
Chapter 203: Orchestra!

Chapter 203: Orchestra!

The words of the young master of the Regis Family were sharp and aimed directly at instructor Leonardo. A throbbing vein popped up in the heads of the four elders of the academy, and they balled their hands into a fist, ready to lunge at Richard Regis, that bastard, and rip him apart. They, however, did not take any action as their commander—the one who is above them in rank in the resistance—didn’t allow it.

The seven elders of the Regis Family felt their intense killing intent that had caused even the sounds of crickets to stop and immediately stood around their young master defensively.

They looked at Leonardo and the elders around him apprehensively.

Instructor Leonardo didn’t want the matter to escalate. Know this, he would have already gone for Richard’s throat if it was any other time, but now that the matter concerned the army of the serpentine devil, he could only keep the wrath and anger in his heart suppressed and focus on dealing with them. After all, before a magician, he was a resistor—a man fighting for the cause, trying to stop the army of Belphegor from invading their land.

He didn’t bicker with the young master Richard as he inwardly decided to deal with him later.

He simply turned to the six youngsters and said, “Do any of you have any kind of proof? Anything except for words such as a video recording would prove to be quite useful.”

The ears of Tia, Julian, Sean, Jay, Harvey, and Finley perked up after hearing his words. However, they remembered that they hadn’t recorded anything. They were so out of their minds that they forgot to record any kind of evidence!

They raised their heads, looked at instructor Leonardo and then helplessly and speechlessly shook their heads. From the looks on their faces, one could tell that they were fully disappointed with them.


Looking at their dim expression, Richard Regis concluded that they don’t have any so-called proof, and he immediately burst out in laughter, “See? What did I just tell you? They don’t even have any proof! In this day and age, where there are thousands of devices to record something and hundreds of methods to create physical evidence, they failed to get even one. Some might think it’s quite bizarre, but I don’t know. After all, I was sure that nothing they said happened from the very start, and I was right to think that way as they don’t even have any evidence!”

Instructor Leonardo turned silent. Sean and Jay inwardly sighed, knowing full well that their young master was fucking himself over along. Richard was no different than a person picking up a hammer just to smash his foot. They wanted to yell at him, curse him, and tell him that he was digging his own grave, but they didn’t have enough authority to talk back against him. In a sense, he was the crown prince while they were merely distant relatives of the emperor. There was a huge difference in their status. He was the heaven, and they were the land below his overseeing gaze. They couldn’t offend him, or else they might die without a corpse.

However, they knew that the moment the truth gets revealed, Richard Regis would have no hole to hide himself in and would die of self-embarrassment.

“Ahem!” The mistress of the Charlotte family decided to strike as the iron was the hottest right now to put an end to this meeting once and for all. “Since there is no evidence–”

Before she could finish her words and announce the end of the meeting, the door to the meeting room slid up with a dull thud, and in walked a person dressed in black robes lined with gold. All eyes turned towards the intruder, who walked in a hurry and stepped towards the center of the room. He felt a bit anxious because this was his first time being gazed at by so many people.

“Arthur, what are you doing here?” Lady Charlotte asked.

Arthur felt a bit anxious because this was his first time being gazed at by so many people. However, he didn’t let his nervousness eat him up!

He hurriedly revealed a recording device and said, “I brought the proof of serpentine devils conspiring with magicians of the Regis, Smith, Charlotte, and Sword magicians family, as well as the academy and the association, under the urging of the academy magician, Elliot Vincent. This recording device contains all the proof that one might need to verify the truth. It contains the list of people who betrayed us and also what’s happened inside of the settlement right now.”

Those words shocked the listeners to the core. The onlookers hadn’t even finished registering his words when twelve magicians burst out with overwhelming demonic energy and charged towards Arthur. Their eyes were as red as blood, and a sticky, putrid crimson aura covered them from head to toe. They were as if arrows shot out from a bow and reached Arthur in the blink of an eye.

They were as if arrows shot out from a bow and reached Arthur in the blink of an eye. They all unleashed their attacks at him, from crimson claws and lightning discharge to a volley of spikes made out of ice rained down on Arthur. More specifically, the device in his hand!

Boom! An explosion occurred, turning the ground into fine grains of sand. Dust rose in the air, coloring it brown.

Everything happened so suddenly and with such precision and speed that the twelve assassins at the Magic Grandmaster level believed themselves to be the winner.

A perfect assassination!

They were all spies and secret agents of the serpentine devils, who had snuck into various parts of the magician community. They were also in on the plans and were a part of the group that had leaked the information about the ancient settlement to the magician families to bait them here. 

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