
Chapter 411

Chapter 411

Today, Elsa finished the last available task of the “A” rank. When she returned to her house in the Order, she slumped in a chair with a devastated look. And although the rumor about her, “The Demon Huntress”, thunders in all corners of the capital, there is no desired feeling in the heart. Not at all, the girl felt bad and even humiliated instead. Of course, she did not deserve any glory! All her work was done by a nasty cunning fat man. And in general, there was a feeling that it was not Dick who worked for her, but she worked for him, say, she got a job as a servant – to do dirty work! What a humiliation…

The blonde, lying in a lazily depressed pose, could charm any man. All parts of her body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes delighted the imagination. Even doing the most primitive things, the girl looked graceful and unique.

«He got rid of me in a day… Well, no!» – Elsa resolutely took out the sound transmitter.

«The future head of the department is listening to you.» – Kyon introduced himself dryly.

«Is that the best you can come up with?»

«I don’t know what you’re talking about. With whom do I have the honor of speaking?»

«Do you expect me to believe that you didn’t remember my frequency?» – the girl snorted.

«Ah-ah-ah… Tamarochka, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot. Is Lyolik rowdy again?»

«Haha. Very funny.» – Stone said, rolling her eyes.

«Oh… Excuse me, Lady! I didn’t recognize you right away! You’ll be rich!» – Kyon instantly changed his tone, turning from an uncouth bumpkin into an obliging gentleman. Such a sudden change could be confusing. – «Did you want to thank me for the work I did?»

«The thing is that you did all the work, and left me only the role of the performer.»

«Well, it depends on how you look at it… I would not mind putting an end to any cases and taking all the credit for myself. I don’t understand why you are unhappy. It’s mind-boggling, to be honest…»

Elsa took a deep breath and said with restraint: «I’m not like you. I have a conscience, honor and dignity! I am not interested in other people’s merits. And anyway, did I ask you to explain every step, as if I was a fool or your servant who undertook to run errands?!» – she got angry at the end.

Kyon said: «Wait a minute! Lady, either you contradict yourself, or you are too smart. Our agreement meant that I would help you until you completed ten “A” rank tasks, which means that the sooner you complete, the sooner I will be released from the terms of the deal and will be able to pursue my career. And now you suddenly claim that there was no need to help you, right? Or did I still need to help you, but not so much? And then who will tell me how well I should have tried? Or was I supposed to feel it? To connect my psychic abilities and understand your desires from a distance? You have to thank me for clearing the city of evil spirits so quickly! Otherwise, how dare you call yourself a superhero and a fighter against injustice and evil?!»


The sound transmitter in Elsa’s hands cracked sharply and fell to pieces. She stared at the landscape outside the window with a pained expression on her face. Her chest was heaving rapidly, and a throbbing vein popped out on her smooth forehead. For the first time since that ill-fated training with Kara, the girl was so exasperated, and the reason for this was not someone authoritative, but some kind of thick, brainy snot!

The blonde would never have reacted to the words of a person of such a level, no matter how bilious they turned out to be, but Dick hit the nail on the head. He chose the most painful topic and hit it with impeccable logic!

How dare she call herself a superhero, if she can’t be banally happy that she has cleared the capital of ten «demons»? Why is she even heroic? Previously, the girl did not ask this question, because she was subconsciously afraid to find out the answer, but now Dick provoked her to understand her own feelings.

It took the girl about one agonizing hour to find the answer: {Yes, I’m doing this for fame and recognition, so what? Am I bad? Am I making the world worse?! I just do what I like! And it makes everyone feel better!}

Until now, it was so nice to feel that you are better than others, say, almost a saint, fighting evil for free, and even not disclosing your identity. But now it is impossible to think in this way.

Having come to this conclusion, the girl regained her peace of mind and confidence. In fact, she was even grateful to Dick, because he helped her open her eyes. Thanks to this, in the future, she should not have serious internal conflicts, which means that it will become easier to overcome the bottleneck – the peak of the royal phase.

Elsa took another sound transmitter and called Dick.

«Tamarochka?» – Kyon asked happily.

«No, not Tamarochka! Since you really want to get rid of me as soon as possible, then give me ten more “A” rank cases with related information, but without any prompts. I’ll investigate the cases myself, okay?» – calmly, but with emphasis on the last phrase, the blonde asked.

«Okay… Let it be. For the sake of the genius of the Stones, I will devote five minutes of my precious time.»

«I am very grateful.» – the girl responded venomously and cut off the connection. Suddenly she remembered that she had broken the previous sound transmitter, and the Elder of the Stones, who was entrusted with the investigation of Thomas, did not know another one.

Elsa called: «Hello, Elder Gilbert. This is Elsa. I want to say that my previous sound transmitter broke down. By the way, how are you progressing with the investigation? Did you find out anything?»

«Lady Elsa, I was just about to contact you… The fact is that in our family there are only ten people named Thomas, and only one of them is a descendant of direct blood, and he is now studying in Cernos and he is eighteen years old…»

{Double conspiracy?} – thought Elsa.

