
Chapter 81 Twist Like You Mean It

The Enchantress watched as the two men fought.

She had stopped her fight with the masked woman the moment the man\'s mask fell off, she was familiar with the man\'s face.

How could she forget ?

She was the one who sliced his horn in half.....it was the Demon King, Belial.

But the Enchantress knew that the man couldn\'t really be the demon king since demons couldn\'t enter inside the barriers under no circumstances.

So, that meant this man was impersonating the demon king.

The Enchantress had forgotten about the auction now, she was more interested in this man\'s real identity.

The cloaked man swung his scythe skillfully as if the grim reaper had taught him to use it while Adam barely dodged his relentless attacks.

\'Damn it !\', the man thought getting more impatient as Adam once again barely dodged his attack.

\'I need to change my style.\', the man thought.

The man knew more than a hundred techniques, but right now he couldn\'t bring out the full potential of any of them.

The man changed into one of his more aggressive techniques, he started making zig zags with his scythe, some of which cut Adam causing him to bleed slightly.

Adam falls back, but the man follows him and starts using his swing the scythe more faster making it seem as if the scythe itself had disappeared. Seeing how fast the spear moved, a frown settled on Adam\'s face,


Adam stands still, the scythe lodges into his shoulder. Just as the the man was about to celebrate, he noticed the devious smile on Adam\'s face.

" You finally stopped moving..", Adam said taking out the blade of the scythe that was lodged in his body.

The man tried to pull it away, but Adam held on and walked closer to the man.

Adam lands a punch on the man\'s solar plexus before he manages to back away.

The man almost fell down to the ground from the dizziness and pain but manages to stay on his feet.

Feeling pain for the first time in so long made the man angry....very angry.

Gritting his teeth, the man once again rushes toward Adam with the intent to kill.

The man swung his scythe once again toward Adam, but instead of making a clean swing the man throws the scythe up causing Adam to look at the scythe instead of the man himself.

The man uses this opportunity to land a punch on Adam stomach, as Adam jerked backwards from the impact of the punch, the man takes hold of his hand and twists it.

\' Creak\'

Adam\'s hand bends in an unnatural manner, yet he looked calm...he looked excited even.

" This is the end, anomaly..", the man whispered to Adam.

" How strange....that\'s exactly what I was going to say to you.", Adam said with a smirk on his face.

Before the man could let go of Adam\'s hand, Adam manages to use his bent arm to catch the man\'s hand and twists his own hand to fix it.

The man was surprised by Adam\'s total disregard for pain.

After fixing his hand, Adam doesn\'t stop and continues to bring the man closer to him and then proceeds to punch the man in the stomach continuously.

The man coughs out blood and tries to move away but Adam doesn\'t let him go, he uses his knee to kick the man in the stomach causing him to fall to his knees.

" It\'s been fun.", says Adam while raising both his hands parallel to each other.


Adam smashes his hands against the man\'s ears making them burst, blood pours from both his ears like water does from a tap and the man loses his consciousness.


Eric frowned looking at the last person left in the group of four that ambushed them.

The other three had been taken care of by Max, Emilia and Katherine with Eric supporting them, but the last one dodged every attack they threw at him.

Eric had mistaken the last for a girl because of his long black hair but hearing his voice, Eric felt that it was a boy....after which he wondered why he cared ?

Eric couldn\'t see the man\'s face since it was covered by the mask offered in the auction house.


Eric shot three arrows his way but he manages to dodge them barely and then continues to fight with the others simultaneously.

Eric aims for the boy\'s mask now and it hits,

The mask breaks revealing the boy\'s face.

The boy frowns and and runs after Eric trying to get rid of him first, but before he could reach Eric, Emilia drags him away.

Eric stares at the boy\'s clear blue eyes while the others beat him up.


Adam stared at the cloaked man who lay unconscious on the floor, he reaches for the mask covering the man\'s face but before he can unmask the man,

" Who are you ?"

A voice filled with authority rang throughout the room.

Adam looks at the Enchantress with a frown on his face,

Seeing that Adam wasn\'t answering her question, the Enchantress posed yet another question,

" Why do you look like the demon king ?"

Instead of answering her question, Adam turns around and walks towards the portion of the wall made out of glass,

It was made transparent so that everyone sitting in the VIP room could see what was going on in the auction.

Adam stares at the stage of the auction that was now ruined and said,

" You know who I am..."


" What ?", the Enchantress asks confused.

\' Shiek\'

The sound of glass breaking resounds out as Adam uses his rusty sword to break it.

The smirk on Adam\'s face becomes more apparent as he turns around and said,

" You don\'t need to know who I am.....just know that by the time I\'m done.....every single one of you will be six feet under."

After that he jumps out, falling to the ground level of the auction house.

Dina runs of the room as well.

The Enchantress doesn\'t move.

She lets out a sigh and starts walking towards the unconscious man.

She could chase the two of them and beat the answers out of them but.....where\'s the fun in that ?

A small smile plays around her face as the Enchantress stares at the masked man.


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