
Chapter 75 Descent To The End (2)

Katherine enjoyed the feeling of the cold water touching her face.

She was taking a bath right now before going to the auction.

She thought about her day...today might have been the most embarrassing day of her life.

First she did \'that\' during the festival and then she thought he was going to.....kiss her, she wanted to run away but at that moment all that she could think about was her grandfather\'s orders.

\'Get closer to Adam\'

Katherine felt disgusted with herself.....she was glad that Adam didn\'t do anything weird during their tour....well he did do all sorts of weird things.

The more time she spent with Adam....the more confused she became, he didn\'t seem like a person would knowingly hurt others.....

Just today, he looked like a little kid, running around excited , eating strawberries. Katherine had to drag him away from the strawberries lying on the streets, he tried to eat even those !

Katherine chuckles thinking about all the things that had happened today.

" I wonder why he likes them so much ?", Katherine thinks out loud.

But then she remembers her grandfather\'s warning...he said that there was something more to Adam but-

" Is it really just a misunderstanding ?...", Katherine thought, her head leaning on the wall.


I look at Katherine who had just reached the lobby.

She looked stunning...she wore the traditional clothes of the Kauai woman which was said to be very tough to handle. The red color of the dress complimented her in a strange way.

Compared to the rest of us, who wore casual clothes, she looked like a different breed.

" Why aren\'t you all still dressed ?". Katherine asks looking genuinely confused.


" We are....dressed.", I say trying to hold in my laughter.


The car taking us to the auction house stops, getting out we see the auction house, Duoden for the first time.

Duoden was a massive structure that could host upto 30,000 people. it was obviously owned by the Colleen family.

We were lead inside the auction house by a muscular man who introduced himself as, Piero.

Piero was supposedly our bodyguard for the evening.


We were thoroughly checked inside the auction house and the bag that I carried was scanned for any dangerous objects. After a swift check, we were lead to the VIP section of the auction which was reserved for only the most important guests.

There were some other people in the VIP section as well, they whispered and pointed at us when we arrived. Normally this would considered rude but people do rude things when they\'re wearing a mask.

That\'s right.

All the guests were given a plain white mask from the auction house, this was done to reduce the attacks on the people who won while bidding on items.

Unlike the rest of the auction house, the VIP room was a small room, it could most probably fit at least fifty people.

All of us sit on the seats with our name on it.

I look around the room searching for a certain woman.

\' I found you...\', I think as I find the woman I was looking for.

She wore an enchanting black dress that seemed to glitter dangerously in the dark room, her eyes and hair also sported the same color. The woman was strangely reading a book in a corner of the VIP room.

I gulp slightly at the sight of her and turn around quickly, the last thing I want is for her to notice me because she was a very dangerous woman...

That\'s not right....

She\'s the most dangerous human on the planet, The Enchantress.


Once I found her in the crowd, I don\'t look back at her even once.

Instead I ask Katherine,

" Hey...I\'ve always wondered how this whole auction thing worked, is there any chance for me to see the backstage or something ?"

" Is that so ?.....you\'ve always wondered about auctions....exactly since when is \'always\' ?", Max snickered while trying to land a lame joke.

I don\'t retort, I would but most of things I want to say involve doing horrible things to his mother...since she\'s dead and all, I can\'t do that can I ?.....or can I ?

I\'ve already did it once.....so what\'s the harm in doing it a second time ?

Just as I was about insult his dead mother, Katherine says,

" Sure....I\'ll give everyone a tour of the place,"

" Well..why don\'t we do it now ?", I ask.

All of them look at me strangely, surprised by my enthusiasm.

But now was the perfect time, there was still thirty minutes for the auction to officially start and I can mark the things I want to steal....

" Sure, I guess..", Katherine says and that was beginning of the tour.


Katherine\'s POV


\' He really is like a kid....\', I think while watching him inspecting everything.

We had arrived backstage awhile ago, things that were all arranged in an orderly manner. There were skills, artifacts, precious gems, jewelry....anything and everything.

Apart from Adam, none of the other\'s looked that excited.

" Hey...what\'s that ?", Emilia asked pointing at a cage that was hidden by a sheet of plastic.

Looking at the the cage...I feel anger rising up inside me but I contain myself. I tried my best to make my grandfather not to do this...but it seems that he didn\'t listen.

\' This isn\'t right\', I think angry


Adam\'s POV


I look at the serious frown on Katherine\'s face.

Katherine didn\'t seem to like whatever was in that cage.

I didn\'t really know what it was since, in the novel I just mentioned that Half-Moon stole everything from the auction because I was lazy....but this...this is huge .There were so many useful things here...I\'m afraid I might become too overpowered.

Unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I run up to the cage and pull off the sheet.

" Adam...don\'t"

I can hear Katherine saying something but what\'s done is done.

As soon as I take off the sheet, I find a pair of emerald green eyes staring right at me.


It was a very fat panther.


An animal that\'s adapted to mana.


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