
Chapter 105 FIVE MONTHS (3)

" The nosebleed was induced due to stress and strain, with a little rest she\'ll be back to tip top condition.", the doctor says offering a toffee to Tania.

Instead of accepting the toffee, Tania lets out a little \'hmph\' and turns her head around.

How did she become such a brat ?

The last time I saw her, she was sweet and adorable child.

Out of nowhere, Tania fainted during lunch. Seeing the nosebleed I had already guessed it would be something stress related....but Tania\'s freaking royalty...what in the world does she have to stress about ?

Moreover, the way she fainted was....hilarious, her little head fell right into the soup. I might have laughed a little....it\'s a good thing that Belial and Victoria were too busy panicking to notice me.

Am I a terrible person to find a ten year old fainting funny ?


I guess we\'ll never know.

" I\'m so glad you\'re all right.", Victoria said pushing the poor doctor away and embracing her daughter.

" I\'m alright, mommy..", Tiana says gently.

Somehow, seeing them be all \'mushy-mushy\' with each other made me a little bitter....hmmm...strange...

" I forbid you from training until you learn your limits."

A weary voice interrupted the mother-daughter duo\'s reunion.

Tiana\'s eyes widened as she processed her grandfather\'s words,

" T-that isn\'t fair..", she argued.

" Don\'t use that tone with me, young lady.", Belial says in a grave voice.

Even I got goosebumps hearing him...so I can only imagine what Tiana\'s feeling and also she\'s been training ?

How intriguing.....

Tania was visibly shaking, just as I thought she would start crying she surprised everyone in the room by jumping out of her bed.

She pointed her little finger at Belial and proclaimed in a loud voice,


Of course, she runs out of the room after proclaiming her hate for the strongest demon in existence.

\'How cheeky..\'

It\'s impressive that she has what it takes to stand up to Belial at such a young age.

Victoria starts to follow Tiana but,

" Don\'t follow her, Victoria."

Victoria stayed in the room, but looks at me and I can almost instinctively understands that she wants me to console her child, I try to ignore her but it turns out I\'m a huge simp...

I don\'t even know why I can\'t resist that woman...

\'Forget it..\', I thought walking out of the room.

I can feel Belial\'s glare on me but I still follow through as I\'m pretty sure he wouldn\'t kill me for something as insignificant as this...probably.


It takes me some time to find the princess.

This place is akin to a maze, but somehow I manage to reach the princess. My mind wasn\'t aware of where it was going...but strangely enough my body led me to exactly where the princess was.

Tiana was in what appeared to be a training area of sorts, the center of room had a raised dais where Tiana sat crying her eyes out, she hugged a small wooden sword.

Seeing me enter the room, Tiana quickly wipes her tears away and tries to smile, I quietly sit beside her and we sit there like that for a few minutes.

" So...you\'ve taken up the sword huh ?", I say taking the wooden sword away from her, she resisted but I yank it easily out of her little hands.

" My father used to fight with the sword so..."

" Hmmmm", I mutter out observing the wooden sword.

It had numerous scratches on it\'s surface and looked very....well used. I also notice the numerous scratches on Tania\'s body....she must be training pretty hard.

" I don\'t think your father would want you to hurt yourself try-"

" How would you know what my father want ?", Tiana interjected.

" Well...he\'s my friend remember ?"

Tiana goes silent hearing me and fixes her gaze on the floor,

" Liar...", she muttered out in a low voice.

" What ?..", I ask getting a bad feeling.

" YOU\'RE A LIAR !", she shouts.

I know I should feel bad, but children look ridiculous when they\'re mad....I use all my mental strength to stop myself from laughing.

Tania takes my silence as me being guilty,

" My father\'s dead...I heard the elders talking about how you looked like him.....Aunty Aurora said.....she said that you could be my father\'s reincarnation.."

" Is that so...", I say not knowing what else to say.

Tiana tears up again, but nods her head nonetheless.

That\'s some very nice information....it could explain why the demons were treating me with so much respect but oh boy.....they\'re gonna be super disappointed when they find out that I have literally no connection to the prince.

Tiana turns around to face me and looks at me wide eyed and hopeful,

" Are you.....my father ?", Tiana asked, her eyes swelling up with tears.


Instead of a dignified princess, all I saw was a little girl waiting to meet her father. I felt sad for the child that couldn\'t accept her father\'s demise.

" Tiana....it doesn\'t matter if I\'m your father or not.....you have your mother and a grandfather who loves you very much...and I\'m sure that if your father was alive today...he would be very proud of you..."

I gently pat Tiana on the head while continuing on,

" Cherish those around you while you still can..."

Tiana\'s eyes widen hearing me and she slowly nods her head, she moved closer to and leaned on my shoulder,

" But I\'m weak.....I have no talent with the sword....everyone here tells me I\'m doing good but I can see their disappointment....", Tiana manages to mutter out while sobbing on my shoulder.

Oh...so that\'s what this is about.

" Princess....you\'ve got it all wrong, just because your father used the sword doesn\'t mean that you have to do the same....you\'re different from him or your grandfather...instead of trying to imitate your father....carve out your own path.", I say gently patting her on the head.

I\'m bad at consoling children.

Instead of little pats on the head, this kid needs some serious therapy.

" C-carve my own path ?", she asked dazed.

"Mhmmm", I say nodding my head nonchalantly.

Tiana seemed deep in thought,

" Carve my own path...", Tiana once again says but the she looks more determined now.

We sit there and talk about this and that until,

" Will you come visit me again ?", Tiana asked eagerly.

Well I didn\'t come here to visit you in the first place, but I suppose I\'ll check on her since she\'s a variable and all....it\'s not because I want to visit her or anything.

I nod my head slowly,

Tiana hugs me excitedly and says,

" Thank you, daddy !!"


Realizing her mistake, Tiana\'s face goes red like a tomato.

Oh geez, is this like the one of those moments when a student call his/her teacher....\'mommy\'....

Well whatever it is....it sure is awkward.


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