
Chapter 27 Life And Death (2)


It\'s going to be fine.

Jeremy Dick [lol] was dead.

Jeremy who was supposed to rally the students from the 5th rank to 10th rank to fight against Max\'s party was dead before he could do shit.

This wasn\'t supposed to happen.

Is it because of me ?

But the changes that I caused have little to no relation with Jeremy, so why did he die?

I\'m not sure, but there\'s one thing I am sure of.... whoever did this was still in Unity.

Once somebody enters the Unity, they don\'t... can\'t leave without permission.

It could be anyone...a teacher, a student, heck even the janitor was a suspect.

The crowd near Jeremy\'s dead body did not disperse, some where even taking photos..

I mean, what better way to get likes on social media than showcasing a dead body, sometimes I think I\'m more normal that these freaks.

I ask a student next to me,

\'\' Did anyone go to call a teacher ?\'\'

She nods her head.

At least someone did that..

I walk more closer to the body to observe it,

The body is a mess, whoever killed this guy doesn\'t have much experience in the killing area. His body was kept on the teacher\'s desk like a sacrificial offering, puddles of blood had formed beneath the table. His hands were clasped together, there was something in his hands...

Is that a fucking knife ?

What kind murderer just leaves the murder weapon on the victim ?

Either this person wants to get caught or is just plain stupid.

I take out my handkerchief and cover my hands with it before unclasping his hands, the knife falls down with a \'thud\' on the ground.

\'\' Hey.. what are you doi-\'\', a guy starts but he goes silent as soon as he sees the knife.

Whew, the killer wasn\'t playing around while killing Jeremy, he had more than twenty stab wounds in his body.

Everybody was looking at the knife on the floor in silent shock, except a single person, Katherine Colleen\'s eyes were fixed on me.

Katherine averts her eyes when she sees that I had caught her looking at me.


Class was cancelled for Friday and students were advised to stay in their respective rooms untill further notice.

That was a problem for me.

I messaged Diane about the situation and told her to ask Principle Gordon to let me go home.

He accepts right away, in his eyes I\'m a weak talentless student so I was obviously not a suspect.

I had reached my mansion just now, I get out of the car and give all luggage I had to Agnes and walk into the mansion.


I missed this place so much.

I can understand why some students go home every weekend, everything just felt better when you\'re home.

Of course, I couldn\'t completely forget everything as the number of things I had to do had doubled in a month.

I had to rescue the princess.

I had to wake up Lecia from her coma.

Now ,I also have to find a fucking murderer on top of all this.

But the killer could be found by the school as well since the killer just left the murder weapon. The killer\'s fingerprints would surely be found and it would only take a matter of time till all the students and teachers are checked and they find the killer.

But something feel\'s odd here, call it my writer\'s intuition, but I felt like something bigger was at play here.

Something that I wasn\'t prepared for.

Let\'s not think about this now, I have bigger fish to fry right now.

I hear a knock on my door.

\'\' Come in.\'\', I say

Diane and Ken comes in and close the door behind them.

Ken was holding a box in his hands.

\'\' Good Morning, Master.\'\'

I nod my head and take the box out of Ken\'s hands.

\'\' It\'s exactly as you asked for.\'\'

I open the box and find a paper inside, the edges of the paper had started to crumble indicating that it was old.

Using this I could finally change my job, who would believe that this small piece of paper cost almost 1 million serja, which was the new currency of the entire Elda empire.

\'\' Is the job, spear related ?\'\', I ask them

To which they reply in unison, \'\' Yes.\'\'

\'\' Good job ,you two.\'\'

I take the paper out and tear it immediately, as soon as I tear it, it crumbles into dust and enters my nostrils. I feel something change within me, but before I check my status screen I ask Diane,

\'\' Did the angels contact you ?\'\'

\'\' No, master.\'\'

Since the plot was becoming unpredictable, I couldn\'t take any chances.

The day Jeremy Dick was murdered, I had called them both and informed that an envoy of the angels might contact them. I couldn\'t say the exact time, since the plot was changing I was currently unsure of everything.

All I told them was that if the someone from the angel\'s side contacted them, they were to decline any offer offered to them.

\'\' Then I\'ll be heading out now.\'\', I say walking past them

\'\' May we ask why ?\'\'

I turn back at their question and smile at them both.

\'\' I\'m gonna wake up, Lecia.\'\'

\'\' Really ?!\'\', The both of them had cheerful tone to their voice.

It seems that they were becoming close to Lecia.

That\'s good, I suppose.

\'\' Well not right now, but after I go get something.\'\'

\'\' Oh.\'\', their disappointment was clearly visible.


I was currently sitting in bar stool at Looters, which was the back alley bar where I first initiated contact with the demons. I was currently waiting for Patrick.

My excitement couldn\'t help but show on my face.

I\'m gonna wake Lecia up soon.

She\'s going to be so happy.

I hear the ring at the door ring as a person enters the bar, it was Patrick.

I wave my hand at him, he sits on the stool next to me.

\'\' Two beers.\'\', Patrick says to the bartender.

\'\' I\'m underage...\'\', I say

\'\' What do you want then ?\'\', say\'s the bartender

\'\' Strawberry shake if you have it ?\'\'

After the bartender leaves to get our drinks,

Patrick turns towards me and says in a low voice,

\'\' I\'ve got the artifact with me.\'\'

He takes a vial wrapped in an cloth and places it in my hand,

\'\' I don\'t know why you want this.... but be careful while using it.\'\'

I nod and smile at Patrick,

\'\' How did you get it here ?\'\'

\'\' We opened a gate to the demon realm below the bar....\'\'

He also passes a skill book to me,

\'\' I don\'t know why you want this as well.... but here are two copies we made of the, \' Gender swap\' skill.

\'\' Thanks.\'\', I say taking the skill book from him.

Making a copy needed a machine called, \'\' skill copier\'\' which cost much more than 1 million serja. The demons making a copy of this skill for me showed the trust they placed in me.

\'\' I\'ll be leaving then.\'\'

But before I can leave, Patrick stops me and says in an even lower voice,

\'\' The demon king wants to meet you.\'\'


\'\' Thank you for the invitation, but tell him I have school.\'\'

I get up from my stool and walk towards the exit.

Patrick just sat there stupefied at my response.

Before I leave, I turn around and say,

\'\' I\'ll deliver the the frog before the given time ends.\'\'

The \'frog\' was the code word for princess.


The bartender brings the drinks they ordered to their table,

\'\' Where\'s the kid ?\'\', he enquires.

Patrick stares at him with pity in his eyes.


I\'m in the car, on my way back to the mansion.

I unwrap the cloth on the vial, the contents inside the vial were red in color.

As soon as my hand comes in contact with the vial, information about it appeared before me,


Cursed Potion Of Eternity

Rank :???

Description: ???


It\'s time to wake up Lecia.



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