
Chapter 69 Going Insane... Slowly

After Adam left to meet the demon king, Eric and Lecia were left alone.

They danced for awhile, but Lecia\'s mind wasn\'t in it, she was still angry with Adam. Understanding that, Eric decided that it would be better to stop and rest until Adam came back.

They made themselves comfortable in one of the corners of the ball room and waited. Lecia kept on talking about this and that, while Eric listened patiently.

" Just because I lied once-------"

During their conversation Eric stiffens up when Lecia mentioned something about lying to Adam. Eric had forgotten about that, if he remembered correct then Lecia lied about Adam\'s....mother.


\' That motherfucker.\', Eric thought after realization strikes him.


I don\'t remember the exact volume, but in the novel Max and the gang raids the Demon King\'s castle. They obviously get beaten and get caught, they were third years then I think...

Anyway, everyone gets caught except for Emilia Briella.

She somehow finds herself in the treasury and proceeds to steal a skill called,


Using that skill, she breaks her friends out and they manage to get away successfully. They even manage to seriously wound Helmer who was supposed to be the best fighter within the generals.

I wrote this arc when my marriage was deteriorating, so it was reasonable that the story was also falling down in quality. I mean, how the fuck did Emilia end up in a treasury that was well guarded..... don\'t ask me, because I don\'t have a clue. I simply wrote-

Emilia somehow managed to reach the treasury unharmed.

As I walked along with Belial to the treasury, I silently stared at the rows of guards who kept watch over the treasury. I felt a little ashamed to be completely honest.

" How did you know about the treasury\'s existence ?", Belial asks as he motioned for a guard to open the huge safe.

" I guessed.", I reply slyly

Belial wanted to give me something as an apology for what happened earlier at the throne room, who am I to refuse ?

I asked him to let me choose something from his treasury, of course only a single thing. He accepted without much thought. It was a fact that all the things inside the treasury were costly but Belial was someone that believed that you have to treat others the way you wanted to be treated, I\'m sure he didn\'t like how his subordinates dealt with me so...here we are.

I gasp as I see the inside of the huge safe, it was filled with all kinds of priceless things. Jewels, gems, weapons...everything was present inside. I couldn\'t even see the end of the safe.


Demon King, Belial was curious.

After the fiasco inside the throne room, it was true that he was dissatisfied with the whole situation. But more than that he wanted to see what Adam Creed desired.

Belial expected Adam to surprise him with an unexpected request. But his request wasn\'t unique or surprising. He just wanted to take a single thing of his choice from the treasury.

Belial watched as Adam gasped as the inside of the treasury was opened. Tiana who the demon king carried also seemed enchanted by the treasure trove in front of them.

Belial couldn\'t help but smile at their innocence.


We walked inside the treasury with Belial leading me.

The regalness that Belial displayed earlier had disappeared, watching him now with Tiana in his arms...he just looked like a normal grandfather. But all the treasure inside this room reminded me that he was anything but a normal person.

Belial stops in front of me and turns around, I find a faint smile on his face as he says,

" Well...take your pick."


Belial watches as the boy scours the throne room, he seemed to be looking for something specific but that should be impossible because even Belial couldn\'t name everything inside the treasury.

After thirty minutes of searching, the boy finally stops. Belial sees that he had a skill book in his hands. Belial has a frown on his face as he was confused.

Why a skill ?

If Adam had chosen a precious gem from the demon\'s home planet, he would have become insanely rich overnight as none of the gems from the demon\'s planet existed in the human world essentially making them priceless. But instead of choosing that... the boy chose a skill book !

Belial walked towards the boy and peeked at the contents of the skill book, it was named [ Disguise].


Belial had forgotten about this thing.....

\' well....it certainly is a unique choice.\', Belial thought smiling.

But he still asked Adam on why he chose a skill, to which Adam curtly replied,

" I want to become stronger."

" Why ?", Belial asks wanting to know why such a young boy had such a determined expression on his face.

The boy thinks for some time before saying,

" Well....to kill all the angels, I guess."

Belial is shocked as he heard the boy proclaim his goal so loudly as if it was something simple.

\' It seems that you aren\'t that simple after all...\', Belial thought wanting to learn more about the boy.


I was tempted to change my choice as I watched the door to the treasury close.

But I had already made my choice and the disguise wasn\'t just a simple skill.

I decided to learn the skill then and there before Belial changed his mind.


Skill: Disguise

Information: Able to change your appearance to those you have seen and touched. Power of the person cannot be replicated.


I infuse my mana into the skill book and a notification pops up.


Do you want to learn the skill, [Disguise] ?



I click on \'Yes\' and the skill book crumbles up into vapor and enters my nostrils.

Soon after learning the skill, I open my status screen with anticipation.


Name : Adam Creed

Age: 15


Strength: E+

Agility: E+

Stamina: E+

Intelligence: E+

Mana Grade : D-

Vitality : Unable to determine.


Job: Spear Warrior lvl: 1

You are a warrior of the spear.

