
Chapter 5 - Character Creation

"Let\'s see. Registration needs a user name, password, email, and bio link. " As she was a new player, Yuki had to create a new account. After filling all the information in, she was finally able to log in completely.

As the title screen changed to the character creation screen, her first option was to choose male or female, and this was something Yuki decided to put a lot of thought into. "From what I understand, many males parade around as girls in these games to get their fantasy kicks. But this is also because they can use the female avatar to swindle other male players to give them things. To be honest, I do not want to deal with males hitting on me. I deal with enough of that crap just trying to get into my room. Half of which, do not even realize I am female. So I will go with this."

Yuki selected her gender as male. The screen swiped away, and a male figure stood in front of her in all its glory, minus a certain part. "Thank god! I did not want to have to walk around with that hanging between my legs. Then again, this is a game for early teens and up. Let\'s see here… In real life, I am short at one hundred and sixty one centimeters. Sooo… let\'s make him taller than me by the size of a normal male height at around one hundred and eighty two centimeters… Now for muscles… Eh, average build. I hate large muscles, and I do not want to be too big around the stomach area… For hair... Let\'s go black in color like mine, neck length, and tied back. Yeah, that looks good… As for the face… What if I use mine but adjust the sliders like this to make it more masculine… Hmm, not bad, very handsome. Sadly still not my type but good looking at least."

Yuki spun the avatar around multiple times, adjusting the slider here and there. When she was finally done, she smiled and nodded her head in approval. Even though it used her face with the sliders to adjust things a bit, it was almost impossible to connect her with the avatar. Although certain things still matched her features, she still figured no one would be able to tell it was her. Not that she had anyone who would recognize her.

"Now to name my sexy new manvatar. " Yuki chuckled at her own joke. She was truly a master at amusing herself. "Let\'s see… Hiro? No, that is dumb… What if I try to match my own name? Yuki… Yuki… Yuki…. Shiro? No… Snow? Err… Why can I only think of names for women? Men are supposed to be tough and manly, right? I know! Ryu! This works since it means dragons and dragons can be manly, right?"

Yuki questioned herself as she tried to figure out in her head if dragons were manly or not. Unfortunately for her, someone who has zero interactions with men, other than those who try to hit on her, she could only make assumptions. But then a thought came to mind. "The game has been out for a while now, so I doubt I can use it..."

Crossing her fingers, Yuki entered the three letters and hit enter. To her surprise, she was not notified it was taken, and the screen switched over to a class selection screen. Seeing this, Yuki became happy knowing her name was available. "So these are the classes for the game."

Yuki looked at the long list in front of her. Each one displayed an avatar with a weapon except one. "The one with the sword in its hand is a Swordsman. They are a DPS(Damage Per Second) class. They have high mobility and can solo fairly easily. Next up is… Shielder... This is a tank class that uses a large shield and no weapon. The shields can be swung around to hit things, bash into things, or block incoming attacks.

"Next up is the Sword Dancer class which is a class that uses dual swords. They can deal decent damage with their swords alone, but they are mainly a support class that uses sword dances to buff the party members. Interesting. It is as if some of these classes were tailored for certain real life activities. A dancing class like this could not only help a person who wishes to learn dance or already is, but it can also help someone who dances learn to protect themselves.

"I think my thought process can also be applied to the other classes as well. This game was really thought out in this sense. Besides Sword Dancer, there is a class called Shadow, which is more like an assassin class. Monk, which is a tank and DPS class that uses either bare knuckle or fist weapons. Priest for healing and Soul Wielder for magic. And lastly…" Yuki looked at the final class. It was generically named NoClass.

"No Class, is a class that has no bounds but has lower abilities points, AP for short, for each level up. It is basically a jack of all trades class but harder to level up." Yuki stared at this class for a while before looking at the difference in AP. All classes got 3 AP per level up. These points could be spent on new skills needed to make life easier, such as killing monsters or healing. But for the No Class, you only gained one 1 AP per level, and even though you had access to all class trees, to gain a single spell from a class tree, it would cost 3 AP, and that was just for the starting skills for each class.

"I am a bit conflicted. Although this sounds bad, it is actually not as bad as it seems… If a player like me, who is just playing the game for fun and money, and most likely will end up solo, then this is a perfect class since I can use skills from the other classes to help me along… While the other classes all have their unique qualities and have a stats boost that comes with each class, I find it hard to associate my loner self with these other classes, which may need me to have others playing alongside me. So I will go with No Class even if I am at a disadvantage later in game. " Besides the fact that she planned to solo, she really wanted a character that can do a little of everything. She did not like being locked to a single class and preferred the freedom to decide how she wished to build her character.

The thing about her train of thought was that many felt the same way at first. That was until they discovered one fatal flaw. Soul Fusion Online was a very difficult game when it came to combat. So after many deaths and slow leveling, those who tried the No Class ended up rerolling for a class specific character. It was even spread on the internet that No Class was a useless trash class, and now no one even dared to try it.

"Last is my in game voice… Hmmm, Heroic! I, the hero, am here to save the day! No, this won\'t work. Savvy… Miss fancy meeting you here. Do you come here often? No? That\'s a shame... Seeing an angel like you… Akk... No! Deep? I am Ryu! Hear me roar! Feminine? She sells seashells at the seashore. The shells she sells are seashells I\'m sure! No! No! Masculine… Hello all, my name is Ryu…." Yuki thought for a moment before nodding her head. "Yeah, this is not bad. It takes my voice and deepens it enough to make it sound male. I will go with this."

"I think that about settles it… All that is left is to hit the finished button." Yuki was happy with her choices. She hit the finished button at the bottom of the menu, and then her vision turned black.

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