
Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Before Triana could take Charles’s hand, someone interfered.

«Hey! You are not going anywhere!» – The notorious fat freak appeared out of the blue and put his arm around Triana’s shoulder.

Everyone stared at Dick Baker. He must have crawled out of a crack in common sense. It was a small wonder that no one had noticed him. It was easier to see a mosquito against the midday sun than the short freak next to the tall beauty!

Some girls choose to become friends with ugly girls so they look pretty in comparison. As for Triana, her beauty was eye-blinding next to Dick Baker.

The students’ jaws dropped when they finally realized what had happened. Why did Dick Baker hug this gorgeous girl, and she didn’t react? Did they know each other?

Charles flew into a rage: «Take your filthy hands off her!» – He raised his fist in front of the fat freak’s face, intending to “accidentally” kill him, but Triana stopped him.

The onlookers’ eyes popped out of their heads. The new girl had blocked the prince’s blow as if it were a baby’s fist! Was she really that strong? The prince was no less astounded, but he was focused on a different issue.

«Why are you protecting him?» – Charles looked genuinely surprised.

«Because I…» – Tears welled up in Triana’s eyes, her thin eyebrows arched plaintively. – «…was ordered to serve him.»

Dick grabbed her gorgeous breasts with a smug look: «My precious! You’re mine, mine only! Ignore these losers, Triana. Come on, we have many business meetings scheduled for today… In bed.» – He pulled the new girl to the dormitory like a disgusting swamp troll kidnapping an innocent princess.

The students felt their hearts pierced with daggers. They felt sorry for the beautiful noble nymph who was forced to serve the monstrous creature. Their resentment towards Dick Baker had just exceeded all possible limits!

«Let go of her, fat freak!» … «Son of bitch! You don’t deserve such terrific luck!» … «Rotten bastard! If heaven doesn’t punish you, we will!» – The students shouted in unison, rallying around a common goal to punish Dick.

Prince Charles yelled louder than anyone: «Miss Triana, you don’t have to serve this bastard! Let us destroy him. I promise you will get away with it!» – He led the movement to get the laurels and Triana’s gratitude for himself. Given his royal status, everyone assumed that the new girl would warm his bed tonight.

A horde of students approached Dick Baker with furious cries.

Triana heaved a deep sigh. They were so weird. Why did they behave so stupidly? The owner must have pissed off everyone in this school, that’s why they were so furious. Anyway, she would have to protect him. The tigress waved her hand, releasing the pressure.

The suffocating oppressive aura of the middle royal phase covered the army of students. The advanced and superior phasers lost their heads, wet their pants and fell to their knees, petrified with horror. Those who had reached at least the noble phase, including Prince Charles, turned pale and froze to the spot. The density of her pressure was like a magnificent waterfall compared to their tiny stream. Instinctive fear tied them up in knots. Everyone understood they’d better not provoke this beautiful monster.

«Don’t get anywhere close to my master, boys.» – Triana warned them in a bored voice, casting a predatory glance at the delicious pigs that she couldn’t eat.

Kyon grinned at the unfortunate students. He put his hand palm under Triane’s skirt and left with his adorable bodyguard.

The intimidated students watched the couple leave. They couldn’t understand why Triana had chosen to serve the monster instead of accepting their help. They couldn’t understand why the universe was benevolent towards Dick Baker. First, he got away with fucking Princess Kara. Even if she was a demon, she was still the idol of the Iron Throne. Now an even more impressive girl was serving him.

«Why is life so unfair? Do you have to be an ugly freak to be so lucky?!» – Alex Grand, the younger brother of late Artemis Grand, appealed to heaven, sobbing. He had envied and hated Dick Baker more than anyone else.

Kyon brought Triana to his room: «Make yourself at home. You will live here for a while.»

The tigress didn’t appreciate the decor of the room. She sat on the bed with her legs crossed and asked him suspiciously: «What business meeting in bed were you talking about?»

«You won’t understand. It’s a nuance of the human language.» – Kyon chuckled.

