
201 Chapter 200

Leon was certain of just one thing; the lizard transported him into that world, knowing that he would have a hard time going back. Still, even though that monster has the power to travel between worlds and slow down time, his powers weren\'t absolute. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t need to use humans or interfere with Leon\'s work.

"If the humans of this world can use magic… then they faced the same problems we faced. I bet I can find some dungeons in this world, and using those will be the easiest way to return home."

The problem was, Leon could end up getting even more lost. Besides, he was pretty sure he didn\'t hear of a dungeon that spawned humans that had stones on their foreheads. So the chance of him finding a dungeon that would lead him directly to Earth was null.

"By the look of things, it seems the people here used magic to survive. That would explain why I saw so many individuals flying, and the people walking nearby noticed my presence. Just like the lizard said, I lost my advantage."

Despite that, Leon was quite happy with the place he was, because he would have the chance to learn several things. If he could choose between going home and learn several spells, he would choose to go home, but now that he was in trouble, he had to make the better of the situation. There was also even a chance that he may find a clue of how to return home by observing and learning how the people of that world use magic. If dragonnewt didn\'t look so lazy, Leon wouldn\'t think that. Fortunately, the monster was pretty incompetent.

"Let\'s see… I should make a few preparations first."

Leon could have escaped from his pursuers a lot faster if he had created a few magic items for himself, but he didn\'t. However, now he had the chance. It wasn\'t a good idea to slack off on his practice, but Leon wouldn\'t be able to practice if he dies or gets captured. He had to make a few magic items to keep himself safe… Besides, it was kind of scary to imagine what those guys would do to him if Leon gets caught.

"They aren\'t coming… so I guess I\'m safe for the time being."

Leon looked to the hole and didn\'t see any sign of someone coming down to chase him. However, the situation wasn\'t that good. The mist was near the ground, but even in the distance, Leon couldn\'t see any sign of sunlight. It would be hard to find anything in such place, monsters and dungeons wouldn\'t be an exception.

"It looks like the world above is quite peaceful, I didn\'t see monsters, and since I managed to create such destructions, monsters also could easily damage the city, but they didn\'t. That means that the monsters are below the city, or perhaps those guys found a way to get rid of them once and for all."

Just imagining things wouldn\'t let Leon learn or discover anything, so he chose a direction and started to fly aimlessly. After flying for a few hours and finding nothing, Leon couldn\'t help but frown. Even if the inhabitants of that world succeeded in sealing the under and the upper world from each other, it was too weird not to find anything.

"Maybe I should fly low for a while; even the destroyed city is big… I\'m bound to find something interesting near the ground. Besides, I have Poison Resistance, and Mana Armor should keep me protected."

Slowly, Leon lowered his altitude; it was weird since he felt like the more he approached the ground, the heavier he felt. But soon, he discovered that wasn\'t just his imagination.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Gravity Resistance.

You obtained 01 status points.

"It looks like poison isn\'t the only thing I have to worry about."

If Mana Armor couldn\'t protect Leon against gravity, he was pretty sure it wouldn\'t protect him from Poison. However, Leon had the skill to dispel it… unless that mist melts his body, he won\'t die so quickly.

Before landing, Leon tried to disperse the purple mist with a powerful blast of wind, but after a few seconds, the fog returned to cover the are… as if it was an automatic spell. Not only that, when Leon landed, he felt like his legs were made of metal, and the ground was a huge magnet. Thanks to Mana Dominion, he noticed that both the mist and the gravity were spells probably cast by the people on the upper world. A spell that consumed the mana of the world to keep its effects on indefinitely.

"Those guys can certainly teach me a few tricks… but considering that I destroyed their city a little, maybe they won\'t be so eager to give me a few lessons."

It didn\'t take long before Leon could feel his nose burn and then to start to bleed. Even though he had the Poison Resistance, he would die if he breathes that for too long. Fortunately, the nosebleed ended once he activated Regeneration. That being said, the thick smell of something wet and salty was enough to make Leon feel dizzy nonstop.

Although he would be able to train Poison Resistance and Regeneration at the same time, Leon decided to hurry up since he couldn\'t imagine himself endure that odor for more than a few minutes.

Using blasts of wind, Leon managed to find several pieces of metal in all directions. Unlike their current state, it seemed like before the monsters appeared, the inhabitants of that world used metal to build almost everything.

"It looks like their civilization was pretty advanced… I can see several electronic objects in weird shapes. That explains why it looks like all their population has a firm grasp over mana."

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