
Chapter 29

The sounds of battle grew louder and louder until the Primal Feline burst into a massive cavern deep within the volcano.

Immediately, his eyes focused on the far end of the cavern where the action was taking place.

A large four-meter tall monkey wielding a metal staff stood alone fighting off five similarly sized adult Armored Kaijins.

The Great Mountain Sage Which Rivals The Heavens was making his final stand!

His muscular body was filled with wounds, and blood flowed out freely from a massive gash in his left arm.

The blood loss from that wound alone was enough to doom him. Not immediately, as the monkey was large and had a lot of blood. But very certainly, as that blood would soon run out and leave his body weak and defenseless.

However, that moment had yet to arrive. In the meantime, he still wielded his large metal staff with great power and surprising skill.


The metal staff connected with an Armored Kaijin’s head and caused it to burst open in a spray of blood and gore.

It fell down to the ground and joined the growing pile of dead bodies. Monkeys for the most part. But there was also a pile of dead adult Armored Kaijins.

A large pile.

The Great Sage had taken down at least twenty of the adult Armored Kaijins before ending up in that situation.

The four remaining Armored Kaijins weren’t in good condition as well. Three of them clearly had only one head still alive. Their other heads were smashed into bloody pulp.

The final Armored Kaijin still had both its heads intact, but suffered from various broken limbs.

Still, each Armored Kaijin had six limbs and two heads to begin with, so a few broken limbs weren’t a critical loss.

If nothing happened, The Great Mountain Sage would fall within a minute.



The Great Sage swung its staff in a wide circular arc and forced the remaining Armored Kaijins back. Its eyes opened wide in surprise and excitement when it saw the Primal Feline enter his throne room.

ROARR!! The message behind its roar was clear. Help me!


The Primal Feline was not one to dally. He leapt ahead and immediately joined the Great Sage in battling the four Armored Kaijins!

Two of the Armored Kaijins turned to face him.

The Armored Kaijins had six hands and feet. Four of those functioned as legs and gave them an extremely stable platform from which their two hands and two heads could launch vicious and versatile attacks. Their hands had five sharp claws and a long unicorn-horn protruded out of each of their heads. Their mouths were also lined with rows and rows of razor sharp teeth.

They were an absolute terror to fight with, and the Primal Feline was completely and absolutely… ecstatic!


His first slash attack was so fast that the Armored Kaijin didn’t even manage to react before its remaining head was partially slashed and partially ripped out of its neck.

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 24!]

The second Armored Kaijin still had both its heads and one of them was already lowered to skewer the Primal Feline as it charged towards him.

However, the Primal Feline was an excellent fighter and quickly dodged the incoming horn attack nimbly.


He bit the second Armored Kaijin’s lowered head as it passed him by and crushed its neck. The Primal Feline’s jaw strength was the top in its class, and he easily flung the Armored Kaijin away with a shake of his head.

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 25!]

Sensing that his tiger was close by, The Primal Feline ignored the fallen Armored Kaijin and leapt at the other two which were still locked in combat with the Great Sage. They had the Great Sage pinned on the ground in a pool of blood and were about to land the finishing blow.


A sharp claw severed the remaining head of one of the Armored Kaijin and caused the other to be slightly distracted – to fatal consequences.


A timely attack by the Great Sage ended the final Armored Kaijin’s life and the battle.

[Congratulations, You have levelled up to level 26!]

“Deactivate Beast Transformation.” Elliot instructed the AI.

[Primal Feline Transformation deactivated.]

Very quickly, the powerful physique of the Primal Feline retreated and reverted back to Elliot’s human body.

The Great Sage stared at the transformation which occured right before his eyes with a trace of joy in his eyes which was quickly losing its vital lustre.

Elliot nicked his hand and placed it on the Great Sage’s many wounds.

A noticeably weak and unstable mind space descended upon them.

Beast Type: Mountain Monkey King

Beast Name: The Great Mountain Sage Which Rivals The Heavens

Gender: Male

Beast Level: 80

Beast Power Level: 90

Beast Grade: Legendary

Beast Bloodline: Heavenly Monkey King

Beast Physical Status: Fatally injured

Beast Emotional Status: Relief

Hobby: Eating Bananas and raiding Winter’s Territory

Evolution Pathways: 1


Level 8 Rod Mastery – Deal 800% more damage with rods

Level 8 Tactics and Strategies Mastery – Boosts Battle Intelligence by 8 points

Level 8 Unarmed Combat Mastery – Deal 800% more damage with hands and feet

Level 9 Berserk – Deal 900% additional damage for 90 seconds

AI Comments: One of the most, if not the most powerful beast in the entire North American continent. Its Divine Monkey King bloodline had activated to an incredible 40%, giving him unparalleled strength and intelligence among the beasts of Planet Earth.

“Beast’¦ Master’¦” The Great Sage’s voice sounded incredibly fatigued.

“Great Sage.” Elliot said urgently. “I have a potion that can heal you. But you need to be my tamed beast first. Do you accept?”

However, the Great Sage was too far gone. He could not hear a single word Elliot said.

With all of his remaining strength, he reached into the dreadful wound near his stomach area and pulled out his beast core. And then with his dying breath, he whispered two more words.

“My’¦ Son’¦”

And immediately after that, his eyes turned vacant and his body stilled.

“Damn it!” Elliot cursed. “I was too late!”

He picked up the Great Sage’s beast core and deeply lamented his passing.


A loud roar sounded distantly from the cave’s entrance.

The new enemy had finally arrived!

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