«As for Dick Baker, everyone in the kingdom knows about him. A fat, ugly young man of about fifteen has recently become a legend of Cernos…»

«What? What legend? What are you talking about?» – the girl frowned.

«Well… To start with… Dick Baker is the most shameless and impudent person in the world, who does not hesitate to use the worst methods to achieve his goals. He is insanely narcissistic and arrogant…»

«Stop-stop! Who are you talking about?» – Elsa did not understand. All these qualities, except for the description of appearance, are clearly not about the person she was dealing with. Or maybe she doesn’t know him at all?

«Dick Baker! Very fat, hunchbacked, cross-eyed, with one eyebrow… In general, an indescribably ugly young man. At the end of the training year, he disappeared from Cernos…»

{At the end of the year? No… It can’t be! How did he become a high-ranking imperial investigator in a week?!} – the girl thought to herself. It doesn’t make sense.

The Elder continued: «The guy single-handedly pulled the Iron Throne to the first position in the forest tournament, collecting more keys than all the other kingdoms combined… And with the help of a powerful multiple attacking formation, he robbed everyone two or even three times! And nothing could be opposed to him. Also at the end of the training year, he demonstrated his real strength by killing the despicable Prince Charles and defeating the girl who appeared from the sky, who was a lord phaser at the beginning stage… Oh, yes, he also became the husband of the demon princess Kara… A very, very shameless man, this Dick!»

Elsa felt dizzy. There was utter bedlam going on in her head. If she wasn’t sure that she was talking to a trusted elder, the most loyal Stone, she would have already dropped the connection and flushed the sound transmitter into the toilet.

{What… nonsense… is this?!} – the blonde tried to pull herself together and asked Gilbert to tell everything from beginning to end, in the smallest details.

After an hour the conversation ended.

Elsa went into the shower and turned on the cold water to cool her head, which was splitting from the chaos going on inside it. She couldn’t believe some things, but she had to! Gilbert could not go crazy so suddenly and so confidently compose such utter nonsense on the go. Besides, the girl had heard something about the victory of the Iron Throne at the forest tournament. And the whole empire knew about the fact that Kara was a demon. At that time, the blonde was not very surprised, because she always guessed that this trash hails from hell. It is even possible that it is somehow connected with the disappearance of Yurich, but it will not be possible to find out about it.

{Did Dick really become Kara’s husband? How could this lesbian allow a man to approach her, moreover, such a disgusting one?! Oh yes… She’s a demon… It seems that her vicious nature could not resist the temptation to **** handsome Dick!} – she thought with malicious mockery, although she guessed that there was no sex. In fact, it is impossible to find out the truth without interrogating Dick. There are too many incredible and inexplicable things. Too little information.

Suddenly, an ironic smile appeared on the girl’s lips, tender as rose petals: she is a “Demon Huntress”. Kara is a demon. Dick is the demon’s husband. Does this mean that she should grab the fat man and burn him at the stake?

In any case, this was the first time Elsa had such an interest in anyone other than her father. Dick’s personality seemed so absurd, unrealistic and mysterious that she wanted to reveal all his secrets. Where did he come from? Maybe he has some kind of artifact that makes him stronger? Or is he the son of some king? Or does he hide his development? And is he one of the Stones at all? Too many questions and assumptions, but no answers. Maybe I should talk to him directly? But he is unlikely to say anything, given the fact that he has not yet said a word. Unless you insist on it, humiliating yourself in front of him… No, no way! There is another way, easier: call mom.

«Hello.» – Diana’s pleasant voice came from the device.

«It’s me, Elsa.» – the blonde said briefly.

«My daughter, hello! How are you?»

«Everything is fine. Tell me, who is Thomas Stone?» – Elsa immediately got down to business.

«Has he told you yet? Hee-hee!» – Diana switched to a conspiratorial whisper, giggling contentedly.

«What? And what’s so funny? And who is «he»?!» – the girl was puzzled.

«Soon he will tell you everything himself! Don’t let him go, honey! Grab him with both hands!»

«Who?! What do you mean?! WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!» – confused Elsa almost shouted. The mother’s intonation sounds like she’s wooing her future husband! But she has Rose.

«Who am I talking about? About Thomas Stone! This young man will not yield even to Yurich!»


«ARE YOU A FOOL, OR WHAT?!» – Elsa snapped, but another sound transmitter had already shattered to smithereens.

{How dare she compare some smart pig to dad?! Crazy woman! And what did he see in her?!} – the girl’s teeth were gnashing from anger and her fingers were cracking from her tightly clenched fists. Now there is no way for her to find out the truth, except to persistently demand answers from Dick, which she will not do out of pride.

Meanwhile, the 7th day has come to an end. The black market opens this morning.

Kyon came to the headquarters by invitation, where familiar faces were waiting for him: Alexander, Bernard, Tymoshka and Valeera. The girl was almost shaking with impatience, she must want to hand over the metal as soon as possible and get the money. Of course, about 200 million spheres, this is the amount of annual earnings for the shadow clan of the first three!

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