
Chapter 7 The Messiah (1)

After returning to the orphanage, both me and Lecia were tasked with finding the monopoly money. It seems that someone had stolen the monopoly dollars.

What kind of psycho would do such a thing?


Even though Lecia got into The Unity, she still stayed at the orphanage because the accommodation fees were exorbitant and were not included in her scholarship. Mark drives her to a \'gate\' every day. A \'gate\' is a teleportation device that was accessible to all the people living in human territory. It would instantly teleport a person to their desired location. The only downside was that using gates could lead to nausea and you could throw up a lot until you get used to it. The reason I wasn\'t using a gate to go to school was simple, it was for training. The distance between my school and the orphanage was at least ten kilometers and I ran the whole way. This improved my agility and smoothened my ability to control my mana as well.

\'\' Geez, why doesn\'t the orphanage just install cameras already?\'\', I ask in a tired voice.

\'\' You know they don\'t have the budget for that.\'\', Lecia\'s hollow voice reaches my ears.

\'\' But there\'s enough money for Mark to buy a \'crystal car\'.\'\'

Crystals cars were unique cars that were manufactured using crystals from inside the portals. They were incredibly expensive, but somehow dipshit Mark got enough funds to buy it for the \'orphanage\'.

\'\' Shhhhhh\'\'. Lecia puts her finger over her lips to shush me.

\'\' Don\'t shush me.\'\'

\'\' Just look for the money, will you ?\'\'

\'\' It\'s not even real money\'\', I grumble as I do as she says.

Over time I\'ve come suspect that Lecia might be a witch, I didn\'t mention anything about witches in the novel, but I promise you that sometimes it almost feels like she\'s controlling me. I can\'t go against her wishes and whenever she\'s sad I feel sad as well.

She\'s a witch I say, a witch.

The reason why both of us were tasked to find the monopoly money was that we were always together whenever one of us was given a task. The both of us did it together, because of our closeness we were both ostracized in the orphanage because they thought we were weird.

On the topic of Lecia, she looks tired these days, as if she\'s carrying the entire weight of the world on her shoulders. When I asked her if she was fine, she would smile at me and say everything was fine. But we grew up together, I can tell when she\'s lying, But I can wait for her to tell me what\'s wrong. It\'s probably just school work I suppose.

We scour through the entire orphanage and don\'t find anything. I feel a little guilty for lying to Lecia about the fake money, but she can be a bit of a goody-two-shoes sometimes. It\'s maybe out of fear as well, her entire family was killed by people in authority, so it might be her instinct to suck up to those in power.

After concluding that the monopoly money was lost for good, we both decide to go inform our findings to Mark.


The orphanage wasn\'t that luxurious, but Mark\'s office sure was. It looked way too posh compared to the rest of the orphanage, he had a fish tank for heaven\'s sake!

I heard that he names all the fish in his tank like a fucking weirdo.

Lecia knocks two times on the door to his office and after quite a while, we both hear him say, \'\' Come in.\'\'

Lecia opens the door and enters his office and I follow her. Mark Lauder was sitting in his chair and playing some kinda game on his phone. We could hear sounds from the phone occasionally like, \'\' ding\'\' and \'\' Tatata\'\'. He doesn\'t look up at us and stays immersed in his stupid game.

What are you, eleven?

Fucking moron.

\'\' What is it?\'\', he asks while tapping away at his phone.

\'\' We couldn\'t find the monopoly dollars, sir\'\'

\'\' Aww, that was one of the best games here. But that\'s okay.\'\'

He finally looks up and smiles at us.

\'\' Why don\'t you stay back, Lecia ?\'\'

Lecia doesn\'t say anything and Mark continues,

\'\' I wanted to discuss, something with you.\'\'

She nods her head slowly and looks at me as if she wants me to leave the room.

I nod my head and go back.


It\'s dinner time and the smell of the food makes my mouth water.

I\'m hungry.

I take a lotta food and go to where the boys sat for dinner. Boys and girls were separated during dinner. They both sat at a huge table made out of mahogany. Before I can eat the food on my plate, Mark\'s voice reaches my ears.

\'\' Everybody let\'s pray to Angel Dina for her blessings before we eat.\'\'


Dina was one of the 12 angels that lead the race of angels. She was called the \'angel of learning\' and Mark was her devout follower. He made everyone in the orphanage pray to her as well.

All the children at both the tables close their eyes and pray or at least act like praying. No one dares to open their eyes as once when a child opened her eyes during prayer and Mark made her skip dinner.

My eyes are closed shut.

\' Gurgle\'

Shit. I\'m hungry.

I open my eyes involuntarily and look at my food. It looks delicious, then I look at Mark, surprisingly enough his eyes were also open, But they weren\'t on me. They were on Lecia.


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