
Chapter 215: The Serpentine Devil"s Projection! (a)

Chapter 215: The Serpentine Devil"s Projection! (a)

[Divine of Judgment had descended from the skies, punishing the evil-doers.]

[All of them had gotten sentenced to death.]

[You’ve killed 1800 living beings and gained 240000 units of the essence of life.]

[Only one of your enemies remains standing.]

At this moment, Elliot had annihilated the beasts that wanted to sacrifice their home to the evil God and unintentionally destroyed the serpentine devil’s scheme. Only Tyler Barnes remained standing. Elliot had intentionally spared him. He could tell that bit. After all, the wall of magic energy that he had created to defend himself from his swords was no longer around him. That meant that Elliot’s attack had destroyed his magic shield, leaving him defenseless. Contrary to what he expected, death didn’t come to him, though.

Elliot just showed him that he could kill him anytime and that all sorts of defensive means were useless in the face of his strength. He didn’t even harm him. The swords charged towards the ones near him after destroying his defensive shield. It killed the devil bull that was around his level, and then it killed the others. Depression, suicidal thoughts, and a sense of panic were the only things Elliot gave Tyler as his creation killed everything around them.

In only a couple of seconds, blood surrounded Tyler Barnes and slowly trickled towards Elliot, eventually reaching his feet. Yet, it was never able to dirty his boots, almost as if a wall was surrounding him and separating him from all things unholy.

Tyler sweated profusely. Elliot was looking right at him, making him feel like a slave bound to chains. He could die if he ever so desires. Yet, he was still alive for some reason. Wasn’t it because Elliot needed something from him. However, what could he even give him?

The ground had long since cracked and frightening scared covered it. Blood pooled in them, making the prison look like a site of a demonic ritual.


The onlookers sucked in a cold breath.

What they saw wasn’t a massacre!

The calm expression on Elliot’s face told them that that was nothing more than a but here doing his job, chopping chickens into twelve pieces and pigs into twenty-four, nothing more and nothing less.

“Do you know why I spared you?”

Tyler raised his head to look at Elliot. Behind him was a world sparkling in gold. Before him, a crimson land of death and dread had come into being, one full of a putrid smell. He stood between the most radiant light and the darkest side of the universe. One of his eyes reflected calmness along with bloody sight in front of him. The other seemed so brightened up in joy and compassion that Tyler couldn’t look at it. Elliot fave, though, held indifference. It was as if he wasn’t the one who killed so much that blood dyed the once snowy land red.

Was this a man, a God, or a demon?

Tyler shook his head. He didn’t know why he was still alive.

Why hadn’t a terrifying existence like Elliot killed him?


As if looking through him, the young man couldn’t help but say, “Look around you, and you’ll find the reason.”

Tyler Barnes subconsciously did as he said and looked around him. He was being submissive to Elliot because there was an innate difference between the two. It wasn’t the difference of wealth or race but a difference of evolutionary status. Elliot was one-fourth a God, something a mortal like him could only bow down to and pray piously. Before a God, mortals like Tyler could only silently obey. It was in their genes and every fiver of their beings to move according to the will of their creator, nothing too irregular.

Tyler saw redness spreading outwards. There was a barren land with many scars and blood around him. Elliot’s attacks had ravaged the entire snowy escapade. However, a part of it remained untouched. The demonic formation that Tyler had created didn’t have a single scratch on it. It was intact, ready to be used at any time.

As his gaze moved ahead, many corpses that were still fresh and hot as pizza straight out of an oven came into his field of vision. Several meters besides him, the crystal with a lot of demonic power inside of it remained intact.

“Don’t tell me that you’re thinking of summoning the serpentine devil?”


Elliot beamed towards him, “You’re correct.”

His smile gave his thoughts away.

Please use your second demonic blessing, sacrifice your soul and flesh to the serpentine devil, and have him project a part of himself among your mortal flesh!

Every mid-rank apostle could use the ritual to let a part of the serpentine devil enter them. Their Demonic God would become the new owner of their body, meaning they would lose control of themselves. The effect would last forever. Not to mention, their soul would get corrupted, getting destroyed. That was what being an apostle meant!

The ritual was more than just a suicidal move, and that’s why Tyler had not even considered it.

Elliot was asking him not to kill himself but also to destroy his soul. In return, Tyler would be able to get his demonic God to deal with Elliot.

Yes, although he would get a fate worse than death, he would still be able to deal with the cause of the greatest misery of his life.

“You’ll regret it!”

Tyler gnashed his teeth, looking no different than a man at the end of his rope.

“Just get on with it.”

Elliot waved his hand.

His expression told the other his inner thoughts.

‘Hurry up before I change my mind and kill you right where you stand.’

Tyler smiled and started chanting.

He was going to make Elliot regret his decision!

The onlookers managed to hear what he was seeing, and their eyes widened like saucers.

“What the heck is he doing!”

“That dumbass! It’s too dangerous!”

“The last time a vessel possessed by the demonic serpent came into this world, a bloody war that took millions of life ensured.”

“Does he not know of that?!”

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