
Chapter 92 Motherhood

"Whooooooooo", I scream as I drift around in the car they had brought me in.

It turned out to be the new model I wanted to buy....

I\'m not going to steal it, I\'m just seeing if it\'s worth all the hype which it sadly is not.

It\'s fun to ride it but you can\'t sit inside for more than thirty minutes without you butt starting to hurt because of the seat which was rock hard.

Well...this is disappointing.

\'I should probably head back..\', I thought getting out of the car and heading back into the warehouse. I enter the playroom and see that the black flame was still raging on....

\'It never goes out...huh ?\', I think impressed.

I will the flames away, but all that was left was ashes and three bodies of the men I hadn\'t used [Hell Fire] on. It really is a scary skill...

Earlier when I had used it on John...I willed the flame to not hurt him first, it was only once that the flame had reached inside him that I turned it back to normal...I didn\'t think that it was going to work but it did.

That degree of control is nothing to scoff at.

Anyway, I kneel down and search one of the guards for a phone, which I do find. I dial in a number.

" I need help.", I say after which I shared my current whereabouts.


I decide to wait outside for them to arrive.

After five minutes of waiting around, I\'m bored out of my mind.


\'I\'ve got an idea.\', I think getting up and walking toward to the middle of the field before turning back to face the warehouse.

"[Hell Fire]", I say the name of the skill for the first time before using it.

\'I hope nobody saw that...\'

I imagine a huge ball of fire that could devour the entire warehouse, it takes some time to form...I gaze at the huge ball of black flame, unlike the small ones this was a little harder to control. But I successfully managed to throw it at the warehouse.

Fifteen minutes later, I stare at what was left of the warehouse.

All that was left was ashes...everything had turned to ashes...everything and the flame still raged on even after there was nothing else that needed to be burned.

I wanted to test my limits...but I don\'t even feel all that tired even now.

\'Amazing..\', I thought as I willed the fire out of existence.

The next thing I burned was that stupid car, after which I turned to some trees. It was then that a familiar car pulled up into my view.

" What happened here ?", Amanda asked looking at the space filled with ashes.

Francis and Agnes had also gotten out along with her, I called them since I couldn\'t return to the school today. It was the middle of the night...if I returned now it would be weird.

So, I decided to head home and go to school the next day, I needed to find some excuse as to where I was but I\'ll manage it...I always do.

I could have just called one of them and left it at that but there was a reason why I called the three of them.

I tell them that I was \'practicing\' and get inside the car before they could ask anymore unnecessary question.


I sat in the backseat...while Amanda drove the car.

Agnes sat beside me and Francis sat up in the front with Amanda, I had closed my eyes to rest but I felt uncomfortable feeling all their stares on me.

\'Not now..\', I warn myself....timing was everything.

After twenty minutes, the car stopped in front of Creed mansion.

Before getting out, I say,

" I\'m sure you have many questions...."

" Yes..sir, we do.", Amanda said looking at me from the front.

" Well...I don\'t plan on answering any of them.", I say staring all three of them.

They seem a little shocked, but now I was going to shock them even further, that\'ll take their mind of this whole incident.

" But I will say that...I am proud of the way you three reacted to the \'truth\'."

" W-what truth ?", Agnes asks fear apparent in her eyes.

" Well...you know..the truth about the angels.", I say getting out of the car with a slight smirk on my face.

I knew something was wrong by the way they behaved at the hospital, so I checked all the cameras I\'ve installed around the house and learned about how Agnes heard us discussing about the angels...

I put all those camera\'s in because...why not ?, It doesn\'t hurt to be careful.

Normally I would have killed all three of them to make sure no one tattled but they\'ve actually reacted in a perfect manner so killing them seemed like a waste of time and also...I\'m not a bad guy who just randomly kills a person.

I always have a reason...or at least make up one for all the people I have killed so far.

I\'m a few feet away from the door when I start to feel dizzy, I fall down. The last sound I heard before blacking out was the sound of doors being slammed shut.


I\'m back at the Unity.

I got detention for sneaking out during the night, because I couldn\'t up with a better excuse.

I don\'t tell anyone about the kidnapping because I didn\'t want to associate myself with John.....cause I killed him and all.

It turns out that I do have a limit for using my [Hell Fire] skill, which was weird considering that my vitality was almost endless...

\'There must be some other factor...\', I thought yawing because I was bored.

It was the last period for the day.

I find myself slowly falling asleep until I\'m forced awake due to a nudge on my shoulder..

" Why\'re you so sleepy today ?", Katherine asks, who also seemed bored.

I shrug and go back to sleep.

Today we finished all the theoretical part of the midterms. The \'Morality\' exam consisted of just ten easy multiple choice questions so the exam took only five minutes to complete.

We had normal class the rest of the day...and in about a week, we had the practical test which was different every year. Of course, I knew what it was going to be this year, it wa-


My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the bell signifying the end of the class.

I almost jump out of my seat and rush out of the class.

I meet the others outside and tell them to go ahead and have lunch, I didn\'t want it because I wasn\'t hungry for one and I felt that I could fall asleep any minute now. I also had to feed the panther.


I\'m in my room now.

I look at the baby panther greedily dinking away it\'s milk from the cup that I had brought for it. He had stopped trying to suck on my nipple and had more or less adjusted to the cup.

As I look at the panther, I\'m reminded of how he came into the world.

I wonder if he knows how much pain he caused his mother, how much suffering she had to endure to bring him into this world...

Does this little one deserve to live ?

I look at him drinking his milk with my support, unaware of my thoughts....he reminded me of myself...

The panther who should have hated this child, in the end gave up on her own life to save her child...

I suppose that\'s what mother\'s do...

Even though he was conceived due to a twisted love....his mother still loved him, he didn\'t ask to be born.

We can\'t whine about the cards we\'re dealt with....all you can do is try to survive with the ones you already have.

I raise the panther up into the air using my hands....it looked at me with it\'s wide green eyes.

I\'ve finally settled on a name.

" You mother loved you....Rhys."

The panther struggled to raise it\'s paw at me...

Is he trying to wave ?

" Mo--Mo---Mommy."

I almost drop the panther hearing it speak....using it\'s mouth....

But I\'m not a mommy....I\'m a daddy..

I try telling him that but he had already fallen asleep in my arms...

I grunt out incomprehensible words and lower Rhys and gently keep him beside me on the bed.

Seeing him cuddling against me, I think,

\'Che....I suppose I can be your mother for awhile.\'

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