
Chapter 37 My Angel System (1)

Note from author: This chapter is told from Joe\'s POV.


I\'ve always thought that I was lucky.

I felt lucky when the people from the hero association told me that I had the potential to be E-rank.

I remember everyone in my family being excited for me.

My mom cooked all my favorite food and my dad gave me his watch, which was passed down to him from his father.

I was happy.

Just when I thought that I used up all the luck I had in my life, I got accepted into Unity.

It felt as if the whole world wanted me to succeed.

So, with much excitement and vigor I started my education at Unity to be a top hero.

I was naïve then.

The truth is that.... the real world isn\'t fair and nobody could give a damn if you succeed or not.

Still... that was okay. I just had to work hard and be good right ?

When I first entered my class, 5-A. I was honestly looking forward to my school life.. I thought that I would make a ton of friends and graduate as a hero, even though it would be difficult.

I didn\'t know then how wrong I was going to be....


I still remember the first day of school clearly.

I reached my class earlier than the others and took a seat in the middle of the lecture hall.

The next student to arrive was, Jeremy Dick.

Our first meeting was actually not that bad, we shook hands , exchanged our names and talked for a while. He seemed like a decent guy.

After ten minutes, most of the students had entered the class and our homeroom teacher also arrived.

Our homeroom teacher\'s name was Leslie Vord, But I knew her more as the Hammer. I\'m her biggest fan, whenever she was mentioned in the news, I would cut out the newspaper clippings and collect them in a book. I filled almost two books like this !

She was one of the heroes who inspired me to choose the hero course.

She looks so beautiful too....

Leslie introduces herself and starts taking our attendance.

This was it..

I already knew that my rank wouldn\'t be that high. I might be E rank, but most of the students here probably have way more potential than me.


It was just as I expected.

My rank was 487, I should take solace in the fact that I\'m at least not 500... 487 wasn\'t that bad right ?

At 1:00 pm, class ends for the day and the students start heading to the cafeteria for lunch. As I\'m leaving the classroom, I notice Jeremy walking in front of me...

Jeremey turned out to be a big shot. He was within the top ten, I felt lucky that I had gotten the chance to talk to someone way up in the rankings than me. Maybe I should talk to him.... If we become friends, then school would become easier wouldn\'t it ?

I catch up with him and say in a cheerful voice,

\'\' Hey, do you remembe-\'\'

Before I can even complete what I was going to say, he takes a look at me and says,

\'\' Trash.\'\'


I hold the ice bag close to my cheeks to numb the pain.

Almost two weeks have passed since I started high school.

It\'s been hell so far...

I don\'t know how I offended him... but Jeremy has it out for me.

Everyday he would make me follow him around like a dog tending to his every need. If he\'s bored in class I have to entertain him....

After class ends for the day, I\'m dragged to his personal training room, where I\'ve been designated as his personal punching bag. It isn\'t just him either... his friends also throw a few punches at me.

Untill now... I\'ve never really been bullied nor have I bullied anyone...

So why is this happening to me?...

I\'m a good person, I don\'t deserve to be tortured like this...

The phone rings, breaking me from my depressing thoughts.

I look at the caller id and see that it\'s my mother.

I answer the call and hold the phone towards my ears,

\'\' Hi, mom..\'\'

\'\' Joe, you finally picked up... I know that you\'re busy but answer my calls once in a while, kay ?\'\', her voice is as sweet as I remember them to be.

With all that was going on, I had forgotten that warmth....

Feeling the warmth in my mother\'s voice, I burst into tears.

I want to see her.... but I have to stay strong, so that I can make her and dad proud.

\'\' Joe ?\'\'

\'\' I\'m busy now, mom. I\'ll call you later.\'\'

I cut the call saying this and start wailing in my room.

My roommate ignores me and I don\'t blame him.... helping me meant that you would fall victim to Jeremy\'s rage.

For the first time in my life, I was completely alone.



I fall down on the floor of the classroom.

Jeremy and his pals start kicking me.

I had just pleaded with them to leave me alone and the result was this.

I try to shield myself from their kicks, but it was futile.

They were giggling like excited children, while hitting me.

How can they be so cruel ?

Aren\'t we supposed to be future heroes ?

They continue to hurt me untill they\'re bored.

They just leave me on the floor.

Lying there, with bruises all over my body... tears start falling down from my eyes. It wasn\'t because it hurt, I was crying in shame...

I\'m ashamed at my own powerlessness.

Suddenly a bright light engulfs the classroom and I raise my hands to shield myself from the brightness. After opening my eyes, I\'m shocked to see a golden screen in front of me, words start appearing on it.


You have been chosen.

Greatness is within your grasp....

Do you accept, \' The Angel System\' ?



What is this ?

Chosen one ?

Greatness ?

This must be some kind of sick joke.

But what if....

​ With much apprehension, I click on \' yes\'.

The screen once again changes...

[ Integrating into host body, progress- 20%]

The number steadily increased.

What would happen, once it reaches 100% ?

I don\'t really know, but as long as I get power....

I don\'t really care.... because all that matters in this godforsaken world is power.



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