
Chapter 20 My Loyal Dog[S]

The expression on Geoffrey\'s face bought me pure bliss.

He couldn\'t even move, he just sat there with a petrified expression on his face.

\'\' Pftt\'\', as a small chuckle escapes my throat.

I wipe the blood on my forehead and walk over to Geoffrey.

As I was edging closer to him, it seems that he finally broke out of his fear as he got out of the chair and started running towards the exit.

But he didn\'t get far.

Before he could make it to the exit and I run and block his path. Due to my E- Agility, it might have looked as if I teleported to Geoffrey. He starts backing away from me with fear in his eyes.

\'\' You m-monster.\'\', Geoffrey\'s voice trembles.

\'\' You know Geoffrey, I have no choice but to kill you since you saw me killing those two.\'\', I say while pointing my fingers at the seemingly dead Creeds.

\'\' But that o-only happened b-because you made me eat with them !\'\', there was an accusatory tone in his voice.

I ignore his words and continue,

\'\' You know... I liked you, Geoffrey, you were like my personal lapdog, attending to my every need, however insignificant they were... Do you know how hurt I was when I found out that you were spying on me?\'\'

Geoffrey slips to the ground and falls on his butt. I make use of this opportunity to get on top of him. I clasp both my hands over his throat and start choking him.

He gasps for air, but it was no use... he was slowly dying.

Geoffrey\'s eyes widen in fear, but they weren\'t directed at me.

I look back to find the previously dead Creeds standing behind me with a smile on their faces.

\'\' H-how ?\'\', saying this the light in Geoffrey\'s eyes dims.

He was dead.

I feel displeasure rising inside me. I wanted him to look at me when he died.....


What ?!

I wasn\'t someone who enjoyed murdering people, so why did I just think that?

Why did I even kill Geoffrey?

He was just a butler and he wouldn\'t have even witnessed their \'deaths\' if I hadn\'t insisted he eat with us. Thinking about my behavior so far, something was odd...

Were my skills changing me?

So far I had only used the skill, \'\' Blood lust\'\' once before. Did using that skill just once change me this much?

Do the skills you own even influence you in the first place?

Even though I\'m the author, I have no answer to this question as I never elaborated on the qualities of the skills other than their usage.

I\'m starting to think that they do influence the owner in some way because logically speaking that was the only reason for my sudden personality change, If skills do influence their user then I had to restrict my use of \' Blood Lust\' as much as possible.

If using the skill once, makes me this different then I don\'t even want to think about what happens when I use the skill next time.

\'\' Master ?\'\'

Diane\'s voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

It wasn\'t exactly Diane but the Ascaris inside her, but why sweat the small details, eh?

\'\' Was the process a success ?\'\', I ask them both.

They both reply,

\'\' Yes, Master.\'\'

\'\' Yes, Master.\'\'

I smile at the duo in front of me and say,

\'\' Good.\'\'

As the Ascaris retain the memories and abilities of the host, there was no need to explain the situation.

\'\' From today onwards, you are Diane Creed, the 6th... no the 5th in the hero rankings and the chairwoman of the hero association.\'\', I point towards Diane while saying this.

\'\' Yes, Master.\'\', she replies quickly.

I turn towards Ken and say,\'\' You are Dr. Ken Creed, the chairwoman\'s closest aide, and adviser... also her husband.\'\'

\'\' Yes, Master.\'\' he also replies quickly.

\'\' Also don\'t drink anything with soda in it.\'\'

They nod their heads with a smile on their faces.




\'\' Could you both take care of this body ?\'\', I ask while pointing my finger at Geoffrey\'s body.

They nod their heads and take the body away.

Just as they were reaching the exit, I stop them and say,

\'\' I need you to do one more thing...…\'\'


2 days have passed since I took over the association,

Our butler was reported missing and the police were \' vigorously\' looking for him.

That\'s a lie.

We bribed the police and made sure that the investigation would bear no fruits.

I did feel a little guilty about killing him but he did kind of spy on me and report his findings back to the Creeds so his death was partially his fault.

