
Chapter 141: Plans

Chapter 141: Plans


After Frank finished calming down Kamei and telling her that Zero was in a similar position than Nezhit within his subordinates/tamed monsters, the party packed things up and continued to grind in the Dungeon for three more hours.

When it was already getting late and the sun was setting on the horizon, the entire party had hunted at least over 70 monsters, carrying a large bounty within Frank\'s Inventory.

Through the exploration, they also found one treasure chest, which contained a ring named \'Moonlight Ring\', which enhanced stealth in the one who wore it.

Because Frank already had his stealth mask, he decided to gift it to Zero, as she seemed to be the type of spy-like subordinate she would become, and he wanted to enhance her capabilities.

Amongst this, Frank noticed that the items that began to appear in the Dungeon seemed… oddly similar to the ones his System gave to him.

It seemed that by connecting the Dungeon to his System, the items it dropped through treasure chests became similar to his System, bringing more than a simple and little effect, such as this ring that increased stats and even gave Stealth, Camouflage, and Silence, however, its stats were lower compared to Frank\'s Mask.

As the party decided to sell the corpses, he asked for a separate meeting with Clishya, where he gave away all of the monster corpses he wanted to sell without awake suspiciousness from the outside adventurers, the room wasn\'t big enough to fit all the corpses, so the Minotaur\'s that worked within the Guild were carrying them towards the butchery one by one, making for a comical sight that could only be seen from the outside of the guild, as the room where Frank met with Clishya was at the back of the building.

"Y-You really just killed a ton of monsters, Frank… I never have… seen someone bring so many before… Indeed, you and your party might be the strongest in the whole town already…" said Clishya.

"A-Ah, well, for some reason the monsters were all running towards us, so it was rather obvious for us to kill them and because of my Storage Magic, I simply stored them away and continued, I guess it must be because of this, as we would have to come back with only a few if we had to carry them by hand," said Frank.

"That\'s true…" said Clishya.

Clishya made Frank sign some documents as she had decided to buy all the corpses he sold at the same time, which needed the signature of the Adventurer.

Of course, after half an hour, the Minotaur that usually butchers brought back a large sack filled with Mana Cores, alongside another sack filled with the monsters that Frank wanted to keep but wanted their Mana Cores to be butchered.

"Here they are… And this is where the monsters you wanted are. As usual, we discounted you the cost of butchering everything, thanks for your preference," said the minotaur, who usually was very serious, seemed rather tired and surprised by Frank\'s enormous prowess.

"Thanks to you for your help," said Frank as he politely bowed his head.

"No problem," said the minotaur, walking away as Clishya gave Frank a warm smile.

"With your power, you could easily go to live at the capital… I am sure that you would do pretty well there! I believe there are many high-level Dungeons there too…" said Clishya, she seemed to admire Frank, although the thought of thinking of the handsome adventurer boy going away from the town pained her a bit, as she still wanted to know him better.

"Ah well, I don\'t think I would be leaving this place, at least in a few months… Although I have already planned to move to the city whenever I gather enough money with my family- I mean party," said Frank.

"Ooooh! I see… T-That\'s… amazing, Frank!" said Clishya.

"Don\'t worry, I will be coming tomorrow as well, so please bear with me for some more time," said Frank with an apologetic smile.

"Sure thing! I-I will… gladly do so!" said Clishya happily, surprising a bit Frank with her serviceability.

"T-That\'s nice of you, thanks a lot," said Frank.

"A-Anyways! Here is the money… all of those corpses were indeed a ton of money! Plus the money from the quests… Here, 2 Gold Coins, 22 Silver Coins, and 50 Bronze Coins…!" said Clishya.

Gold Coins… as it was stated before, this was the greatest and highest value coin in the Country, enough to build a small territory and even a house in the outskirts of the country.

However, this was different in the capital, where Frank would go to the Magus Academy in the future, as everything there was obviously way costly due to being a place where mostly aristocrats lived if Frank planned to live in the capital, where the cheapest house cost over twenty gold coins, he would have to grind way more.

Even more, as he planned to buy a manor… He was indeed dreaming big.

"Thanks a lot, now that everything is done we should make our way," said Frank, saving all the items on his Inventory alongside the coins.

"W-Well, see you tomorrow!" said Clishya waving her hand.

"Sure thing, thanks for your patience," said Frank, waving his hand as he left.

Clishya stared at the door that closed for a few seconds, her eyes seemed intrigued in the boy, and also filled with admiration over his strength, but above all, she seemed a bit sad that she was so shy to even ask him out, despite her clear interest on him…

"Fweh…" she sighed, as the Minotaur that usually worked at her side was actually watching over her.

"Hoh? Do you like the boy? I can\'t blame you, he\'s really something else," said the Minotaur.

"E-Eh?! What are you talking about, Asran-san?! I-I do not… feel anything! This is all just business!" said Clishya.

"Heh, sure thing…" said Asran walking away, while leaving Clishya red like a tomato.

