
Chapter 221 - Do You Want To?

Unsure of how to start, Talia remembered that she had heard a few rumors about Shane.

They were mostly about the first monthly ranking where he had been ranked among the best students. Other than that, he had also entered the subsequent wealth ranking where he was said to have earned more than one million gold coins in a single month.


This allowed Talia to conclude that Shane was quick-witted so she decided to speak freely.

"The seven students that had been beaten up and ridiculed before you helped them have been my friends for several years. We went to the same elementary and middle school. 

As such, we started to plan early on what we wanted to become in the future because we wanted to stay together.

The possibilities were endless, but we were reluctant to rely on others to protect us all the time. That is if we were to pick non-combatant occupations which we had planned to do anyway because we don\'t like fighting.

After several years of pondering, planning, and calculating, we came up with a good tactic. As initially planned, we didn\'t pick a combat profession and we never fought against beasts if it was avoidable.

Rather, we planned to support mankind from the backend.

As such, we decided to do several things at the same time. 

In the beginning, we had to advance to the apprentice stage before we were able to pick an occupation. 

Once we reached that stage, we utilized the information we had researched for several years to meet dozens of criteria for certain occupations in the hope to meet the requirements of other occupations too.

This tactic might seem a little bit confusing, but it\'s working. For example, certain requirements for the [Berserker] and [Guardian] occupation are the same, and we used this information to unlock other occupations.

In the end, our research allowed us to foretell that the government should be able to awaken Igra\'s mana heart in a few years. At least, if one were to compare the time other races require to awaken their origin planet\'s mana heart after the Dimension Portal descended.

Combining these factors, we picked occupations that were the most efficient for our task. Now we\'re trying to purchase plots on Igra in order to create a huge farm after Igra has its own mana awakening! 

After that, the occupations we choose will start to shine! At that time, nobody will dare to laugh at us anymore because we will be humanity\'s backbone!!"

Talia had to gasp for air because she had spoken so fast that she was unable to breathe properly. As she took lungfuls of air, shehe heard Shane exclaim in wonder

"What kind of geniuses are all of you??"

This caused her to smile brightly as Shane summarized what she wanted to add.

"So you want to plant certain, rare or maybe even commonly found plant seeds to grow them with a few [Farmers] that are probably at or above the [Gold] grade? Adding Occupations like Herbalists, Harvester and so on, the harvest should be high with a short growing period for the plants.

However, seeing that you are a group of eight friends, I guess there won\'t be 4 farmers..that would be too much to start with, and they won\'t be able to act as mankind\'s backbone alone….Do you have some craftsmen and someone taking care of the management too? There should be...otherwise I\'m afraid that creating a farm with eight students would be extremely difficult!" 

Talia wanted to brag in front of Shane, who was the first one to think that they were geniuses when she heard this summary.

She looked at him with wide eyes and Shane was afraid that he had somehow offended her so he asked

"Am I wrong? Sorry if that\'s the case…" 

He hadn\'t conducted in-depth research for several years like Talia and her friends seemed to have done, but Shane\'s intel had been more exhaustive than hers which allowed him to think at a broader range than others.

Not only did he know many occupations from his aunts\' and uncles\' stories, but he was also aware of their perks.

As such, it was hardly possible for farmers to create a mana plant farm due to the sheer number of things one had to pay attention to.

A single mistake and there might not be a single magical plant to yield!

There was a need for many more occupations to support farmers on planets whose temperature was fluctuating a lot over the year.

Talia who couldn\'t help but acknowledge that Shane was extremely quick-witted, which he wouldn\'t dare to admit out loud as he was dense at some times, suddenly revealed,

"You are right and wrong at the same time...I don\'t know if you are aware of that fact, but it\'s easier for non-combatant occupations to reach a higher grade. Thus, we are not satisfied with normal [Gold] occupations.

I, for myself, was accepted in the Shirai academy solely, because of my [Platinum] occupation, called [Ruler of Management]. You could say that I\'m the administrative part of our plan to create a farm!"

Shane noticed that Talia grew more confident, the more she spoke with him which caused him to smile lightly as he continued to listen intently to her words. He had just discovered a whole treasure trove lying in front of him and he was barely able to contain his excitement and willed himself to not ask something extremely stupid,

"Meanwhile, my friends picked other occupations than I did. There are Mark and Clara that are non-identical twins and they picked [Farmer] as their occupation. We focused on increasing their occupations quality which is the reason why they have reached the [Platinum] quality. 

Other than that, we have Louis. He is one of the twins\' cousins and a Plant researcher at the [Gold] grade. 

There is also Elyone, who picked the Florist occupation because he thought that it might be useful. He is another cousin of Mark, Clara, and Louis.

All of them have the same family name which is \'Klerk\' and you will know who the Klerks are when you see them!

In the end, he only picked this occupation, because it was the only one at the [Platinum] quality but maybe it will be useful in the future, who knows…

Because we need other occupations to create a farm as you already said, we have a soon-to-be architect, called Maya Shul. She didn\'t pick the Architect occupation yet. Her ambition is high and she only has a [Gold] quality architect occupation for now. As such, she is trying to meet the requirements to pick the [Platinum] quality architect occupation!

The remaining two are called Dyr Masr and Han Shun. Dyr picked a [Gold-(Rare)] occupation called [Master-Craftsmen (Weapon)], while Han Shun picked an [Platinum] occupation called [Craftsmen- Supreme-builder]"

Talia finished her speech and stared at Shane, hoping to have shocked him greatly which was definitely the case.

He tried to retain a poker face but it was hardly possible.

It was extremely difficult to meet the requirements of a [Platinum] quality occupation.

Even if it was said to be easier to receive non-combatant [Platinum] quality occupations, it was still extremely difficult, which was the reason for Shane to be so shocked!

This reaffirmed his thought that the 8 friends were geniuses!

Not being able to hold back anymore, he asked the questions which he had been unable to ask before.

"Do you want to initiate your plan, without the need to wait for Igra to awaken their mana heart and the need to bother about changing the crop every season? If so, how about you visit my world? I\'m curious about you and your friends!"

Eyeing Shane weirdy after she heard what he said, Talia couldn\'t help but blurt out

"Are you fine? You seem ill…." 


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