
Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Chapter 244

“Your cold and delicious drinks are here!” Amethyst announced as she pulled up to the Veolense mansion in her newly purchased delivery carriage. The maids quickly lined up to get a bottle.

“Thank goodness! It’s so hot!” One of the maids exclaimed.

“I know!” Amethyst called back, “The weather is getting hotter lately.” Amethyst couldn’t hand out the juice fast enough to the sweating maids. She made sure to also include bottles of her new tangerine juice as well.

“What is this?” the head maid asked. “I didn’t order this.”

“It’s a new flavour. I want you to try it. It’s free, so don’t worry.” Amethyst hoped they liked it.

The head maid opened the bottle of tangerine juice and took a big gulp. Her face didn’t express her opinion, as she considered the taste.

“How is it?” Amethyst asked, worried that it wasn’t good.

“What is this made from?” the head maid asked.

“It’s tangerine juice. It has a lot of vitamin C so it’s good for stamina recovery.”

“Vitamin C? What is that? Is it something you eat?”

Amethyst kept forgetting that there were some things the people of this world did not know about. “It’s good for your body, that’s all. Does it taste strange?”

“No! It’s very good!” the head maid exclaimed, smiling. “Are you sure you want to give this to us free of charge?”

“I’m glad you like it. Of course, it’s free. This time.” Amethyst winked. “Just let me know how you like the taste.”

Once the maids heard that the new flavour was free, they started to all call for one. Amethyst quickly ran out of the tangerine, not having brought enough for everyone.

“I’m sorry,” Amethyst announced. “I wasn’t sure how you’d like it, so I didn’t bring enough for everyone. I’ll bring more next time!”

“Is today the day the workers come down from the mountain?” Amethyst asked the head maid.

“Yes. They should be here soon.,” the head maid answered.

It was only moments after that the carriage transporting the workers pulled into the mansion grounds. The maids ran over to the carriage to collect the workers soiled clothing so they could finish their day’s work and rest. Amethyst cleaned up the empty bottles left behind, happy for her success. Taking a full bottle of tangerine juice that she had held back; she made her way to the lake where the workers were cleaning the dirt off their skin.

The ashen-haired man was on one side of the lake by himself. As a slave, he was usually segregated from the rest of the crew. Amethyst walked up to him. “Hi,” she said shyly.

Alexcent wiped the water from his face, with his sleeve, and stood up to greet her. “Hello,” he acknowledged back.

“This is for you.” Amethyst handed him the bottle of tangerine juice that she had saved. The man just stood silently, staring at the bottle. “Hurry! Take it! Before I get in trouble for sneaking items to a slave.” She thrust the bottle into his hand.

“This is to say thank you,” Amethyst explained. “This is made from the fruits you leave me every morning. I wanted you to taste what I did with them. It’s healthy, so drink up before anyone sees it. They don’t give you enough food, so you could use it.”

Alexcent opened the bottle and drank it all at once. Amethyst watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed.

“How is it?” she asked.

“I can see why you like that fruit. Thank you.”

“Not a problem. I’m more thankful for your help.”

“Please, don’t concern yourself with someone like me.”

“Why?” Amethyst asked, but he didn’t answer. “Do you feel uncomfortable when I pay attention to you?”

“No. It’s not that.  It’s just… Nothing good can come by being involved with a slave like me.”

“What does that have to do with this?” Amethyst asked.

“You must have heard the rumours? What happens to people who get involved with slaves?”

“I don’t believe in rumours.”

“But nothing bad will come with being careful,” Alexcent stated. He needed to keep her at a distance from him.

“You remind me of my younger brother” Amethyst said. “I fell like I should look out for you.”

“Even so, leave me be. It’s for the best.” Alexcent walked away from Amethyst. He didn’t seem pleased that she had compared him to her younger brother. She wondered at what made him so angry as she watched him leave.


The interest amongst the Veolense maids for slave 24885 was growing steadily.

“Did you see him today?” a maid asked

“Yes! Today the workers came back to the mansion! He’s so good-looking!” another maid answered.

“Right? If he wasn’t a slave…” The first maid did not have time to finish that thought, as someone approached them from behind.

“What are you talking about?” the newcomer asked.

“Miss!” The maids jumped in surprise, then instantly bowed when they realized who had come up behind them.

“I asked what you were talking about? I demand that you answer me!” Viyan, the daughter of the Veolense family was a stern woman.

“The new slave that started working at the mansion,” the maids answered meekly.

“I see.” Viyan instructed all of the maids to leave her chamber, as she thought about this new slave.

“Hey, 24885!”

Alexcent lifted his head to see who was calling him. A maid approached from across the yard. She handed him a stack of clean clothing.

“Put this on, then come with me,” she instructed.

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