
Chapter 60 Fire Demon Dungeon Part 4

“What’s the Black Turtle Formation?” Brian asked when Sherly dragged him next to George.

George, Sherly, and Dave immediately took position around Tempest while explaining.

“We are trying to come up with the battle formation, using the individual powers for the intense battle. Black Turtle Formation is the defensive formation where we block the attack until Tempest is ready.”

Brian narrowed his eyes and looked at Tempest. At this moment, Tempest was thinking something and his mana was revolving all around his body but he didn’t understand what he was thinking.

“What’s he trying to do?” Brian asked.

George simply smiled and said “Let’s wait and see! Don’t let anyone attack Tempest.”

Brian was really curious about Tempest’s new move but he held his curiosity in order to protect the Tempest. He held his sword and channeled his mana into the sword.

He gripped the sword hilt with both of his hands and raised it. The mana slowly transformed into small bolts of lightning. As soon as he struck his sword on the ground, the small bolts turned larger but they didn’t go around him rather only targeted the opponent in front of him.

“Third Stance- Thunder Dragon Stomp”

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Hey, watch your attack,” Dave shouted from the side when some of the lightning bolts struck next to him.-ɴ(0)ᴠᴇʟ.

“Sorry!” Brian giggled while apologizing. In his heart, he was simply laughing. He didn’t care if Dave falls under his attack. His body was thick enough to bear the impact of his attack.

Dave grunted and smashed his hammer on the ground. His hammer cracked the ground and created a shockwave that shook Brian and he fell down.

Brian glared at him but couldn’t say anything. After all, he did just startled Dave as well.

“When will it end?” Brian looked at George and asked.

“Don’t worry, we will know instantly.” George smirked as he replied. Brian felt a strange secret in his tone but he didn’t dive into it. He simply used his swords and blocked the enemy in front of him.

After one minute, only thirty Fire Demons were left but on other hand, they had already used four Healing potions and four Mana Restoration Potions. If they continue like this, then they will be instantly defeated in the second or third level.

Just when Brian was going to ask again, his figure blurred a little.


A word rang in his mind as his body suddenly teleported far away. Only Tempest was left alone in the middle of thirty fire demons. Just when Brian realized it, he saw a strange wave of energy spreading out from Tempest.

“ThunderingFlame Destruction Wave!” ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ


These energy waves struck those fire demons and in less than five seconds, their bodies disintegrated into nothingness. On other hand, Tempest fell to the ground, half-dead.

All of them stayed at their position for two minutes and as soon as two minutes passed, George shouted.


He dashed towards Tempest and hurriedly took out three Healing Potions. He used all three of them on Tempest without any hesitation.

“What was that?” Brian looked at Dave with confusion and asked. He could see the power of that destruction wave but it was too overpowered, wasn’t it?

“Some scientific stuff that I don’t understand. You can ask him. Anyway, it was you who told him that Bookworms can do anything with mere imagination. Unfortunately, he needs five minutes with three healing potions to recover which is why we can’t use it unless it the near the end.” Dave replied while shrugging his shoulders.

Brian turned his head at Tempest and curiously looked at him. He was really shocked by that attack. Yes, the only limitation of the Bookworm class was the player’s imagination.

Anything is possible as long as he has imagination and the process behind it, especially for something very powerful.

After five minutes, Tempest woke up and Brian was the first one to ask.

“How did you do it?”

Tempest wasn’t able to focus on this question for a while. So, after thirty seconds, Brian asked once again.

“How did you do it?”

“Tell him or else he will keep asking.” George sighed helplessly as he walked away. Sherly and Dave also left while Brian looked at Tempest with bright stars in his eyes.

“Have you read the latest chapter of Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?” Tempest asked.

Brian shook his head “I didn’t get much time. I will binge-read it later. Anyway, it seems like the author wants to end it quickly.”

ɴ(O)ᴠᴇʟ “Well, here is a small spoiler for you. In recent chapters, Qin created a new set of swords with different abilities derived from his planets. One of them was ThunderingFlame Sword.”

“I got really curious about this sword because my body couldn’t handle other swords. But, I wasn’t a swordsman either. So, I decided to study this move deeply.”

“Did you know that when flame explodes, it releases a wave of destruction exactly a few microseconds before the flames spread out?”

Brian nodded his head and said “Yeah! I do know that. The reason why the explosion is destructive is exactly because of those explosions.”

“Yes, exactly! So, when the flames explode, the destruction released out of them can actually merge with the destructive capabilities of lightning. As you already know, the lightning bolt already has the destruction attribute.”

“So, what if I can destroy the waves of flame before they spread out? Then, the only thing that remained would be the waves of destruction that can destroy anything it touches, from the microscopic level.”

“So, when I release the flames for the explosion, I also release the lightning bolts just before the explosion spreads out. And, thus, a lightning bolt will merge with that destruction wave and increase the destructive outcome by several folds, destroying the explosion on its way.”

“And, finally this wave spread out and destroys anything within ten meters around it before its lightning bolts run out. And, to create this attack, I need to focus and meditate for three minutes or else, I might get affected by it.”

Brian stared at Tempest for a minute. Yes, he stared at tempest for sixty seconds and it was enough to make Tempest blush. After a minute, he crouched down and patted Tempest’s shoulder.

“Kid, you and I are going to work together to create a better future for humanity.”

Saying so, he stood up and continued “And, I will email you my address so that you can come and visit me.”

Hearing his words, Tempest’s eyes widened. Brian wasn’t a famous person but after contacting him for a while, he knows Brian is an extremely smart person and with his experience, he can teach him.

“So, have you decided to teach him science?” George walked in closer to Brian and asked.

“Yeah! First, I need to transform his seventy percent of pure nonsense about Dark Matter into Scientific knowledge then I will start teaching him. By the way, shouldn’t we head to the second level now?” Brian shrugged his shoulders and pointed at the big hole in front of it.

Behind this hole was level second and there are two hundred Fire Demons waiting for them.

“About that, I have been thinking of something. Should we let Tempest use his destruction wave from the start? And even if the enemies remain, we can protect him.” George cleared his throat and spoke.

Brian turned around and pulled Tempest up to his feet. He put his arms around Tempest’s shoulder and cleared his throat.

“About that, I just made a theory in my mind.”

At this moment, Tempest suddenly looked at him and asked “So, is it really true that I shouldn’t use my destruction wave here?”

“You caught that very quickly. Another point for you.” After praising him, Brian turned his head at George and said.

“I am afraid he can’t use this destruction wave for much longer. Because there is one function in a Firewall System that will delete anything including the player if it harms the virtual world for more than three times.”

“Thankfully, his current attach hasn’t reached 100% damage rate so the system hasn’t warned him. Remember, although this is a game, it is also virtual reality evolved by Zero-Point Energy.”

“His destruction waves aren’t just destroying his enemies, they are destroying the codes and because the destruction wave is very powerful, even the invisible codes can be destroyed.”

“That’s too bad.” George sighed after hearing his words. He knew Brian wouldn’t lie about this. But, he was really surprised that there was such a function in New Gods.

Tempest bites his lips but he wasn’t sad. He still impressed Brian after all. As for Brian, he wasn’t worried at all. He never expected Tempest’s attack so he is fully prepared for this.

“Alright guys, do you still remember our first quest?” Brian looked at them and asked.

“Of course, we do. Wait, you are planning to use that. But, isn’t it going to affect you?” George asked.

Brian raised his index finger and nodded his head “You are right. But, I have a plan to neutralize it after this quest. So, let’s just go and finish this quest quickly.”

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