
Chapter 141 - Assassination Techniques

    Letting the arrow fly, it misses just barely. However before the person can react, Yue has already corrected the mistake, and lets another fly, this time the arrow goes straight through the heart and left lung of this guard walking the dim street.

    With the lung collapsing it made it difficult if not near impossible for him to alert the others. Then looking for another, Yue nocks an arrow and gets ready to take out another.

    Finding another wandering the same street as the last, Yue releases the arrow that is now aimed at the guards throat. Quickly drawing another arrow from the quiver just in case, he nocks it and fires this time at the mans inner thigh.

    Blocking the first arrow by pure coincidence due to playing with his spear, he looks for where it came from. However before he could find out where, an arrow pieces through his upper leg and the bone as well. As it pierces through the leg it slices the femoral artery cleanly and completely severing it.

    Considering where it went through, it would be near impossible to make a tourniquet. However since the man starts to shout out in pain, Yue has to release another arrow.. 

    Soaring through the air, the arrow quickly pierces the mans skull, and with the broadhead tip as well as the rotation of the arrow, it turns the mans brain to mush. Of course in order to hit from such a distance, as well as have enough force, the Mongolian recurve bow or something similar was being used with a 75.3 kg draw (166 lbs draw).

    Having heard the shout, many guards start running towards where it originated from all directions.

    Before firing at any of them, Yue thinks to himself. \'If I hit the one in front they will be on guard, and same goes for if they see anyone get hit, so I need to get the stragglers in back first.\'

    Coming to this conclusion, he looks for all the stragglers and starts firing immediately each direction he sees them. Not missing a single one he takes out 10 in 12 seconds. Then continuing, he takes out 10 more, he then drops the first quiver that is now empty on the ground.

    With only one quiver left, he rushes back into the stairwell to grab two more, and strapping them to himself, he heads back out.

    Looking for any more stragglers, there is only one. Thus he takes him out, and watches the group walking together through the different streets searching for him. However to his surprise some start to climb on the roofs of buildings, and so he starts shooting again at those not being watched.

    Not wanting to draw their attention to him, he runs to the end of the rampart and starts dumping the oil from each cauldron onto the ramparts instead of outward like they were meant. Then once back to the stair well he climbs upward on top of the pillar before tossing a torch down.

    With this location now compromised as the guards will be coming over to put out the fire as well as search for him, he drops off the pillar he is on, onto the other side with another set of ramparts.

    Running to the other side, he keeps watch on the group so as to make sure no one separates. Although if they did, he has plenty of arrows waiting for them. Pulling out the next arrow to start culling their numbers a bit, as he nocks it, he notices this one is a whistle arrow.

    Thus he quickly drops it for now, and pulls another then fires in rapid succession to create a rain of arrows on them. Of course he is aiming so as to not waste any arrows, but still the effect of seeing a rain of arrows despite just one at a time, will cause fear that there are more than one archer attacking them. Then accounting for them not wanting the fire to burn down their defenses, their troops will be scattered. There is also the fact that a group will break off to protect their leader as well, which further increases his chances for victory.

    With only 12 arrrows left after that volley, he drops the two empty quivers, and places the bow on his back before jumping onto a nearby roof which is a ways down but close to the wall making for a quick way down. 

    Landing on the roof, he starts heading for the second group that is looking for him, as they would likely expect him to go after their leader first or the ones putting out the fire second.

    Once he finds them, deciding to save his arrows, he jumps down from the roof behind them with one dagger in hand. Coming up behind them, he takes out one silently by slicing their throat and dropping their body quietly.

    Onto the next one, covering their mouth he stabs into the left armpit, thus stabbing the heart, and then pulling out he slices their throat to silence them as they die. 

    Continuing this process, he kills off about 20 of them before he is finally noticed because they were making a turn to another street. Thus once noticed, he turns tail and runs into a building and hides in the dark against a wall waiting for them to walk by him.

    Moments later a few start running up the stairs as some go towards his location, and the rest waiting outside so as to not fall into a trap.

    As one passes with a little space between the second, with a knife in each hand, Yue skillfully stabs the front one 15- 20 cm down from right shoulder then pushes the blade down to allow blood to flow into the lung stopping production of sound. 

    Meanwhile with the second blade, he stabs straight through the second ones trachea. With a third in tow who sees this but is stunned for a moment with surprise, Yue quick pulls out one of the swords letting the knives fall with the bodies, he swings at the persons head. However they quickly duck, dodging the attack, and dashes forward to tackle Yue.

    Going down to the ground, with not much he can do, having to think on the spot. There was quick method that he quickly goes with. He pulls out an arrow as the man is still pushing him to the ground, and stabs it into the spinal cord at the base of the skull, thus severing the spinal cord. With his spinal cord severed, the man can no longer breath, nor produce sound, not to mention the fact that he can no longer move.

    Once this is done, Yue pushes his body off of him after pulling the arrow out. Then getting up, he collects the two knives while putting the arrow back in its quiver. Seeing that these three have knives on them, he takes these as well before proceeding up the stairs to kill the other two he counted.

    After climbing the stairs and walking into the room, from the side, one of the guards punches him to the ground. Thus as the man moves closer, Yue sits up quickly and stabs him in the femoral artery with one blade while with another slices one of his Achilles tendons so he cannot run. 

    The man shouts in pain thus alerting the other(s). Yue then stabs him through the trachea and spinal coulomb with a smile, because now they will be drawn to him. Leaving the two blades in the guards body, Yu swiftly moves behind a cabinet to lay in wait as enemies come into the room.

    Two guards walk into the room from either side, surprising him that he miscounted. Either way, he waits for them to get close to the body.

    More cautious than any of the others, they do not kneel down but look around for who could have done this. However as the two look at the stairs, Yue dashes over and with a knife in their hand he stabs both straight through the side of the neck and pulling inwardly he cuts everything in the front half of the throat. 

    The two guards try to raise their weapons, but with only a few seconds of consciousness left and suffocating as well as getting weaker from blood loss, they swing their weapons only to fall to the ground passing out, not leaving so much as a mark on their attacker.

    Retrieving the knives, and the quiver that one of them had, he proceeds to a window, where he climbs out and onto the roof. 

    Seeing about twenty remaining in this group, he moves five arrows from the new quiver to the old one, an then using the arrows from the new quiver, starts wiping them with three arrows in each shot. Even if they do not die, as long as they are brought down he can kill them after. Thus once the first shot is fired, they start to scatter, and he takes them out one by one.

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