
Chapter 392 - Ethan Know About Aaron

When the time showed 06.30 pm, Ethan was meeting Richard and Daniel who came to visit his house. They were in the study to discuss an important matter regarding Aaron and Keyra. Yes, they are secretly investigating Aaron and Keyra\'s domestic life, which is suspected to be disharmonious.

Richard sat in the chair next to Daniel while Ethan sat in the chair opposite them against the desk.

"I hope you\'re not surprised by all the information I\'ve got." Richard handed Ethan a large brown envelope.

Ethan just stood there in a huff, grabbed the big envelope, and opened it. He took out its contents which was a paper with data on Aaron\'s identity and also some photos of Aaron when he met Hans or Sarah.

"I didn\'t write everything down there, but I will tell you little by little," said Richard while looking at Ethan who immediately frowned when he read and saw the photo.

"He is younger than Keyra, could he be Sarah\'s child?" asked Ethan angrily.

"Yes, he is a tiny baby that we once secretly visited in the hospital with Mrs. Dina, just because his grandfather didn\'t like us," explained Richard.

"He\'s Edward\'s son, he\'s my nephew?" Ethan shook his head with his eyes slowly turning red at the photo and then at Richard. "Richard, Keyra married her brother? This is not right, this is a sin because they are blood. They have the same grandfather, my late father!"

Ethan\'s breath started to catch on from this shock. He put down the paper and the photo, then ruffled his hair in frustration. The man did not expect his daughter to have married her cousin.

"Why, why did Mr. Hans let all this happen and ... And he never showed himself to be Aaron\'s grandfather?" Ethan remembers when he proposed to Keyra, Aaron brought family members where Hans didn\'t come, even when the wedding didn\'t come.

"Because this is the plan of Mr. Hans and Aaron. They faked Aaron\'s identity and made fake family cards," explained Daniel, who also investigated with his father, Richard.

"Why? Why would they do that?" Ethan is getting more and more annoyed and feels fooled.

"Marriage was only for revenge. Keyra was hurt and currently, Aaron also has a mistress," explained Richard with a heavy heart. She felt sorry for Ethan who was on the verge of tears in shock. "I tried to find information about what they did on their honeymoon. And it turns out ..."

"What? What has he done to Keyra?" Ethan asked impatiently. His gaze was so sharp, filled with anger at the thought of Aaron, who was kind and caring, but turned out to only marry Keyra for revenge.

Richard sighed and glanced at Daniel. Daniel, who understood the meaning of his father\'s glance, immediately took over to explain all the information they got.

The hotel maid in Paris said that Keyra only went out for a day with another visitor. After that, Aaron and Keyra never went out again for sightseeing or enjoying their honeymoon there. From CCTV, Aaron had quarreled with Keyra several times in the elevator. " Daniel began to explain. Ethan and Richard also listened with angry eyes imagining how bad Aaron was to Keyra.

"There was a hotel maid who said when she was cleaning the room where Keyra and Aaron were staying, she often saw Keyra crying with some bruises on her body and there were always torn clothes in the basket where the dirty clothes were. The maid did not dare to report the violence because Aaron threatened her. But I tried to convince her to tell me." Daniel continued to explain at length and imagine how much Keyra had suffered. He was also saddened by this fact.

"Keyra has suffered since the beginning of the marriage and we only realized today? No wonder she was crying when she left for Paris!" Ethan remembered the time Keyra hugged him before getting on the plane with Aaron. He felt guilty and hit the table with emotion, ruffled his hair, he was already crying by then.

"Idiot, I\'m SO STUPID!" Ethan was getting emotional. He got to his feet and threw away whatever was in front of him, then punched the wall so hard that his arm hurt.

Richard and Daniel rushed to calm Ethan who was both shocked and emotional.


Luna, who was relaxing in the living room with Kevin, heard the chaos in the study. They stared at each other in silence.

"What happened?" Kevin asked.

"I don\'t know," answered Luna angrily, then got up from the sofa. "We\'d better go there. Mommy suddenly feels uneasy," she continued.

Kevin nodded in agreement and went to his father\'s study with his mother at a brisk pace.

It only took them a few seconds to arrive at the study which was only about ten meters from the living room. They opened the door and saw Ethan sitting quietly on the floor and leaning against the wall with a sharp look full of anger and Richard trying to calm him down. There is also Daniel who takes the first aid kit to treat the wound on Ethan\'s hand.

"Honey. What happened? You hurt your hand." Luna looked worriedly at Ethan and held his injured hand.

"We have sinned." Ethan leaned his head on Luna\'s shoulder.

Luna shook her head in disbelief, then looked at Richard and Daniel.

"Richard, Daniel, what happened?"

Richard immediately told everything that had happened. Kevin and Luna were also in shock just like Ethan. Kevin, who loves Keyra, immediately got up and left the study in anger. Is it possible that he will soon meet Keyra?

"They should get a divorce," Ethan cried weakly still leaning his head on Luna\'s shoulder.

Luna was crying imagining how much her only daughter suffered. She hugged Ethan and tried to make him strong even though she was also devastated.

"Let\'s go pick up Keyra, let\'s invite her to stay in this house again. She must be suffering a lot," Luna exclaimed with tears already running down her cheeks.

"It seems Kevin will also be there, he is very emotional," said Daniel.

"Daniel, please accompany Kevin. He\'s in a frenzy, don\'t let him drive alone. Take him to meet his sister," Luna exclaimed with a pleading look.

"Okay, Auntie," Daniel replied, then hurried out of the study to meet Kevin, who might not have gone to Keyra\'s house.

"We\'d better treat Ethan\'s hand first so it doesn\'t get infected," Richard exclaimed as he looked at Ethan\'s hand which was still bleeding.

"No, we have to catch up with Keyra soon. I don\'t want us to be more sinful in letting someone who has blood become husband and wife. And I\'m going to throw that damn Aaron into jail tonight!" said Ethan with eyes gleaming with anger, then looked at Richard. "Richard, call the police to immediately arrest Aaron for domestic violence and identity fraud!"

"Okay, I\'ll report right away," Richard replied then immediately called the police.

Luna insisted on asking Ethan to be willing to have his hand treated before leaving to take Keyra. Ethan agreed and was silent as Luna treated her wound while crying. The husband and wife are hurting because their only daughter has suffered all this time, moreover, they feel they have a burden of sin for allowing incest to happen.. Well, if Mike wasn\'t too cowardly and wanted to admit that he was Aaron\'s biological father, maybe Ethan and Luna wouldn\'t be this sad.

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