
Chapter 160 - Beginning Of An End

With all of the strong pieces of evidence laid out in front of everyone at the court, Adrian eventually won the trial while Grisham received his sentence.

The whole Millicent family is in complete chaos, and so is the entirety of Millicent Inc. 


Not only did the current head expose a number of embezzlement and money siphoning cases along with the identities of the felonious officials behind them, but with him taking down the corrupt system, he also turned the whole firm into one of the nation\'s top scandals. As guilt surfaced and crimes were confessed, the conglomerate ended up facing a lot of issues. 

Even then, Adrian is well-prepared for everything. He is not alone here either. Now that he has the highest power and ruling authority in the family, most of his relatives support his decisions and so do the remaining members of the board of directors. 

Now, there is only one more thing to take care of before he proceeds to his next course of action.

"I see that you are doing well, Adrian."

Grisham greeted Adrian from the other side of the glass window of the prison\'s visiting room, looking as inscrutable as ever. 

The prison cell he is staying at is like this hollow cube of concrete - one way in and no windows. In there, one could have no idea how much time has passed. They won\'t even know if it was night or day. It was totally disorientating by design.

If given enough time, the prisoner could forget their own name in there. The isolation was absolute, and the stimulation was zero. No sound. No light. No furniture or cloth of any kind.

"I haven\'t been doing well..." Adrian scoffed contemptuously.

"I\'ve been doing great, and it\'s no thanks to you."

"I see."

For a moment, Grisham only stared at his grandson. He then suddenly coughed a few times and turned to the side. In all seriousness, he peered at the wall and gripped onto the handles of the chair he was seated on.

"I\'m glad, then."

Adrian almost laughed at his response. He is trying so hard to keep his cool right now, but he can already feel his blood boiling inside him. His attitude towards all of this is revolting. 

"Like hell you are. Why don\'t you just come out and say it already? Why don\'t you just say that you never gave a damn about me? About any one of us...?" Adrian snarled with scorn and disdain. 

"All you thought about was yourself. You\'re greedy, selfish, and prideful. Why is that you keep wanting more even though you already have it all? Why would you use others? Why do you hate people that much?" 

"I don\'t hate you, Adrian..." Grisham trailed off impassively, making him grit his teeth and clutch his hands together.

"You\'re my grandson. I can\'t hate you, and I can\'t make myself hate you-"

"Oh, yeah? It\'s alright if you do \'cause I won\'t care. I\'m no longer living in your shadows, and I\'m better off not being loved by a monster like you."

"A monster, huh... I see."

While he was saying that to him, he could tell that his voice was a bit dry. It was strange to hear such words from him. There was definitely something going on. He was oddly composed and not that all reserved like usual. 

"Your wife..." Grisham started again, suddenly changing subjects.

"I can tell she has done a great change in you. She seems to have influenced you a lot."

"That\'s because she did what you never could. She gave me something that you or anyone else couldn\'t possibly give me..." Adrian found himself saying without thinking, feeling like giving in the raging grudge that was consuming him at the moment.

"And you dared to come after her life?! You\'re also the reason why she lost her family! I can never ever forgive you! You deserve to pay a thousandfold for everything!"

"Adrian, listen-"

"All this time, I didn\'t know what\'s going on. I thought I was in control of everything that\'s happening around me. The power and authority that you gave me - they made me believe that I never needed anything else. In reality, you were the one who was controlling my life. All the lies and the manipulation made me so miserable. I came to hate myself so much that I started believing I didn\'t deserve to be happy nor loved. I couldn\'t forgive myself as much as I couldn\'t forgive you."

Once more, Grisham only stared at Adrian in silence.

But this time, he appears as if he is recalling something. His eyes widen a little in recognition while his figure goes stiff for a bit. He then suddenly looks like some sort of realization has dawned on him. 

"You really took after your grandmother..." Grisham remarked, making him twitch.

"I wonder if this was how she would also respond had she not gotten a heart attack that time."

"Say what?" Adrian gasped in aghast shock, getting the impression that he also had something to do with her sudden death.

"I was the reason why Maruschca died. She accidentally learned about some of my oldest crimes on the day she did, and she was not able to bear the shock."

"Y-You... You... Y-You really are a monster!"

If it wasn\'t for the glass between them, Adrian would\'ve already pounced on Grisham at that very second. 

He was the main reason behind her death all along, and as usual, he had no idea. Knowing how much he loved her, he did not doubt that he would never do such a thing to her. He may not have done it on purpose, and she was already in a critical state at that time. But even then, it was all still because her husband had been this kind of person this whole time. 

He is the root of all evil, branching out to more fruits of atrocity, wickedness, and hostility.

"Still, it was true, Adrian. I loved Maruschca very much. She was everything to me. I never thought of the possibility of living without her," Grisham confessed, showing an extremely pained expression for once. 

After that, there was a moment of quietude between them. That\'s not what Adrian wanted to hear here - that abnormal love of his was something he could never understand. He cast down his gaze and clenched his fists, already reaching the limit of his patience and raring for some bloodbath.

"I don\'t want to hear your pathetic excuses," he said with a fuming tone and a fiery glare. 

"I\'m glad you paid me a visit, though."

His grandfather completely changed the topic again. He took a deep breath before he turned his back on him. It seemed to him that he was going to get down to the main point.

"There\'s something I need to tell you, Adrian. Something that I have yet to discuss with my daughter or anyone else."

Adrian raised a brow at that, sensing that this was an important matter. Placing his hands in his pockets, he only acted like he didn\'t care. He was still not getting over the bloodlust that was beginning to ascend within him.

"Oh, isn\'t this a surprise...?" he sneered with sarcasm.

"Still had something to say, huh?"

"A month ago, I was diagnosed with emphysema..." he disclosed out of nowhere, taking him aback.

"I don\'t know if you know about it. Basically, it means that my lungs are destroyed. I\'ve already quit smoking, but that isn\'t enough anymore. Therapy was no good, and the medication gave me little relief. I find myself running out of breath frequently. There are my chest pains too. I don\'t know how long I\'ve had this, but it\'s probably been here for a while. If I don\'t get a lung transplant, I\'ll probably end up joining your grandmother soon."

Adrian is caught off guard yet unfazed.

Grisham didn\'t sound like he was trying to earn his pity or compassion. He explained it as if he was doing some kind of reporting - straight to the point and not holding any emotion. 

"Sometimes, I think to myself. I wonder if I even want a transplant. What\'s the point of living at this rate...?" Grisham continued, still expressionless and dull-looking.

"When your grandmother died, a part of me died along with her."

Adrian wanted to flare up and burst out right then and there.

He didn\'t want to hear his grandfather talk anymore. He wanted him to shut up. He refused to let things settle down this way. He didn\'t want him to have an easy way out - death was so easy.

Adrian didn\'t know how he should take this.

He could feel himself getting more furious in each passing second. He could feel himself getting more and more exasperated.

"To be honest, I don\'t know how much longer I have to live since I\'m also vulnerable to a heart attack..." his grandfather trailed off and heaved a sigh, his voice slowly fading away.

"I haven\'t told anyone yet. I haven\'t told Gertrude nor any of your siblings. You\'re the first one to know of my condition, Adrian."

What Adrian was anticipating to see was Grisham regretting everything he did at the very least, but he ended up saying all these unexpected things and not even uttering a single word of remorse or apology - much like the time he caused that car crash which led to his amnesia that many years ago. 

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