
Chapter 6 - Recalling The Past

Even worse, she had no actual combat experience too. At these times not knowing what to do is what makes it more dangerous.

Seth approached her slowly and held her hand mildly. "Don\'t worry Meiyi, everything is all right now."

She slowly turned to look at him. "Yeah... I\'m all right, it\'s just that..."

"What is it? You can tell me."

"I was so useless. The only thing I did was to run. All this time, while you were fighting, I could only hide."

"You\'re totally wrong. Look at him..." Seth pointed at Tao Yong lying on his face.

"You put him to sleep so comfortably... That is my girl!"

"Forget it... I\'m better now." She said laughing.

She cut him and didn\'t delve into the topic. Apparently, it seems something else bothered her.

"Since you are better now..." Seth quickly sealed her lips with a kiss.

She took three seconds to finally realize what was happening, but it gave him time to slip a tongue in, to savor the flavor for a bit.


The invading tongue got bit.

"Y-You!!!" She pushed him away lightly. What happened was so sudden that she was at a loss now, even forgetting the intense fight inside the cave.

Her cheeks were totally red, her hand already warm and she could not think about gloomy things anymore. As soon as Seth stared back at her, she ran away as fast as lightning. In a matter of seconds, she was already at the entrance.

"So fast! Whew... at least she is back to normal."

"Humph... Is this how you help her to overcome her fears?" A voice with a bit of indignation sounded.

"Hey Lexi, what do you think about her? Is she alright?"

"I could feel that she was not on her proper state of mind, there was even a bit of distress. Your girl might not have it so easy as she appears to be."

"Hm, I can only help her out if she does want to. Guess it will take some time."

"There is another thing. You noticed, didn\'t you?"

Seth already knew what that was about. "I guess so. A normal smoke wouldn\'t suppress people perception like that, even weakening her own signals to such a level, that is for sure not a common technique."

"What will you do then?"

"There is nothing to be done now. Hmmm... We could try to strengthen her skills and discover what happens."

"Then let\'s leave here, I want to go to a better place, this burnt cave is not beautiful anymore." Lexi loves to travel, even sometimes urging Seth to visit new places and go on adventures.

"All right then. Let\'s clean up this mess and leave."

Just as Seth approached the unconscious Tao Yong and raising a hand ready to finish him off.

"Wait!" Lexi felt something.

"What is it now?"

"I can feel some object leaking some weak aura on his body. Check out his left pocket."

Seth gave it a quick check and found a circular object. Looking a bit closer it was a ring.


The ring dropped as he got disoriented when he saw its design.

There was a Hound head in the middle and it was entirely silver.

"Hey, what is happening?" Lexi asked confused.

Inside his eyes red veins started to pop out, red lines covering the white parts.

"Huff! Huff!"

"Calm down! Seth!"


"If you don\'t calm down the seed might get out of control!"

"Huff! Huff." Seth started to breathe deeply trying to control his emotions.

A minute later he got a bit calmer. All abnormal signs vanishing slowly.

He checked the ring again, memories started to flow.

One single head! Not three! Maybe there is no relationship. His mind was racing, trying deny the facts.

Through those memories, there was one that could give him some information, betraying his own expectations.

A short memory of 8 Years Ago




Desolate, it was the definition of what that place was. Brownish orange terrain. The weather so hot that it could be considered a desert. Fire occasionally blew through the cracks on the rocks.

In such a forsaken land there was a hidden cave so large that it took an entire twenty-five kilometers solid rock mountain space as its constitution.

On the outer layers of the cave there were many cells and constructs.

"Throw them in, ten per cage." One of the demons who was leading a bunch of youngsters athat were actually prisoners ordered his underlings. On his right hand a Cerberus Hound ring. Those two heads were proof of his high status.

"Today activities are done. Let\'s head back." He called his companions.

"Guards!" Quickly a bunch of light armored demons came rushing. "Watch them, I don\'t want a single mistake here, or you all are as good as dead! Understood?"

"Understood!" They answered strongly.

Within seconds he left and those guards took their positions.

Seth was locked together with nine more people. They were all shocked and lost in fear, afraid of what would be done with them. There were cries everywhere and many were calling for some help.

It was already late at night. Within a few minutes, light would start to dim and they would be locked there with no answers to their pledges.

As darkness was falling, Seth caught a glimpse of the ring a guard was wearing. But this time there was a symbol of a single hound head.




"Lexi, this ring, it is definitely from them! A lower ranking ring of that demon clan!" Seth grabbed it once again.

"What is it?"

"A symbol of status within the Cerberus Demon Clan. They simply vanished from the world after that time, and this ring may be the first clue of what happened."

"What actually happened with you there?"

"Sigh... It\'s complicated, I would rather not talk about it for now. I need to find some answers first."

"Ok… Then how will you get those answers?"

"I don\'t know either, but he may be a beginning." Seth pointed at Tao Yong that was unconscious on the floor.

Slap. Slap.

"You know you shouldn\'t be sleeping on the floor, right? You could get a cold." Slapping his face twice Seth quickly added.

Tao Yong woke up scared. "You better not doing anything with me or else you are dead!"

What a shitty personality, not even one second passed after he woke up and he is already threatening people. Seth got fed up from this attitude.

"Ahaha, you really have some courage." Reaching out to a bracelet Seth wore on his left wrist and channeling his Qi on a complex pattern, a clicking sound happened. Taking the bracelet out, the environment suddenly got gloomier.

Swirl Boom!

The Qi surrounding Seth rapidly raised leaving the Qi Gathering Realm scope.

Crack! Thin lines appearing on the floor underneath.

"What!?" Tao Yong got paralyzed by the pressure emitted alone.

"How about threatening me now?" A scornful remark.


"Answer me one thing and I can let you depart safely." The one threatening now reversed.

"Wh-What is it?" Tao Yong had to muster all his strength to talk.

"Tell me, where did you get this ring from?" Seth showed the ring he had on his pocket.

"I… I found it on the-the forest." He was trembling all over, clearly his courage already faded.

"You still have the guts to lie, huh?" Darkness energy started circulating.

"You! What! Who are you!!!?" Tao Yong got frightened.

Seth pointed a finger and darkness started enveloping Tao Yong legs, like two long snakes coiling.


The skin around Tao Yong legs started to corrode.

"Arghhh!!!" "AAAAAAAA!!!" "It was... Argh! My brother. My brother gave me!"

"What a fast answer, huh? Who is you brother?"

"T-Tao Zhong."

"Where can I find him?"

"He, he is a core disciple at the sect! Please release me! Argh!"

"Alright you can go now, have a safe trip!" Darkness acted more violently and enveloped him whole.


Within a few seconds his voice faded and Seth retracted his power just after.

There was nothing left anymore, not even a single bone.. He vanished leaving no traces behind.

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