Triana snorted, then asked, her head tilted to one side: «I will never understand humans. You could at least tell me what happened at school. Why did the students pick at you for no reason? Do they hate you so much that they want to kill you? I believe it’s true! If I hadn’t been constrained by your order, I would have already attacked you and eaten your tongue that you constantly tease me with!»

«Nice to hear that. Well, you’re right in a way, but the main reason was the cunning manipulation on your part. You made the students feel sorry for you, and they wanted to save you from the guy with a bad reputation, that is from me.»

Triana squirmed: «So, that’s why you told me to grimace before saying those words and gave me those bitter eye drops! What a dirty manipulation! Ew! You’re abominable…»

«By the way, you did a good job!» – Kyon gently stroked her hair.

Triana didn’t seem to notice it. She got used to her owner’s hand: «And… Why do you need it?»

«Just so. Their butts must be ready for the next portion of hurt.»

«Ready for… butt… hurt… What?..» – Triana intoned, perplexed. She couldn’t understand the meaning of his words.

«Don’t think about it. Thinking is my prerogative. Doing is yours.» – Kyon said, stroking her tender neck and admiring her pink lips. Triana didn’t mind his caresses at all. She got addicted to them!

Before he could kiss her, Triana tilted her head and said: «I can do many things. What about asking questions and getting the answers?»

«It depends on the questions.» – Kyon smiled slyly.

Triana’s eyes lit up. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him closer to her: «What was that supreme aura that you emitted before giving me that damned order?»

Two days had passed.

First of all, Kyon organized a new training room for Triana and equipped a similar one for himself. He had finally learned and perfected the sticking to the floor technique. From now on, he could reduce slipping on any surface to zero and even catch a horse with his bare hand without moving a bit.

On the first day of school, Triana was steaming when she tried to understand human behavior and their motives in her sociology class. It was more difficult for her than quantum mechanics for a child. She wanted to growl, throw herself at the teacher and eat his heart out. The poor old man on pins and needles, anxious under her predatory gaze.

In his free time, Kyon watched the students follow Triana wherever she went. This phenomenon was easily explained. After Kara’s and Julia’s disappearance, there was a vacant position of a female idol in school. The beautiful blond girl with monstrous power was destined to take it at once. She instantly became the main subject of discussions and night fantasies.

It wouldn’t be Lovr if he didn’t take advantage of Triana’s sudden popularity to collect dark emotions. He enjoyed pawing her in the corridor and the classroom. He kissed her passionately, causing such violent jealousy that it distorted the space around him. Half of the class regularly blushed while the other half turned green with envy.

As soon as the new girl appeared in front of Prince Charles, he tensed, blushed, grabbed his slave girl by the hand and ran away. However, he wasn’t the only reason why the men’s toilet was always occupied. Teenagers, virginity cult, and the ban on sexual relations did their job. It came as no surprise.

On the second day, Triana came up to the window and pointed to the glowing screen in the sky: «Why is your name constantly up there? I’ve seen it at least five times!»

«The restless fools are challenging me to a duel. I wonder what they want to prove.»

«Really? Why don’t you accept?» – Triana asked, concerned. In the animal kingdom, refusal was unacceptable even if the opponent was invincible. However, the owner seemed to be afraid of his peers.

«I see no reason to reveal my true power.»

«You have no power, dirty cheater! You won the forest tournament with my help, and you harnessed me with dastardly tricks like attacking and blinding formations!» – Triana growled, confident and disappointed at once.

«Deception is also power. It helps you defeat opponents beyond your level. Anyway, I wouldn’t consider me a weakling in your place.»


«For example, how could a weakling take the blow of a royal phaser and live? How did my hand recover so soon? Why could I move through the forest so fast? And what about that supreme aura that sends you into a breeding frenzy?»

Triana was lost for words: «You… You were cheating again!»

Kyon rolled his eyes: «Alright.» – Now he wouldn’t reveal his true power to Triana on principle. It was important for her to know that her master was powerful and strong, but it was her fault that she wouldn’t find it out. Her mistrust was incredibly annoying. She had to pay for it. He couldn’t care less. Even more than that, no one should find out that he was the goddess’s messenger.

«And that’s it? You have nothing more to say?!» – The tigress said indignantly, poking him in the stomach with her finger. – «Are you so weak that you are afraid to fight? I knew that you belonged to the very bottom of the local hierarchy! Wretched omega!»

