
Chapter 123 Father Oh.....Father (2)

Alvah was a character that was based off my father.

I didn\'t put my parents in my novel because I have issues.....it\'s easier to write when the characters are more familiar.....yeah...that\'s it.

Alvah was bad news.....even more so than Dina because he\'s crazy....no \'crazy\' isn\'t the right word, he was obsessed with Dina.

That\'s his primary character trait.

Ever since Alvah could remember, he\'s been in love with her and Dina knew about it as well....but Dina would never reciprocate his feelings because he had the body of a twelve year old.


Alvah would always love Dina....but it would lead to nothing.

I might have done this because I wanted to hurt him or.....I don\'t know.

After Dina\'s death, he goes on a rampage and destroyed Unity, Max couldn\'t handle him alone....but with the help of his \'friends\', he managed to kill Alvah.

" I--------------------", Alvah was saying something but I couldn\'t make myself hear him.....his face resembled my father, when he was a young boy.

Seeing him made me feel complicated, I was strangely excited, my father \'died\' early on in my life...but when he was alive...he was the best thing in my life.

Alvah tries to shake my hand, but I back away before his hands could touch me.

Being touched by him was bad news.....

" Why...are you here ?", I manage to speak...somehow.

" Eh ?....Dina, you were right....our son is very careless."

Alvah smiled at Dina before continuing on,

" Believe me.....I\'m more surprised than you , to think that Dina and I have a son and that too from a past life.....it\'s fascinating really..."

" I\'m not your son.....I think I\'m going to leave now.", I say turning around.

I can\'t stay here now....now that he\'s here, it\'s going to be harder to sent them both away but I can come up with another plan.....I just need time.

" Where do you think you\'re going ?"

Alvah...who was behind me had appeared in front of me in the blink of an eye, that\'s way too fast....

" I said I\'m leaving.", I say trying to move around him.

" I\'ll kill you if you take another step."

Alvah\'s voice was soft and kind as if he was talking about helping me or something.

" Al...don\'t threaten him.", Dina says frowning.

I sigh internally before moving back towards Dina, I make sure to stick close to her because I\'m a little scared of Alvah....since he threatened to kill me and all.

" I want to leave...", I whisper hoping that Dina lets me go.

" You can leave.....but please stay for awhile be-", Dina staggers slightly, Alvah appears just in the nick of time and helped her up.

" What\'s wrong ?", I ask confused.

Now that I\'m stuck here anyway, I might as well get information. Dina looked weak...which shouldn\'t be possible.

Alvah glares at me and says,

" You don\'t know ?....it\'s you....you\'re the one doing this to her....she said that being near you made her remember more and she was right.....I have a splitting headache now."

Alvah massages his forehead after laying Dina down next to me on the sofa, her face was contorted as if she was hurting real bad....

Aurora said something about a catalyst...it seems I\'m the trigger, that\'s just great isn\'t it ?

Alvah goes to the kitchen and comes out with an ice pack on his head,

" Ahh.....that\'s better."

He sits opposite to me, his face was grim.

" I hope you\'re worth this pain...son.", Alvah says closing his eyes.

The both of them were out of it now.....should I try killing them ?


No, that\'s a bad idea.


I feel weird watching these two, they made some grunting noises once in awhile but that was it. I observe my fa- Alvah, he had black hair and eyes of the same color, he looked short for a twelve year old...but something about him annoyed me.

I sit there for some more time because I need to end this today, I hope they don\'t remember everything....since-

" Huff....huff"

Dina suddenly jerks up, awake.

I stand up and move away from her, her eyes were hazy for awhile...until tears started flowing down, she runs towards me and hugs me tightly....I surprisingly let her hug me...

" Do you hate me now ?", I ask her even though I already knew her answer.

" I could never hate you...it\'s not your f-"

" Well....you should.", I interject pulling her away from me and heading for the front door.

" Joh-....Adam, the both of us weren\'t perfect....but we have always loved you and will continue to do so...I understand that you need time but if you ever need anything.....we\'ll....always be here for you."

Hearing her, my heart felt strangely empty.

If I didn\'t need her then....I don\'t need her now.


I\'m back home, lying on my comfortable bed.

Sleep eluded me as usual....

When did everything become so messed up ?


That doesn\'t matter.....all I can do is move forward.

I also need to start studying for my exams, which are right around the corner.

Sighing with all my might, I close my eyes and try to sleep.


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