep sigh. Success tasted so sweet. A week of hard work wasn’t in vain. He had enchanted the rat for strength, and its soul had gained a new quality, thanks to which it would surpass the rest of its species until the end of its life. Kyon went against the basic principles of enchantment and was successful! Well, it wasn’t without the help of Synergy, of course.

There is a slot in everything that exists, and if the living beings have an empty slot, it doesn’t mean it should be this way. It only makes them weaker than they could actually be. It’s like a talented warrior who has to fight with his left hand because the right hand does not work.

If Lovr enchanted his soul, it wouldn’t give him any external strengthening factors such as powerful weapons or thick armor that would wear out sooner or later. Quite the opposite, this qualitative amplification would be for life as if his body of the void had granted him another bonus. It would be his new passive ability, a part of his body and soul. The formula inside the slot multiplied the characteristic. Therefore, it would never lose its relevance.

The only significant drawback was the price! Soul enchanting was devilishly expensive even if it was a little rodent. How many resources would it take if adding it to the advanced grade of enchantment or even the superior grade? A lot… An awful lot.

Now he had to find out which characteristic he should enchant given that the effect would remain for life. Regeneration? Durability? Pure energy amplification?

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