Subconsciously, Triana was annoyed by the fact that she had seen a potential male in this pathetic omega. It was even more outraging that her master was a weakling. Her royal pride was hurt. She couldn’t help feeling angry.

«Do you suggest I should make excuses for my own trophy?» – Kyon laughed out loud and smacked her bottom. – «In your dreams!»

Her brow furrowed in resentment. She curled up with the blanket on the bed. Why was he so weak? It broke her heart.

On the third night, Kyon noticed that Triana was tossing and turning in his arms.

«It’s been three days. I can see that you can’t live without it. Let’s do it.» – Kyon whispered in her ear.

Triana turned around and flayed him with her gaze: «I hate doing it!»

«It’s ok. You can have both negative and positive emotions for the same thing. The only question is which ones prevail. Ask yourself and you will get the answer.» – He threw off the blanket and wagged his hard penis, luring the cat with a mouse.

Triana hissed through her clenched teeth: «Asshole! Dirty, mean asshole!» – She turned away, trying not to think about it. After ten minutes of turning and tossing, she had to take a shower to distract herself. However, when she returned and looked at the delicious scarlet sausage, she lost control.

Triana grumbled, wincing pitifully: «You gave me too little food, jerk!» – The tigress rushed forward and swallowed the bait. She could not resist her animal nature anymore.

That night, Kyon became the happiest person in the world. It was so nice to introduce this hostile girl to intimacy without orders or coercion. She had agreed to a blowjob, which meant that she was going to take the initiative pretty soon. Kyon believed that he was getting too soft, trying to spare her emotional trauma.

Three more days had passed. It was already the sixth day. The next day was a day off. As expected, Triana had learned to pleasure him orally without much fuss, even on a full stomach. She wasn’t so eager at first, but last night she did not get out from under the blanket at all. Triana growled angrily when she could not get her treat longer than ten minutes. Kyon decided to give her a restraining order, or she might turn him into a skeleton in a few weeks.

{I just have to make sure she won’t be hitting on other guys.} – Kyon thought jealously.

A couple of majestic birds were heading towards the Iron Throne. A mighty eagle with a wingspan of thirty meters was leading the flock. He was carrying three members of the Hunter family on his back.

The eldest of them, Murat, was a respected commander-in-chief, a veteran with more than five decades of experience. He was a powerful royal phaser who had accomplished thousands of successful assignments. His reputation was impeccable, or rather it was so until he failed the last task to catch the tiger. Unfortunately, that task was of the utmost importance.

The youngest of them, Risat, was Murat’s promising student and successor. He was a smart go-getter, whose cultivation was skyrocketing.

Asagi was sitting between them. He was a brave blond man with a short beard, the youngest patriarch in the empire. He was the head of the Hunters, the greatest third-ranking family in Dantes, who gave the lead only to the Russells (0), the Valentines (1) and the Clintons (2).

Murat spoke, looking concerned: «Are you sure this case deserves your personal presence, dear Asagi? Your task is to lead the family, not waste time on something that your subordinates can easily cope with… The family needs you!»

Asagi shook his head: «I knew that this case was the highest priority, but I could not even imagine that even my teacher was interested in it. Her Majesty will severely punish me if I don’t do my best to find the beast…» – Asagi’s voice trembled as he mentioned his master, his eyes sparkled with fear. All his authority didn’t take away his fear of Empress Lanatelle.

Murat lowered his head, feeling guilty: «It’s all because of me… I am a bad hunter if I missed the tiger on its trail. I have no excuse. I will accept any punishment, even… Even death.»

«Forget about it.» – The young patriarch waved him of. – «The years of service have proven your dedication and skill. One mistake won’t change my opinion of you.»

«Thank you for trusting me, sir.» – Murat was touched to the core.

An hour later, Risat exclaimed: «We’re almost there. I can see Cernos!»

Asagi gazed into the distance for a long time. Then he muttered in a quiet but menacing voice: «We’re approaching the main suspect. Dick Baker, if you are the reason for all my problems, you’d better die right now, or you will regret that you were born.»

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