
Chapter 421 Soul Strength

Life, in general, is completely unpredictable.

The best laid plans could be made with the greatest of caution and the most exhaustive preparation with countless alternatives and back up plans, and still, things could turn out completely differently.

For normal people, it would be things like winning lotteries and discovering stage four cancers when they least expect them.

They were life changing events, and oftentimes, they would throw a wrench in the gears of their lives.

However, life is fair.

It treats superpowers and normal people the same way.

Not even Gods like Aleyria were free of life’s absolute unpredictability.

Who would have thought that they would meet with a transcendent existence that could wield such an amazing power such as laws?

Who could have imagined that she could and would kill their main enemy bosses, Lucifer and Lilith so decisively, so easily and so quickly?

And who could have imagined a scenario where such a transcendent existence would be completely unconscious mere minutes of making her appearance?

And in the process, bring Primal Alexander away to an unknown location?

The sheer chaos of her life in the past few days caused Aleyria to finally have an emotional outburst.


The mournful but also enraged cry of a Black Phoenix Goddess rippled out and instantly triggered a similar feeling of sadness and anger to bloom in the hearts of all who listened.

Elliot’s bloodline started to boil at her cry.

From the beginning of time, Dragons and Phoenixes always had extremely close relationships.

Although they had maintained separate bloodlines, they were somehow linked together by a strange and inexplicable power.

Aleyria’s Black Phoenix bloodline was an ancient and pure bloodline, and the ancient dragon bloodline within Elliot couldn’t help but respond!


A powerful ancient dragon roar rippled out from deep within Elliot’s soul as well.

The two ancient roars rang out and started to meld together.

As soon as that happened, a strange aura started to diffuse out of Primal Alexander.

It was an extremely ancient dragon aura, like Elliot. However, it felt different.

It felt… feminine?

“Flamewing!” Aleyria shouted in surprise. “Where’s Alexander?”

However, Alexander remained unconscious, and the burst of dragon aura from him quickly faded away.

“Flamewing? Who is that?” Elliot asked, completely surprised.

“Flamewing is… was, a dragon. She gave herself to fuse with Alexander, becoming his subordinate soul and granting him the full power of her dragon body. She lives in a separate soul dimension. Just now, that was her aura! We need to get in touch with her, she might have some clues as to what happened to Alexander!” Aleyria said with barely controlled excitement.

“Let’s try that again.” Elliot immediately said.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they somehow couldn’t get their Black Phoenix cry and Dragon roar to meld like before.

“It must have something to do with authentic emotions.” Elliot finally said. “We can’t force it.”

Aleyria could only shake her head helplessly.

“Apparently this Flamewing’s dragon soul got excited and managed to somehow get her aura out when your Black Phoenix cry and my Dragon roar somehow melded together. Is there something unique about Flamewing that would make her sensitive to a Phoenix-Dragon union?” Elliot asked.

“Flamewing is what we call a Scion of Paladinos, the God of Life. Being a Scion grants her access to the Power of Paladinos, and that power gave her an incredible amount of life force and the purest Dragon Bloodline possible within this realm. However, I do not know how that would make her sensitive to a Phoenix-Dragon union.” Aleyria said uncertainly.

“Power of Paladinos, God of Life.” Elliot frowned lightly and turned to Jessica Sands. “We don’t have any Gods in our multiverse?”

“There was a Dragon God a long time ago. But he went missing. Apart from him, I do not know if there were any other Gods.” Jessica Sands replied.

“Our Almighty God, the Father of all four Gods, went missing too.” Aleyria said in a troubled voice.

“There is a deep mystery involving the God level beings in both our realms. A mystery that’s even more serious in my realm, considering that in yours, you still have two gods, Magius and yourself.” Elliot said.

“It would be difficult to crack this mystery.” Aleyria said. “But I guess this is our only choice.”

“We have two leads. Flamewing, and Jessica’s revelation on the Law Runes. I suggest we pursue both leads at the same time. Aleyria, you try to investigate the connection between Flamewing and the melding of Black Phoenix Cries and Dragon Roars. I will work with Jessica on the Laws.” Elliot said.

“Fine. Let us do that.” Aleyria said with a rueful smile. “I guess we have to separate again. May our separation bear better fruit this time.”

Elliot nodded, and immediately led Jessica Sands back to his own multiverse… Again.

“What clue did you find about the Law Runes?” Elliot asked Jessica Sands as soon as they appeared in their own multiverse.

“The Law Runes produced by Leiget as he disappeared and the one he drew for us that took Alexander’s soul away… They had one crucial difference. I think the difference is the location! If I can somehow compare the differences between the two runes carefully, I might just be able to gather a clue or two regarding to where their souls were brought to.” Jessica Sands said excitedly.

“Show me. Let’s figure it out together.” Elliot said.

Jessica Sands happily obliged him.

Both of them started to explore the two Law Runes they had on hand.

For the first few hours, no progress was made.

But they persevered.

Hours turned to day. And one day stretched to three.

Finally, Jessica Sands sighed.

“We made zero progress. I have never went for so long without discovering anything before!” She grumbled.

However, Elliot was frowning lightly.

“It is true that we made no progress in deciphering the Law Runes. But… Don’t you feel that… Your soul is stronger?” Elliot asked Jessica Sands cautiously.

“Huh? Is it?” Jessica Sands frowned and tried to sense her own soul strength.

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