
Chapter 190 Fallen

It’s not much of a secret, really.

All of Elliot’s Beasts will receive it upon reaching a certain amount of contribution to Elliot as a Beast Master. And because Brock, Winter and Wukong had incredible contributions, they unlocked the “secret skill” first.

“Feral Judgement.” Wu Kong said as he stepped forward towards the praying mantis. His bones grew and his muscles instantly bulged out. Within moments, a massive ten meter tall Monkey King with fearsome red eyes stood in his place, screaming out a roar that was totally unlike Wu Kong’s calm and collected character!


Wu Kong too a giant leap forward towards the massive praying mantis and smashed his rod down very powerfully on it!


Although the praying mantis had very thin limbs, they were startlingly strong, and it had no problems resisting Wu Kong’s frenzied smash. In fact, it didn’t look like it received any damage whatsoever!

The gulf between Kings and Emperors were indeed not small. Only complete freaks like Elliot could breach that gulf and fight enemies an entire level above him!

Thankfully, Wu Kong was not alone.

All around him, the core of Elliot’s massive Beast Army, his most powerful Beast Apostles and Tamed Beasts surged ahead to engage the praying mantis with their own mighty attacks.

Most glaring among the pack were Brock and Winter who had both activated their respective “secret skills” which were all similarly berserk transformations, but with distinct characteristics.

Brock’s transformation was “Unyielding Strength” which was a pure tank transformation which saw his vitality and armor spike all the way up to rival even that of an Emperor’s! He had grown to an incredible fifteen meters tall and his fur had thickened to become nigh impenetrable armor!

Winter’s transformation was “Winter Flurry” which was an ice-based DPS which saw her mastery over ice rise by several factors. She too, had grown larger to reach ten meters tall. However, the most startling thing about her was the sleek ice armor that covered parts of her head and body, giving her an icy yet majestic look that seemed to look down on the rest of the world.


Body slams, slashes, fireblasts, glacial beams and all sorts of attacks landed upon the praying mantis in a series of near flawless attack rotations.

Each attack was launched at full force, and even though the praying mantis was an Emperor, it had no choice but to block and parry their attacks. Failure to do so would see them land a critical hit on its unarmored section, and even if it would not kill it directly, it would weaken him too much to be able to survive the seemingly endless attacks by the beasts!

And if it was Wu Kong or Winter who managed to sneak in that critical hit to its unarmored sections, then instant death was definitely not out of the question!

With Elliot’s beasts managing to tie up the Emperor level praying mantis successfully, Elliot was able to focus on his fight with Divine Fighter with no distractions whatsoever.

And of course, to continue his experiment in combining his system-generated skills with the Nameless Sword Technique!

“You may be able to scratch my Living Armor, but you’ll never be able to penetrate it. You should have retreated when you still had the chance, punk! Now, die!” Divine Fighter’s living armor suddenly grew in size and turned him into a fearsome three meter tall humanoid figure that had blades for arms and legs!

His entire face was covered and the armor even protruded upwards into a sharp edge.

If looked at from a distance, he looked a little bit like a black and elongated starfish.

And Elliot immediately mentioned it to him.

“Die to a black starfish like you? You wish!” Elliot snorted with laughter.

In response, Divine Fighter slashed down his bladed arms at him in a ferocious spin attack!



Elliot easily dodged his attacks by blinking away. p and a

Novel However, Divine Fighter was completely enraged, and he continued to chase after Elliot.


After blinking away a few times, Elliot finally made his move.

“If utilizing the Nameless Sword Technique first doesn’t work, then I’ll just reverse it!”

Lightning Slash!


Elliot pumped out copious amounts of his Purgatory Fire Energy just as Lightning Slash was being executed.

Due to Purgatory Fire Energy’s dominant nature, it immediately replaced the energy powering Lightning Slash, and traveled down its preset pathways in place of it!

Gilgamar instantly glowed a fearsome violet as it whistled through the air and smashed onto one of Divine Fighter’s bladed arms!

Only, it wasn’t a smash.

It was a slice!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Divine Fighter howled in pain!

Gilgamar had cleanly sliced off one of his arms.

Elliot took the chance to press his attack and executed another powerful Lightning Slash, this time towards his neck!

However, Divine Fighter was not a pushover who would simply roll over and die.

He immediately dodged Elliot’s attack and countered with a powerful kick!

Elliot stepped back slightly to avoid it, but to his complete surprise, Divine Fighter’s legs suddenly grew sharply in length and the Living Armor pierced through Elliot’s tummy!


“Not good!” Elliot paled and instantly blinked away.

“Boy! I will come back to kill you soon! Just you wait!!” Divine Fighter shouted and disappeared into his Dome Palace.

When he did that, all of his Forsaken Warriors melted away into nothingness. Well, all of the living ones anyway.

“RETREAT!!” He roared as he powered his Dome Palace to fly up high into the sky.

However, only silence greeted him.

Well, not completely.


A powerful lightning bolt thundered towards him from the East and a beam of pink energy shot out from the West.

The two attacks made one thing very clear.

His brothers had both fallen in battle!

“YOU! YOU WILL ALL DIE! I WILL BRING SECOND BROTHER TO KILL YOU ALL!” Divine Fighter screamed and immediately flew away at high speed!

Elliot gritted his teeth and was about to blink after him when a tide of pain unlike anything he had felt before attacked him from his wound!

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