
Chapter 623 Gu Li Finds Out Why Mi Luan Didn't Want To Sleep With Him!

Chapter 623 Gu Li Finds Out Why Mi Luan Didn\'t Want To Sleep With Him!

  Master Wong stood still as he saw Gu Li walking towards the lamp that was lit. Gu Li was about to blow out the light of the lamp when he noticed that the middle-aged master had still not left. Displeasure was clearly audible in his voice as he said

  Master Wong finally found his voice and instead of responding to his question, he questioned him

  "Why will you sleep here?"

  "I and Xiao Luan sleep together."

  Master Wong\'s eyes widened with shock and surprise.

  "That\'s impossible."

  He said a bit loudly and immediately covered his mouth when he saw Gu Li staring at him coldly as if he wanted to kill him.

  Gu Li stepped closer to Master Wong and said in a menacing cold tone.

  "I don\'t have any wish to entertain you right now, Master Wong. The way you entered my tent without my permission…you should already be grateful that I didn\'t kill you for that. I am being generous because Xiao Luan respects you but now if you woke Xiao Luan up because of you chattering then don\'t blame me for my ruthlessness."

  Master Wong was startled by the sudden outburst. 

  He was also scared inside his chest on hearing Gu Li\'s words but more than that, he wanted to know something else right now. He looked at Gu Li\'s cold eyes and dared to ask him

  "Do tell me that you didn\'t sleep with my little disciple in the past two days."

  Gu Li\'s eyes narrowed and he answered very casually.

  "I did. Now leave."

  The middle-aged Master could feel sweat rolling down his spine. If the little ancestor\'s father...ehem the greater ancestor came to know that Little Luan had slept beside Gu Li who had murdered countless men in his life, then he was sure that he would not be alive for too many days.

  Master Wong didn\'t know what he should do.

  Gu Li looked adamant to make him leave the tent but he didn\'t want to leave his little disciple alone with Gu Li.

  Also, how did his little disciple let Gu Li sleep with him? From what he knew, his little disciple would never let anyone sleep with him. 

  He looked at Gu Li suspiciously and wanted to ask whether he had done something to scare his little disciple that he agreed to sleep with him in the same tent. However, Gu Li\'s patient also had a bottom line and it was already crossed.

  When he didn\'t see the middle-aged Master moving from his place at all, he picked him by his collar merely using one hand and then dragged him outside the tent.

  Master Wong was startled by Gu Li\'s actions. He couldn\'t even shout as he didn\'t wish to disturb the sleep of his precious disciple.

  So Gu Li successfully dragged him out of the tent. After that, he glared at him sharply and said

  "If you stepped inside my tent again then I will directly throw you out of this forest."

  Master Wong swallowed nervously understanding very well that he couldn\'t stop Gu Li any longer. As he saw Gu Li walking inside his tent, he tried to comfort himself that Gu Li was softhearted for Mi Luan and that he would never harm him.

  Also, he had another thing hidden to save his life. Though he knew that his little disciple would never sell him as it was his own decision to stay here, his face still didn\'t look good.

  The only thing he knew was that he needed to take his little disciple away soon from here. Otherwise, Gu Li would convert his little disciple to something he was not.  

  His little disciple was not made to kill and destroy lives but to save lives.




  It was midnight when Gu Li suddenly heard some whispers from the other side of his bed. He frowned as the only thought that came to his mind that the annoying Master of Mi Luan was again inside the tent and it was he who was whispering.

  So this time, he took out his dagger to deal with him.

  However, his hand froze when he didn\'t see anyone standing near the bed. The whisper came again and Gu Li\'s eyes fell on the small bundle lying on the right side of the bed. 

  The whisper was coming from Mi Luan.

  Gu Li frowned deeply in confusion as he leaned down a little to hear clearly what he was whispering about.

  His frown vanished suddenly and his face had a somber expression when he heard what Mi Luan was whispering

  "Don\'t…hit …no…innocent…she is innocent …"

  Gu Li\'s eyes were cold as he wondered what Mi Luan was talking about. Now that he was close to Mi Luan, he could see the thin layer of sweat on Mi Luan\'s forehead. 

  It was only then Gu Li realized that Mi Luan was having a nightmare.

  Gu Li\'s eyes went blank suddenly as he remembered how he used to have nightmares in his childhood after his mother\'s suicide and his brother\'s death.

  Many times, he would not be able to sleep at night. It continued for …he didn\'t even remember how long but as time passed and he continued to kill people who were merciless like that noble minister who destroyed his whole family, the nightmares reduced a lot. 

  But why was Mi Luan having a nightmare! It scared Gu Li to think that his Xiao Luan also had the same kind of experience in his life.

  His left hand rose to lie on his stomach and he stiffly but gently patted him.

  "Everything will be alright, Xiao Luan…"

  That\'s how his master used to pacify him when he used to have nightmares.

  The whisper, however, continued. Without getting discouraged, Gu Li continued to pat Mi Luan and say these words again and again.  

  It was after a long time that Mi Luan stopped whispering and went back to sleep peacefully.

  Gu Li sighed in relief but his heart was still heavy as he lay down beside Mi Luan to sleep. He remembered how he also used to feel embarrassed and guarded around his master. How he used to find opportunities so that he would not have to sleep with him because he didn\'t wish him to know about his nightmares.

  His eyes looking at the sleeping young boy were very gentle and filled with distress and concern.

  He suddenly understood why Mi Luan didn\'t want to sleep with him on the first night. 

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