As Frank walked back to his party, he began to ponder how to distribute such an amount of money… And he did not know how to divide two gold coins between four people…

However, Gwendolyn ended telling him to just save all the money they earned inside of his System, which was more secure than any bank.

"Is it fine with you?" asked Frank.

"Yeah, we don\'t need a share, as we know that you hold all the money, and it\'s not like you\'re greedy or anything, if we need money to buy food and other stuff, we can simply ask you, right?" asked Gwendolyn.

"Yeah, after all, we are now as a team!" said Cathyl.

"As the leader, Frank should keep the money and then use it accordingly… Right?" asked Asterion.

"Well alright, but if you need anything just ask me…" said Frank, he felt a bit worried, but decided to accept it.

The party chatted a tad bit carefreely as they walked back home, however, Frank was using his Overseeing Light Eye glance all around him, while also having Zero hiding around the shadows through one of the unique Skills that let her merge with them, which seemed related to her previous magic, but that now was a Skill instead, something innate of her new form as a Zombie Assassin.

It seemed that no one was spying on him or something, however, Frank still kept his senses sharp, and also decided on leaving Zero, Nezhit, Ruby, and Zhulong around the house whenever they were to go to sleep to watch over anything weird that might appear.

Finally reaching home, Gwendolyn, Annabelle, and Kamei quickly began to cook, as the pair of fox girls taught Kamei how to cut and do a few things around the kitchen, as she seemed to be interested in learning how to cook to make delicious food for her brother.

Tonight the party had a delicious dinner with boiled giant scorpion claws, which were meaty and delicious, although it was a land animal, the claws of the scorpion were just as delicious as lobster, if not even more as its flavor was enhanced by the magic that the monster held within its body.

"Phew… that was delicious," said Frank, rubbing his belly.

"Thanks for the meal!" said Asterion.

"I\'ve never eaten claws of a scorpion before, it is really delicious!" said Hilvera.

"The meat was so soft and tasty…" muttered Kamei.

"Hm, it was a good decision that we decided to save the claws instead of selling them," said Gwendolyn.

"I bet this meal would have cost a lot in a restaurant, but we got all of it for free…" said Cathyl.

"Being an Adventurer really has its benefits!" said Annabelle.

"Anyways, now that we are done in here, all for the children should go take a shower and then to sleep!" said Gwendolyn.

Cathyl went to take a shower with her children and then Gwendolyn with Annabelle together, which left Frank with Kamei for last.

"Nii-chan, let\'s go take another shower together!" said Kamei with a sweet smile.

"I-I guess we can save some water like that… fine, but don\'t get used to this, okay?" asked Frank while sighing, as he took a shower with his beloved little sister, both rubbed their backs and washed each other hair.

Frank made sure to wrap a towel around his hips and he forced Kamei to do the same with her chest and hips, even when she was a bit against that.

He had his principles after all.

As the night came, Kamei went to sleep while Frank stayed awake with Gwendolyn and Cathyl for a bit, as the three chatted about some things while drinking, it was the first time for Frank to actually drink wine with the mature ladies, but it seemed that aside from the bitterness he was not used to, it was actually an okay drink.

"I am planning in making a few changes around the house… possibly adding something like runes or traps, or some other kind of protection…" said Frank.

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea…" said Gwendolyn.

"Well, I was even considering shaping the dungeon\'s secret chamber into something like a house, for us to go live there… but I don\'t think you want to abandon the house and the farm," said Frank.

"Well yeah, no," said Gwendolyn.

"Not for now at least…" said Cathyl.

"I guess it might be left as an emergency home if… we are targeted by them and we have to run away," said Frank.

"I guess that\'s right, it would be better to be prepared," said Gwendolyn.

"Hm, I told Orb about it and she immediately began the remodeling of that chamber, which is actually quite vast, and she can even make it even vaster…" said Frank.

"Well it\'s all temporal until we move to the capital, right?" asked Cathyl.

"Indeed… Ah! How could I forget?! Tomorrow the magic teacher is coming!" said Gwendolyn.

"Oh, finally," said Cathyl.

"Ah, the one you talked about? It might be good to learn more magic from her," said Frank.

"Yeah, I am sure that you guys will like her, although she is a bit eccentric…" said Gwendolyn with a bitter smile.

"Eccentric? What does that mean?" asked Cathyl with a confused expression.

"Well… Like… She is… a bit of a… hmm… magic fanatic? You will see her when she gets here, but she has something almost akin to fanatism with magic, and she is constantly seeking the pinnacle of magic, although she is younger than, she is very talented with magic manipulation… But she lacks a lot of funds, so she was not able to join a prestigious academy of magus house without a proper aristocratic bloodline," said Gwendolyn.

"That sucks…" said Cathyl.

"Indeed, but that\'s how this world is anyways… However, if we gather a lot of money, we might be able to bypass these stupid societal barriers," said Gwendolyn.

"I guess that\'s why you\'re so obsessed with money, are you?" asked Frank.

"Yeah… You got me," said Gwendolyn with a bitter smile.

As the night went by, the two ladies went to sleep and Frank walked to the outside, ready to let his monsters and undead evolve at last.


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