After thinking very deeply, I have made a very important decision,

I\'m going to be more kind.

After deciding on that, I pondered on an even more important question.

How could I become kind?

I pondered a lot and concluded that I should do a single good deed every day. It could be anything, from helping the needy to kill- I mean defeating villains.

I was going to have to use my skills in the future, and if skills do influence their owners then I was going to change drastically, to avoid this I put this iron-clad rule on myself so that my personality doesn\'t get corrupted more than it already has.

Of course, I might just be a psychopath who enjoys murdering people, but what can you do, eh?

\'\' Young m-master.\'\'

A timid voice breaks my train of thoughts, I smile at the woman and say,

\'\' Hey Agnes, what\'s up ?\'\'

Agnes was the maid that we had recently hired, she had sleek black hair and distinct purple eyes that intrigued me. Plus the maid outfit she wore was pretty cute. I didn\'t even know that people made their workers wear those these days.

But hey I\'m not complaining.

\'\' The Madam is calling you to her office, she said the \'dogs\' you wanted, have arrived.\'\', she says with her eyes on the ground.

I get out of the pool and walk towards her, I take her chin and raise her face towards me. Looking into her eyes I say,

\'\' Look at me when you\'re speaking...\'\'

Agnes blushes and nods her head.

I\'ve read many shoujo mangas in which the love interest says something like this and the FMC falls in love with him, I\'ve always wanted to try something like that now that I have, I\'m pretty sure that Agnes is in love with me...

But sadly, I\'ve promised myself that I would stay away from women in general in this life.

Better Luck next time, Agnes!

I walk past her feeling a little cool.


I knock on the door of Diane\'s office.

\'\' Come in, M-. Adam.\'\'

It seems that Diane had still not become comfortable with calling me Adam yet.

I open the door and smile at the crowd that had formed at Diane\'s office.

There was Diane (duh!), Ken.

Diane was sitting on her sliding chair and Ken was standing behind her. In front of them were two individuals that I seemed to meet very often, though this time I had planned our meeting.

It was Amanda Holler and Francis Lamar.

They were sitting on the chairs in front of Diane and Ken. Their heads had turned around when I had come inside the room, and the both of them had bewildered expressions on their faces as if they had just heard something unbelievable.


A few hours earlier,

That day Amanda had woken up refreshed.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Everything was the same, she went to work where she had to do a mountain of paperwork, having Francis helped but she was too proud to admit it. Lately, he\'s been acting a little strange, whenever he saw her he would turn red as a tomato, maybe he was angry about something she had done?

Today she was planning on asking him the reason for his strange behavior, she was just waiting for the right time.

She waited... and waited...and waited.

Everyone was going home now.

She had to ask him now!

\'\' Francis are you an-\'\'

But before she can utter another word a woman enters their small office without knocking and says abruptly,

\'\' The chairwoman wants to speak to you both.\'\'

The woman just leaves after saying this, leaving both Amanda and Francis very confused but her message was heard clearly.

They were going to meet the chairwoman.

Were they in trouble?

Both Amanda and Francis feel nervous as they enter the car sent to drive them to her mansion.

After thirty minutes, the car stops and they get out of the car.

A maid greets them at the front door.

She leads them to the chairwoman\'s office.

They knock on the door.

\'\' Come in.\'\'

They get inside her office and sit on the chairs before her table.

\'\' Amanda Holler and Francis Lamar, you\'re both exemplary employees of the association, after careful consideration, we have decided to give the both of you a promotion.\'\'

Her speech sounds a little robotic to Amanda but she decides to ignore it.

Finally, after all these years of working hard, they were getting promoted.

The both of them feel happy and excited that their efforts were being recognized by none other than the chairwoman herself!

\'\' What kind of position is it ?\'\', Francis asks barely hiding his growing excitement.

\'\' You\'ll be my son\'s assistants.\'\'


Wasn\'t this supposed to be a promotion?

A knock rings throughout the room in an ominous manner.

\'\' Come in, M-Adam.\'\', says the chairwoman.

A boy with pitch-black hair and red eyes appears opening the door.

Amanda had a bad feeling about this...


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