Techniques: None.


1. [ Disguise]- able to transform into anyone you\'ve seen and touched once. Level:1/3


That\'s right.

[Disguise] was not just a simple skill, like a unique skill it also evolved but it only had three levels. In the novel, Emilia doesn\'t unlock any of them as I forgot about the existence of the skill completely till the end. But I was going to change that now.

I don\'t know what exactly the conditions for the level up were but I\'m sure I\'ll find out soon enough.

I find Belial looking at me strangely....well I could have done this after I bid him goodbye but I was too excited. I smile and say,

" Thank you for the skill, you majesty."

Belial nods his head and says,

" You\'re welcome."

The smile on his face was a good sign right ?

But, I still couldn\'t shake off the feeling that he was thinking of something weird.


After my business with the demon king concluded, I went back to the party.

Tania comes with me as well.

She tells me how she had started her training to become as strong as her father and about this and that. I listen patiently and walk towards Eric and Lecia who were conversing with Victoria.

Once they see me, a frown appears over both Lecia and Eric\'s faces....but Eric looked a little too angry. Victoria smiled at the both of us and says,

" Greetings Sir Adam, I\'ve heard a lot of your adventures within the demon palace."


Did they tell her about the lap dance situation...

Damn you, both.

I glare at Eric and Lecia, I don\'t know why I was so angry at the fact that they had told her.

We talk for awhile and then Victoria invites us to dinner and we happily oblige.

Thankfully, Victoria doesn\'t ask me anything about the healing I did to her before she left...

After an entertaining meal, we start to head back to home.

Patrick drops us off at the mansion, on the way I apologize for my behavior cause I didn\'t want to drag this on anymore. Lecia accepts the apology after warning me to think twice before doing anything. But Eric doesn\'t say anything but I could sense that he was angry...

What\'s he so angry about ?.

Why does he care if I get.....unless he\'s fallen in love with me...


I let out a sigh and look at him with pity.

I was afraid of this, sometimes I think I can be a little too charming.

I try to talk to him but he rushes off to his bedroom without saying a word.


We spent Sunday lazing around the house.

I did train for two hours but that was it.

Eric did start talking to me again but he\'s very stiff. Well, I\'ll give him some time, it must be hard to get over someone like me...



It was Monday again.


Both Eric and I returned to our dorm room and start getting ready for school.

After getting ready for school, we start to head out.

Surprisingly we found Max and Jennifer waiting for us outside. I wave at the both of them and they do the same.

I had patched things up with Jennifer before coming to meet Albert Grey.

" It\'s good to see you again.", Max says while smiling at Eric.

Eric nods his head, we start walking towards class while chatting about this and that. On the way we meet Katherine and Emilia as well.

I look at our little group and feel a little weird.

A few months ago, I wasn\'t close with any of them and now....I strangely care about these people, except for Jennifer and Jacob...because I just met them like three days ago.

Thinking this I enter my classroom.

Fifteen minutes later our substitute teacher, Miss Lopez came in and started taking attendance or would have if she hadn\'t forgotten to bring the attendance register.

" Katherine, could you go to the staffroom and bring it please ?", Miss Lopez asks Katherine who had once again sat next to me.

She nods her head and goes out of the class.

Miss Lopez was also our history teacher, so she started going about the class until a man interrupts the class by calling her outside. She returns after a minute and says, facing the students,

" As you all know, sadly your homeroom teacher Miss Leslie passed away a few weeks ago....I came in as her substitute till now but the school has hired a new homeroom teacher for your class."

Miss Lopez turns towards the door and says,

" Please welcome, Miss Domino."

I turn my head sideways to get a good look at our new homeroom teacher.


Eric was angry.

Adam lied to him.

Who even lies about killing your own mother ?!

Eric hadn\'t confronted Adam yet because he wanted to see how far Adam would take his lie. He already had this whole plan ready to make him confess.

Eric was so engrossed in thought that he didn\'t even hear or care about what was going on in class. He turns around to look at Adam but he gets confused.

In all the time Eric had know Adam [ which wasn\'t that long] he had never seen such an emotion on his face.

It was fear...Eric knew because he was all too familiar with the feeling himself.



Please God....anything but her.

I run towards the bathroom, on the way I bump into someone but I don\'t stop and just get back up and start running again. I get inside the bathroom and swing open one of the stalls and....puke a lot..

I felt like I was falling in an never ending abyss...I couldn\'t think...I couldn\'t breathe.....I can\'t do anything.

" DAMN IT ALL !", I scream punching the mirror in the bathroom.

It instantly cracks and breaks into a million pieces, some of the mirror get lodged in my skin but I don\'t care and continue to punch and punch until I couldn\'t.

I collapse down on the floor, completely defeated and just start sobbing like a fucking loser.

" Shit...", I whimper out.

Our new homeroom teacher was my mother... or looked like my mother from my last life.

I based a character off of her in the novel.

That meant that right now, a few meters away from me was one of twelve angels...Dina.

I feel like I\'m going insane.


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